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Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:04 pm
by Withe
Nora Volkova wrote:Remember that she may simply be serving as a symbolic assistant of some kind -- the ceremony may well not be *about* Bree, but requires a young initiate to perform some task.

Perhaps this is an alchemical rite and someone is attempting the Sacred Marriage to integrate their "divine spirit" with their soul and body.
I am also leaning towards the concept of the Divine Marriage (heiros gamos), however, I have issues with the iron pills. My mother took iron pills while pregnant with my lil bro.

Now I'm just speculating here, and I may be (and probably am) completely way off with this line of spec, but with Bree's mentioning of the 'special exercises' that her mother was going teach her, made me think of Kegel exercises, whose purpose are to work the pelvic muscles to make the (ahem) for lack of a better word, "girl stuff" more welcoming to the damages of childbirth (less tearing of the perineum). Considering that, it would be quite uncomfortable for a father to teach these things to his daughter. :lol:

So yeah, I'm basically taking it a step farther from the Divine Marriage to a Divine Conception. (I'm not suggesting an Antichrist scenario, don't take it that way).

However, the whole "purity bond" thing with Bree keeping herself totally chaste (kissing included), could be in preparation for her religious "partner".

It's a common practice for young initiates or members to be deflowered by older, more "religiously experienced" members of the congregation. Most famous for this type of "ascending fellowship" were the Oneidans, whom also practiced "stirpiculture", that is, selective breeding between the healthiest and most intelligent members of the congregation to produce healthier and more intelligent offspring.

It seems to me that Bree could be being groomed for a similar rite of passage with this Ascending Fellowship concept.

But if it's a Divine Marriage she's gearing up for, it sorta makes sense. a Hathor comparison makes sense as well. (Bree IS quite fond of turquoise :lol: )

Of course, she might also be in the process of being groomed to lead the congregation into a round of some twisted Enochian translated form of "Kumbaya". :lol: :lol:

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:47 am
by tannhaus
SippyGirl wrote:I have been told by a well informed source that Bree is going to be doing "the essential self initiation ritual of Thelema" or "she is attending the first grade ceremony that plays a part in induction to the OTO".
And he had this to say about the Enochain letters:
"The only thing that is odd is her using Enochian, as it is a highly dangerous magickal language that is only reserved for the higher grades to use"

Anyways ... there you go.
Well, there IS no essential self initiation ritual of Thelema....

The first "grade ceremony" of the OTO (Minerval) requires no study and her parents could attend if they were members of the Order...

As far as the Enochian....pish posh. Yes, it's advanced. But, when you're ready for it, you're ready for it. You decide. I've known firsts that were studying enochian. Granted it wouldn't be something you'd study FOR an initiation...but people study outside a grade system. They may have studied for years before they ever came in contact with the grade.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:57 am
by raptorsoul
tannhaus wrote:
SippyGirl wrote:I have been told by a well informed source that Bree is going to be doing "the essential self initiation ritual of Thelema" or "she is attending the first grade ceremony that plays a part in induction to the OTO".
And he had this to say about the Enochain letters:
"The only thing that is odd is her using Enochian, as it is a highly dangerous magickal language that is only reserved for the higher grades to use"

Anyways ... there you go.
Well, there IS no essential self initiation ritual of Thelema....

The first "grade ceremony" of the OTO (Minerval) requires no study and her parents could attend if they were members of the Order...

As far as the Enochian....pish posh. Yes, it's advanced. But, when you're ready for it, you're ready for it. You decide. I've known firsts that were studying enochian. Granted it wouldn't be something you'd study FOR an initiation...but people study outside a grade system. They may have studied for years before they ever came in contact with the grade.
The enochian letters are read from right to left, correct? Is a coincidence that if spelled in the backwards order that Bree showed them, the letters spell out the word for "blood" in Sanskrit?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:55 pm
by Xen
SippyGirl wrote:"The only thing that is odd is her using Enochian, as it is a highly dangerous magickal language that is only reserved for the higher grades to use."
In my novel Delirious, a Wiccan character talks about how any object she can purchase for under $10 cannot be particularly magically dangerous. Likewise, I feel that Enochian cannot be that potent since it is widely published in trashy Llewelynn books these days. I used to draw Enochian letters on notes to high school girlfriends. No hell beasts ate them.


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:12 pm
by rustydevil7
Being the dorky person I am, I researched and found some very interesting information. There is a Religious Group (I will NOT call anything a cult) known as the javascript:emoticon(':idea:') Horus/Maat Lodge. Horus and Maat were Egyptian God/Goddesses. This group has ties to Crowley, uses Enochian at times, and, get this, their symbol is a lot like a yield sign.... wasn't there speculation after Daniel's second "stalking" video that his filming again the yield sign meant something? Well, this looks pretty similar if you ask me. Anyways, you can check out their website here: I hope this helps! and here is their symbol:
Good luck my friends! (':wink:')

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:21 pm
by JacksAndDouches
I think you found it rusty!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:01 pm
by Nora Volkova
Looks like an independent melding of Thelema with Kemetic Orthodoxy. They have some appealing graphic artwork in their gallery -- very psychedelic despite this Lodge being founded in 1979.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:13 pm
by foolslovehermits
Xen wrote: In my novel Delirious, a Wiccan character talks about how any object she can purchase for under $10 cannot be particularly magically dangerous. Likewise, I feel that Enochian cannot be that potent since it is widely published in trashy Llewelynn books these days. I used to draw Enochian letters on notes to high school girlfriends. No hell beasts ate them.

If you gave a 5 year old child two keys and a doubly locked boxed that contained a detonator, some wire, and an explosive material (all unassembled) I doubt much harm would come to them. Of course, they wouldn't be able to blow up that annoying tree stump in the field that is in the way of planting a crop either.

Tools are useless if you don't know how to use them properly.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:49 pm
by tannhaus
raptorsoul wrote:The enochian letters are read from right to left, correct? Is a coincidence that if spelled in the backwards order that Bree showed them, the letters spell out the word for "blood" in Sanskrit?
I couldn't tell you. I mean, I could tell you that in real life someone wouldn't translate an english word into sanskrit and then transliterate it into enochian. But, for the series, who knows?

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:55 pm
by tannhaus
rustydevil7 wrote:There is a Religious Group (I will NOT call anything a cult) known as the javascript:emoticon(':idea:') Horus/Maat Lodge. Horus and Maat were Egyptian God/Goddesses. This group has ties to Crowley, uses Enochian at times, and, get this, their symbol is a lot like a yield sign.... wasn't there speculation after Daniel's second "stalking" video that his filming again the yield sign meant something? Well, this looks pretty similar if you ask me. Anyways, you can check out their website here: I hope this helps! and here is their symbol:
That seems to be an obscure thelemic group. Most Thelemic groups use egyptian mythology to some extent...and many occult groups use enochian (not just thelemites. Enochian was put forth by a Christian.) So, I think you'll find those traits in quite a lot of groups.

This might help a little:

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:59 pm
by tannhaus
rustydevil7 wrote: Horus/Maat Lodge. Horus and Maat were Egyptian God/Goddesses.
I would also point out that we're entering into the Aeon of Horus now...which Crowley proclaimed as the prophet of the Aeon. We're leaving the Aeon of Osiris. When we leave the Aeon of Horus, we will enter into the Aeon of Ma'at. So perhaps that is just this thelemic group's look forward to the new Aeon and totally break free from the influences of the Aeon of Osiris.