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Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:16 pm
by jonasrawks
it was stupid. it was clearly product placement. nobody (at least no one i know) calls gum by their official name. they don't call trident "trident spearmint gum". they just call it gum.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:50 pm
by Lurker
spaciegirlreturn wrote:I'm sorry, I have to say it. It was preety cheezy. I guess it just has to be though...I don't know how else you could do it. AND it was a pretty big fraction of the video..infact, there really was no other point to the video. I don't really care though because, quite frankly, it was hysterically funny.
Spacie, it didn't even come up until the 3:29 mark in the video, and the video was 4 minutes, 17 seconds. It had plenty of other points (the three of them are back together, Jonas forgives Bree, Daniel and Bree don't seem so awkward around one another).
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:35 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Dude, first of need to get a hobby and second, 47-48 seconds of a 4:17 video is kind of a lot of time. And the "points" you're talking about are pretty uneventful and not really points..just slow progression.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:59 pm
by freakish
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Dude, first of need to get a hobby and second, 47-48 seconds of a 4:17 video is kind of a lot of time. And the "points" you're talking about are pretty uneventful and not really points..just slow progression.
what is your point, are you going to stop watching the videos? should we all boycott? product placement? how dare they! damn i really want some sour ice mint chewy gum or whatever it was
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:02 pm
by cittiecait
well im all for it if it means we dont ahve to pay to watch bdj
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:06 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
My point was not so much a point as a statement. I didn't suggest boycotting nor did I say, "How dare they?!". Thanks for putting words in my mouth though. Appreciate it. Fuckin' A, excuse me for not breaking out the confetti and cake for some lame ass product placement.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:11 pm
by sparkybennett
announcers voice: "This thread has been brought to you by Icebreakers Sours Gum. Don't go on the run without it"

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:19 pm
by Lurker
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Dude, first of need to get a hobby...
Yeah. I'm going to have to go ahead and sort of disagree with you there.
I think first of all - seriously, seriously; before anything else - you're going to have to check out that whole debate thing. You know, the one that involves making things called "arguments," in which you make a point and then throw something behind it. Something you can put your hands on and when you give it a good push you think to yourself "Man, even if that's not solid, it at least has substance."
Now, this is going to be a bit of disappointment to you (I know it was to me), but it turns out that insulting someone for absolutely no reason... well, it kind of doesn't have that substance thing going on. In fact, when you push on it or squeeze it, the funniest thing happens: It goes all squishy and spreads between your fingers. And it has this really unpleasant odor too. Tends to smell like something that fell out of a bull's ass, in fact.
Of course, justified insults can be a great way to accentuate one of those argument things that I was talking about. Now, when a justified insult is called for isn't always obvious. Many times it is, though, like when a completely unnecessary, unjustified, unprovoked insult was already cast.
I'd demonstrate a justified insult for you, but you know, I'm going to get on to the rest of what you said.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:and second, 47-48 seconds of a 4:17 video is kind of a lot of time.
Yet it's noticably less than the full 4 minutes, 17 seconds. I dare say it's noticably less than half of the 4 minutes, 17 seconds.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:And the "points" you're talking about are pretty uneventful and not really points..just slow progression.
You in no way see the progression of the characters' place in things or relationships with one another as relevant to the plot in what is a largely character-driven story?
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:34 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
Yeah, you told me.
Anyway..47 seconds is a long time for even product placement "spots" in a lot of movies which are 2 hours long, let alone a piddly 4 minute video..not only did they show the label/product in a rather obvious way, but the characters all sat around discussing how much they wanted it and how great it is. Tacky. My opinion- I'm allowed to have it. What are you saying, that because it's less than half of the entire video it's ok? What if you went to see a movie and a half an hour of it was all about how yummy and fabulous Coca-Cola is..done in a similarly obvious way as this gum thing was done?
And yes, I think I understand that progress is neccessary in a story..thanks. I'm just saying it was pretty uneventful and kind of lame. It seemed to me like the main purpose of this "episode" was the product placement.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:57 pm
by Lurker
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Yeah, you told me.
Not half as bad as you told me, luv. I really should have conceded to your superior powers of debate before I even started.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Anyway..47 seconds is a long time for even product placement "spots" in a lot of movies which are 2 hours long, let alone a piddly 4 minute video..not only did they show the label/product in a rather obvious way, but the characters all sat around discussing how much they wanted it and how great it is. Tacky.
I agree with you that it's significantly longer than typical product placement (don't know why you couldn't have phrased things like this earlier), but they weren't exactly singing its praises either (other than Bree's endorsement that it is, indeed, sour).
spaciegirlreturn wrote:My opinion- I'm allowed to have it.
Right. Because I was totally attacking your right to have your own opinion.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:What are you saying, that because it's less than half of the entire video it's ok?
That's not what I was saying (I was instead commenting on how much of the video one could say was dedicated to the candy), but I will now say it's okay. It's the agreement Miles, Mesh and Greg reached with the Hershey Company in a mutually beneficial arrangement that in no obvious way reduced the ability of the video to do what it would have doubtless done regardless.
Without the candy we would have probably been looking at a 3 minute, 30 second video that still would have made the same progression on the plot. I'm not saying that close to a minute is the best product placement I've ever seen (in this instance, I thought it was actually done pretty well anyway), but I am saying it didn't hurt anything (didn't you even say you found it hysterical?) - and it truly could only help, since the Creators need money to keep running the project.
spaciegirlreturn wrote:What if you went to see a movie and a half an hour of it was all about how yummy and fabulous Coca-Cola is..done in a similarly obvious way as this gum thing was done?
I would be annoyed as f**k, but that's not what happened here.
LG15 is an ongoing series (already considerably longer than the 2-hour movie you used as your example). The length of that product placement probably amounts to less than 1% of the entire series thus far. It didn't even amount to the main portion of the video it appeared in, for that matter. You could have stopped watching at 3:30 and missed next to nothing related to the story (minus the interaction between the characters at the time, if you want to count that).
spaciegirlreturn wrote:And yes, I think I understand that progress is neccessary in a story..thanks. I'm just saying it was pretty uneventful and kind of lame. It seemed to me like the main purpose of this "episode" was the product placement.
You have the right to that opinion - and to dish out hilariously hypocritical insults that are called for in no obvious way - but I have the right to point out why it looks like you're wrong.
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:26 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
It's funny...because I wasn't really trying to debate anything. Anyway, this is extremely boring now (as usual).
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:57 pm
by Ravensnow27

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:59 pm
by BTStars
why are you guys fighting? If you think about it, this is all pretty silly to argue about. Just calm down and think happy thoughts
After all it's just a bunch of videos w/product placement. It's hard not to go to the movies to w/o seeing a poop-load of product placement (and don't get me started on commercials!!).
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:07 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
I'm calm...almost comatose
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:11 pm
by BTStars
spaciegirlreturn wrote:I'm calm...almost comatose

well, that you may want to get checked out by a doctor