So NOW what's Bree's religion??

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Post by janesalteredstates »

trainer101 wrote:
I think you're very, very close to the truth. As this ancient religion progressed over time and grew in power, it would naturally draw on various influences and become what it is today - a pseudo-religion/secret society.
OK here's the plan. Trainer and I take over writing for The Creators for a bit. They need a break.

Let's do this! :lol:
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

janesalteredstates wrote:
trainer101 wrote:
I think you're very, very close to the truth. As this ancient religion progressed over time and grew in power, it would naturally draw on various influences and become what it is today - a pseudo-religion/secret society.
OK here's the plan. Trainer and I take over writing for The Creators for a bit. They need a break.

Let's do this! :lol:
:( I don't get to help? I can add the comedy! 8)
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Post by Misty »

This thread has gotten completely off topic. this was not meant to be ANOTHER thread about what was the religion Bree grew up in. It's a thread bbout what are Bree's beliefs NOW, after all the shit that's happened(leaving the order, her father being killed, finding out everything she now know, etc).
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

Sorry Misty, we kinda do that a lot. :lol: IMO, I think that either 1) Bree is athiest or 2)Bree still believes in her old religion.
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by janesalteredstates »

Bree hasn't time for religion.
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Post by Fight »

Bree now believes in talking muffins an other asorted bake goods.
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Post by consideration »

Bree's religion is completely seperate from Bree's beliefs.

Bree's religion is still the same as when she was excited about doing the ceremony and partying with the cult.
But her beliefs? That surely has greatly changed. She probably hasn't given it much thought, but it would be nice if they came out with a video about it.
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Post by wintermute »

Fight wrote:Bree now believes in talking muffins an other asorted bake goods.
I like this theory... :lol:

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Post by chershaytoute »

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Yep! That'll do it! I'll go with Catholic Cookiedom every time, myself! <nodding the Bree nod once again today>

(this is really starting to hurt my neck and head - gotta get a smiley for that! :lol:)
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by ladysolitary85 »

Hey guys, I was looking at google "Order secret society" and I found this:

I found it a bit interesting.
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Post by ladysolitary85 »

ok now where getting somewhere... sorry if anyone else posted this before.
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Post by Marbella »


If this is a "pseudo-religion," then why are they hell-bent on getting her to do a PRIVATE ceremony?
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Post by Marbella »

I think that Bree is extremely disillusioned. This is a phase. I was a part of a spiritual group for a while and when the disillusion hit, it hit hard. I could NOT believe in God anymore for months. Now, my relationship with God and my spiritual sense is fantastic. I've reclaimed it as my own.

I'm thinking now that this "ceremony" might be a nefarious way to eliminate Bree, under the guise of something helpful to her and to the world. The question is: Why is she so important that they need to do this?

In grad school, we learned that the root of paranoia is self-importance. You have to be pretty damn important to be stalked, followed, etc. Why is Bree important, since in this case, the paranoia is justified?

Oh.. and Lady Solitary.. WHY did no one think to just type that in the url bar??!! This is making me laugh a lot.

Now, what kind of person would even join a "screen religion" knowing it was based on Crowley.. and then be shocked when it is evil and not even a religion at all???!!!
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Post by Marbella »

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Post by sororyzbl »

Marbella wrote:Now, what kind of person would even join a "screen religion" knowing it was based on Crowley.. and then be shocked when it is evil and not even a religion at all???!!!

Maybe they're looking for her because she has the "mark"? OT, the only mark I'm aware of in Thelema at all is Liber Reguli, which is the ceremony of the mark of the beast. It's pretty standard, though, almost an everyday thing for some folks. The way they talk about it, kinda reminds me of the Omen, with that 666 tattoo on the back of the head. Maybe it's a mark like that? Liber AL does have some references to a messianic figure, but it's generally referred to as male. Who knows who the girl is?

ooo or take Liber AL 43-45 (my favorite verses, btw)
Let the Scarlet Woman beware! If pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart; if she leave my work to toy with old sweetnesses; then shall my vengeance be known. I will slay me her child: I will alienate her heart: I will cast her out from men: as a shrinking and despised harlot shall she crawl through dusk wet streets, and die cold and an-hungered.

But let her raise herself in pride! Let her follow me in my way! Let her work the work of wickedness! Let her kill her heart! Let her be loud and adulterous! Let her be covered with jewels, and rich garments, and let her be shameless before all men!

Then will I lift her to pinnacles of power: then will I breed from her a child mightier than all the kings of the earth. I will fill her with joy: with my force shall she see & strike at the worship of Nu: she shall achieve Hadit.
That could be analyzed all day. One possible theory is that Bree's mom was behind the death of bree's dad. In order to let Bree (more powerful than the kings of earth) live, she had to "kill her heart" (her husband). Interesting... :) children are harmed in the making of cakes of light.
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