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Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:10 pm
by Lurker
angelik_pistol wrote:ok, well first of all we dont actually know that she couldn't have helped him...
Even she wasn't sure that she could have, though, which indicates to me that not trusting her to take care of it was the right idea.
angelik_pistol wrote:perhaps a bit of pressure and keeping the wound above his head (instead of letting it flow freely into a sink) could have slowed the blood down enuf for it to clot in which case all it would need is to be cleaned and bandaged and then carefully looked after.
You're actually pointing out why Bree sucks at first aid. The fact that she
didn't tell him to keep his hand elevated says to me that she really didn't know what she was doing.
angelik_pistol wrote:i mean i dont know how deep the cut was and couldnt really see how big, but it might not have been that serious. its good to see if the would will heal by itself first before rushing to the hospital under any cicumstances
Actually, you don't want to do that for a wound through your palm. You want to get professionals to look at it as soon as possible, not just because of infection concerns, but also because if there was any significant damage to the sensitive muscles in there (or if they were exposed to the air for very long), motor function in the hand could be impaired permanently.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:09 pm
by Chartreuse
I honestly think that she was saying that to prove herself, both to herself and Jonas. Let's say she fixed him up and everything was hunky-dory again. She would have proven her capability to herself, especially with this "I've gotta be like Tachy" thing... and who knows, maybe Jonas would have finally forgiven her. I think that's the biggest thing... she wanted to be on Jonas' good side again.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:14 pm
by ashes
Lurker wrote:ashes wrote:Just a thought (I'm not very good at all of the codes and what-not) -- does anyone agree with me that perhaps Bree's certainty that she could help Jonas' injury has something to do with the training she did for the ceremony? Maybe? I mean, she has admitted that there were things she learned through that whole process that she just couldn't talk about . . .
She admitted toward the end of the video that she didn't really know if she could have treated it. She was just saying it to try to keep them from going to the hospital.
Right, but especially in this instance, we can't always believe what she says, anyway. If she would say she could fix the injury just to stay away from the hospital, wouldn't she speak other fallacies as means to hide other things? This is my point -- we can't always trust what Bree says.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:34 pm
by Lurker
ashes wrote:Right, but especially in this instance, we can't always believe what she says, anyway. If she would say she could fix the injury just to stay away from the hospital, wouldn't she speak other fallacies as means to hide other things? This is my point -- we can't always trust what Bree says.
Well if we can't trust what they say then we could never be sure of anything that happens ever. There's so much that we have to take based solely on what they tell us (everything from Jonas' hand injury to Epogen to Bree saying her parents aren't her biological parents).
And in this case, I'd think Bree would be drawing more attention to the idea by bringing it up with "Well, I don't know if I
really could have fixed it" than if she had just dropped it. I don't see why she'd need to hide something like that anyway. Awesome med skills would be a great thing.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:37 pm
by Languorous Lass
I think her motives were a combination of (1) fear of hospitals and (2) wanting to be Tachy.
The Tachy-envy was clear, at least to me, from the tying-Jonas-up incident. This instance only makes it clearer. So does the "I'm-going-off-to-hang-with-Tachy" sulk.
Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:18 am
by ashes
Lurker wrote:ashes wrote:Right, but especially in this instance, we can't always believe what she says, anyway. If she would say she could fix the injury just to stay away from the hospital, wouldn't she speak other fallacies as means to hide other things? This is my point -- we can't always trust what Bree says.
Well if we can't trust what they say then we could never be sure of anything that happens ever. There's so much that we have to take based solely on what they tell us (everything from Jonas' hand injury to Epogen to Bree saying her parents aren't her biological parents).
And in this case, I'd think Bree would be drawing more attention to the idea by bringing it up with "Well, I don't know if I
really could have fixed it" than if she had just dropped it. I don't see why she'd need to hide something like that anyway. Awesome med skills would be a great thing.
Point taken.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:33 am
by longlostposter
Maybe Bree has been watching a lot of Benny Hinn lately.
Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:07 am
by ravensgrace
longlostposter wrote:Maybe Bree has been watching a lot of Benny Hinn lately.
HA HA HA! You read my mind!