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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:35 pm
by joygasm
the videos have been going up on you tube a while after they have already been here for a while. I don't know why they are doing it... but it's not a new thing.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:38 pm
by Lurker
Yeah, it just seems like it because the videos have been coming more rapidly lately (gods be praised). There's something like a day delay between Revver and YouTube uploads of the webisodes. Probably has something to do with a revenue agreement with Revver.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:57 pm
by chevyfudd
I thought they were going to stop posting on youtube, but they keep putting them up.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:10 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
And another topic was started in The Videos section of the forum regarding this matter. I have merged it here.
I am not aware of any indication that The Creators are going to stop using YouTube. They did announce an intention to merge all the videos onto one account on YouTube, but they have not said anything about abandoning YouTube.
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:20 pm
by tigerlilylynn
ApotheosisAZ wrote:And another topic was started in The Videos section of the forum regarding this matter. I have merged it here.
I am not aware of any indication that The Creators are going to stop using YouTube. They did announce an intention to merge all the videos onto one account on YouTube, but they have not said anything about abandoning YouTube.
Agreed. The closest to this is the fact that they intend(ed) to merge all the character accounts to Bree's yt. I haven't looked into it though.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:05 am
by hayleyli
I hope they dont stop posting on YT, i cant load revver here (im in China), although it takes a bit of time to load on YT, at least it works.
I commented on the first page of Daniel's "Bree is Crazy" yesturday saying "Why are you so behind on the vids here, i cant load revver" and Daniel replied "sorry hayley". i think thats why he upped the 'Interigation' one up on the same day, hehe.
A void of videos on YouTube?
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:44 pm
by Wisi Girl
I don't understand why the creators have forgotten those fans who use YouTube!?!!? Does anyone else feel this way? Until yesterday, Youtube was FOUR videos behind Revver. Now, it is two videos behind! I can understand that Revver is their main priority and the videos will be posted there first. Does anyone else know why they switched to Revver in the first place? What are they benefiting from it? Well, don't you need to sign up for Revver? Perhaps it is just my computer but I cannot view the videos on that site. This is SO FRUSTRATING because I end up being so behind in the progress of the series!!! Yesterday morning, I checked this site and saw four videos that I haven't seen and couldn't see! I have begun this thread knowing that only one or two people will actually reply. I simply wanted to get this out there in the forums, hoping that the Creators will see this. I think it's okay to have Revver be a few hours ahead of YouTube. I would even be fine with being behind a whole day, (I am so busy that I usually don't have time to see them until they are about a day or two old,) however, I think it is ridiculous to have to wait days just to see them! It was roughly three days before Interrogation 101 was actually posted on YouTube!!!!
Fellow fans, what are your thoughts on this? Has anyone else experienced this? Am I just weird or missing out on something? I rather be made to look like an idiot and have the ability to see the videos sooner than otherwise....So, please inform me!
Creators....please do something.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:48 pm
by Ziola
Personally, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that YT takes so long to upload. It took almost 24 hours for one of my vids to upload. I don't think they are neglecting their YT fans, I think it is a problem they cannot solve.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:51 pm
by Lurker
There's actually been two or three threads about this (I think they were all merged to
this one in Concerns & Complaints), so, no, you aren't the only one concerned about it, Wisi Girl.
I think the Creators have some kind of agreement with Revver that it will get the vids a day before YouTube (to be clear, that's just
my guess since it's usually a day between uploads on Revver and uploads on YT), but I did notice there was a delay a bit longer than that with "Bree Is Crazy" and "Interrogation 101" (3 days with the former and 2 with the latter).
It might be because they've been putting out several videos rapidly lately and were too tied up, and because YT vids take a while to upload anyway.
EDIT: By the way, you don't have to register to view vids on Revver. You can just go watch them (the same with the front page of this site, There must be something off with your browser or computer.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:00 pm
by Wisi Girl
Thanks for clearing it up a bit for me. I posted this thread and immediately noticed the already existing one about this complaint. In fact, I just realized that I posted this in the wrong portion of the site. I suppose it should have been in the "concerns and complaints" area. Well, I guess I don't need any fellow fans to point out where I am wrong to feel like an idiot. Heh. Oh well. Thanks Lurker but I already noticed that thread...
I can understand that it takes a bit longer for videos to upload on YouTube but we are talking about more than 24 hours here! As you said, Lurker, it took THREE DAYS for "Bree is Crazy" to be posted on YouTube! (I thought it was Interrogation 101, sorry.) I just don't see how the Creators can explain that away!
By the way, does anyone know why I can't see the videos on Revver? I have a super restrictive server because I am through a church university network....
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:03 pm
by Lurker
Wisi Girl wrote:By the way, does anyone know why I can't see the videos on Revver? I have a super restrictive server because I am through a church university network....
That, your browser, or the computer itself would be my guess. You should be able to see them there or here on the main page. Maybe you need to upgrade something.
You're welcome, by the way. Sorry you've been forced to face that kind of delay.
Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:21 pm
by ApotheosisAZ
I did move the two other topics that were started about this issue from The Videos thread to Concerns and Complaints. I did so because that is the correct area of the forum for these issues to be addressed.
I merged them with an existing topic. I am merging this one as well. Since the poster is aware of the existing topic, I am going to notify Wisi Girl by PM of the merge, rather than leave a moved marker in The Videos thread.
This is my way of attempting to see that the concern is actually addressed, and I hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:38 pm
by kassiaL
Yeah I noticed that youtube is a little behind...I mostly just watch the new vids on revver now, but it makes me feel a little sad, since youtube is where it all does feel like they're abandoning youtube, but I really don't know.
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 12:41 am
by Languorous Lass
Wisi Girl wrote:By the way, does anyone know why I can't see the videos on Revver? I have a super restrictive server because I am through a church university network....
I suspect it's because of your server. When I'm at work, I can't see the vids on Revver either -- have to go to YouTube. (And I suspect I can only watch on YouTube because the folks at work haven't figured out how to block it yet.)
Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:35 am
by Kasdeja
Remember, YT takes several hours to load...which is inconvenient, at best, for this medium. Also, when you click on the ads after the video when watching from this site or Revver, the creators make money. I don't think that's such a bad thing. I was against leaving YT at first, but it's so slow it's a hassle...and with Revver it's not a hassle and I can help the creators make some much earned revenue to continue the series.