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Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:46 pm
by ksukowat
CRYISME wrote:
ladysolitary85 wrote: Although, heres something I don't get.... WHY is the last video a private video? You can't see where the kids are. Even if Tachyon saw it, theres no telling if they're still in Vegas or not... concidering the amount of time between the videos, its possible that they're all back in Cali by now.
because the creators don't want Tachyon to be on the hunt for DBJ
Why do the creators care if Tachyon is on the hunt for them? I feel like there's something I don't understand about Tachyon. I thought that she was supposed to be decent and helpful, but sometime people talk on the board like she's not to be trusted.

Also, no one thinks that it was Tachyon who fired the shot and saved Bree?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:52 pm
by impulse
ksukowat wrote: Why do the creators care if Tachyon is on the hunt for them? I feel like there's something I don't understand about Tachyon. I thought that she was supposed to be decent and helpful, but sometime people talk on the board like she's not to be trusted.
Opaphides are everywhere! They're roaming around this very forum. Watch out!
ksukowat wrote:Also, no one thinks that it was Tachyon who fired the shot and saved Bree?
Not after the last video. The TAAG said it was a watcher. Unless that's a bad attempt at trying to fuel an inside war in the Order, we shall believe them.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:22 pm
by longlostposter
ksukowat wrote:
CRYISME wrote:
ladysolitary85 wrote: Although, heres something I don't get.... WHY is the last video a private video? You can't see where the kids are. Even if Tachyon saw it, theres no telling if they're still in Vegas or not... concidering the amount of time between the videos, its possible that they're all back in Cali by now.
because the creators don't want Tachyon to be on the hunt for DBJ
Why do the creators care if Tachyon is on the hunt for them? I feel like there's something I don't understand about Tachyon. I thought that she was supposed to be decent and helpful, but sometime people talk on the board like she's not to be trusted.

Also, no one thinks that it was Tachyon who fired the shot and saved Bree?
Tachyon has helped the trio, but has also called them "the teen angst adventure gang" in a communication to Brother. Tachyon does appear to be anti-order, but she has bigger fish to fry. Bree's situation does not warrant her total attention.

BTW, I don't know if you knew that Tachyon used to be part of the Order, but she was. There is still the possibility she could be a double-agent; although I consider it highly unlikely.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:16 pm
by ksukowat
longlostposter wrote:
ksukowat wrote:
CRYISME wrote: because the creators don't want Tachyon to be on the hunt for DBJ
Why do the creators care if Tachyon is on the hunt for them? I feel like there's something I don't understand about Tachyon. I thought that she was supposed to be decent and helpful, but sometime people talk on the board like she's not to be trusted.

Also, no one thinks that it was Tachyon who fired the shot and saved Bree?
Tachyon has helped the trio, but has also called them "the teen angst adventure gang" in a communication to Brother. Tachyon does appear to be anti-order, but she has bigger fish to fry. Bree's situation does not warrant her total attention.

BTW, I don't know if you knew that Tachyon used to be part of the Order, but she was. There is still the possibility she could be a double-agent; although I consider it highly unlikely.
Thanks for the info! How can I find out more about Tachyon? I'm new to all this, if you can't tell. I know she has videos on youtube, but beyond that?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 12:43 am
by impulse
ksukowat wrote: Thanks for the info! How can I find out more about Tachyon? I'm new to all this, if you can't tell. I know she has videos on youtube, but beyond that?
I'm afraid you'll have to go through the pages of the ARG section. But a good place to start is here:

The Ceremony

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:35 am
by edgyprophet
I think Bree will be doing the ceremony and I think I know which rite they will be performing, read on for more info :)

by Aleister Crowley


[Note: Crowley wrote this essay before he made the

final revisions to the I° ritual. The I° portion of

this essay included a discussion of Masonic symbols

which do not occur in the current version of the I°

ritual. The I° portion of this essay has,

therefore, been edited to conform to the symbolism

used in the current version of the I° ritual. The

edited material is given in square brackets. The

original essay is preserved in the O.T.O.



The Ceremony of Minerval, in appearance trivial and

formal, contains a doctrine of substantial occult

significance. The Candidate before admission is

bound by an obligation in which he recognizes

Baphomet as the Supreme Authority. This represents

the free choice of a free will to submit itself to

the magical formula represented by Baphomet. The

Candidate is seized, blindfolded and bound head and

foot. This represents the first operation of this

formula. The soul is drawn within the planetary

current and its sight and freedom of action are

immediately taken from it.

He is described as a native of Corinth, and as

having attained the freedom of two cities, Athens

and Mitylene: the initials of these cities K A M

giving the Sanscrit word for "work" from which

Karma or Kamma is derived. They add also to the

number 61, a prime number whose 6 and 1 suggest the

hexagram, the symbol of the Sun, which is often

represented by a six rayed star with a yod in the

middle. 61 also represents the word for

"nonexistent," for "towards" and for "I myself."

Read in conjunction these words explain the

formulation of the negative in the ego. 61 also

represents the Hebrew word for "womb" and that for

a "little habitation." There is another and even

more important explanation of these words which is

however unsuited for members of any grade below the


The Candidate sees that he is travelling to the

City of the Sun, which again repeats the solar

symbol and gives the name of another city. The

adding of this H raises the number to 66, which is

the number of the Great Work, and is the sum of the

first 11 numbers.

In order to obtain the freedom of the planet into

whose current he has been drawn, he is obliged to

take an oath, and it indicates the first sacrament,

that of Earth. He thus obtains freedom to seek for

a suitable medium for incarnation, indicated by the

words "Be seated on my right hand." He is presented

with a sacred scroll which confirms his freedom. It

should have been remarked that the penalty of the

oath applies to reproduction or generation.

The Soul is attempting to perform its work through

the vehicles of humanity and if it fails to hold

those mysteries sacred and secret, it will lose its

power to employ this vehicle for its work.

The meaning of the sign and of the word ON have

already been explained in the Lecture of the Fourth

Degree, but there is further meaning in this word,

which is heartily recommended for your profound

study. A strong hint may be given by the study of

the number 120. Its character should be written in


It should be noted that Saladin is supposed to be

seated in a tent and this tent should be in the

shape of a cone, a geometrical figure which

combines the straight line with the circle.

The new Minerval is informed that he is in need of

repose, which refers to a period of contemplation

necessary to the beginning of incarnation. The

suitable lodging refers to the suitable human

beings with whom the soul proposes to take up its

residence. Its further adventure is detailed in the


First Degree

We left the Minerval within the attraction of the

Planet prepared for incarnation, but I have not

taken any detailed steps. The I° describes this

operation. I shall not here deal with the opening

and closing of the [Oasis] as that is only a

ceremonial estimation of the place and that

pertains to another matter. The [Oasis] represents

the World. [The noose] refers to the umbilical

cord. The Candidate is received on the Dagger which

signifies that he has asked for admission into a

hostile world, and also refers to the cutting of

the [noose]. He is asked whether he is free and of

full age. His incarnation must be a deliberate act

of free will.

Isis is then invoked upon him, and this Divine

permission having been obtained, the permission of

Nature, he enters the world of conscious life in

search of Father and Mother whom he finds. I the

Father is a symbol of Ithyphallus; O the Mother is

a symbol of Demeter, being the beginning of the

prayer made in the ancient ceremonies.

In the next part of the ceremony the powers of the

[Oasis] consent to the birth, the ego (being)

incarnated with the words "In myself."

All this being happily arranged, the Candidate

makes nine circles of the [Oasis], as it is said,

on his travels with the Moon. He then makes a final

effort, and comes to the Chair of the Master. The

Clauses of the Obligation are those contracts by

which he can obtain freedom. It will be noticed

that this refers to water, for man is of Amniote,

and naturally the penalty of the (first)

obligation, water, is referred to. But, in his

birth, his life passes from water to air, and the

penalty is, therefore, that of having his throat

cut, which would prevent his breathing.

[The dagger] is by shape an I representing the

Father and the initial of Ithyphallus, while the

[disk] is by shape an O, which similarly represents

the Mother, and is the wheel of the word Oon,

Oophore. The [V.S.L.] represents the [dagger] and

the [disk] combined and by its square shape the

Greek gamma, the initial of Genetor. It should also

have been remarked that there is another

attribution of the [dagger] and the [disk]

precisely opposite to that given above. This is

very necessary, as every symbol is only perfect in

so far as it has its opposite. The Candidate is

then brought to light and greeted by the powers of

the [Oasis]. The [cutting of the noose has] an

obvious meaning. The Candidate is now reminded of

the penalty of his obligation. Although he is born

he is still condemned to death. His hopelessness is

then illustrated, and that being understood, he is

permitted to use all his personal comforts, which

he obtained from the room, that is to say from his

Mother, the [Oasis]. In Egypt, where these

mysteries were founded, sons derived from their

mothers not their fathers.

The Candidate is then taught first to stand

upright, the use of the foot; yod, the use of the

hand. It would be improper on the present occasion

to go more deeply into the signification of the

Secrets. They being effected, the Candidate goes on

his travels, this time with the Sun, i.e., on his

life upon Earth, which he counts by days and years

rather than by months. He is then tested in the use

of his limbs and being found perfect, he is given a

[black robe] made of [wool], referring to Aries,

the ram, the sign of the Sun occurs at the Spring.

After this he is permitted to take his seat in the

[Oasis]. He has an appointed place among men, and

the powers of the world offer him a banquet in

order to sustain him on his further journey.

(Note the part about free will) What do you guys think?