Theories on the new video

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Post by Mithos »

I wonder.... but could Lucy actualy be Tachyon? She seems to be the only one not affected by the flash grenade.
(Could have been brother that threw it? hes mentioned later on. Though that isnt possible, because she claims to have thrown it.)
Dont know, just a random theory! :wink:
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Post by Magesa »

Krielok wrote:Also, where was Cassie during all of this?

I just figured Brother was flying the helicopter...

Wonder when Gemma will come back. I do miss her. :)
Brother aimed a missle at her and shot her a while back. (Was it in Gemma, Part V?) She's long dead and gone. It's almost too bad, really. Even though she turned out to be with the Order and all that.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

..isn't Gemma like, dead..? lol

Good point about Jonas. I think Jonas has had a connection to Tachyon for a while now, though I'm not sure how.
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Post by Krielok »

I figured she was dead with the RIP message. Though he did have trouble finding that "any" key, and until I see a body I'll presume she's alive somewhere...even if just in my heart.
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Post by smurfswim »

Oh, I need to see the Gemma video where she gets blown up. That's just too great. OH, wow. I think it would be really cool if Lucy was Tachyon. So cool....
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Re: haha

Post by Magesa »

smurfswim wrote:Oh, I need to see the Gemma video where she gets blown up. That's just too great. OH, wow. I think it would be really cool if Lucy was Tachyon. So cool....
Unlikely, extremely unlikely, but cool.

You don't actually see her get shot... but you see all the way up to "Fire Now" on the screen (or something like that) and in the description or someplace it says RIP Gemma. You should watch all the "Gemma?" videos actually!
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Post by krmurr87 »

that would be interesting if Tachyon was Lucy... she was running close behind them so she might have actually been in on it the whole time, but I do find this unlikely because Tachyon has already been outed and is not working for Opahphid anymore...I think. Plus she threw the Flash Bomb in from outside the elevator and Lucy was already in the elevator.
I have a theory that Jonas got caught though because of his last few lines. Lucy was right behind him and Bree was screaming at him to hurry and he said something along the lines of "go go, SERIOUSLY go!" like "go on without me!!!" I don't just a thought and...welcome all the newbees!!!
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Re: Theories on the new video

Post by Christie91 »

Flautapantera wrote:Have you watched any of the Tachyon/Brother videos, Christie? I'd suggest starting there as it should clear up a little of the fuzzy logic. There is a Tachyon video entitled "Knock 'Em Down" where the bowling score of 112 is related. If you're still perplexed about OpAphid, I'd suggest checking out either the OpAphid area of the Forum for some great summaries of the plot and how it meshes with LG15 thus far, or AphidPedia - where you can find transcripts, puzzles and answers, etc.
Thanks, I have actually wached them. I just feel as if there is something more behind this comment "For a girl who scored 112 the last time she went bowling thats an impressive shot" I know that it was Tachyon who did it.
I apologise for being so brief lol. I guess I was just so revved up from watching the video haha

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Post by Kasdeja »

Krielok wrote:Also, where was Cassie during all of this?

I just figured Brother was flying the helicopter...

Wonder when Gemma will come back. I do miss her. :)
Cassie is where she has been the entire series.
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Re: Theories on the new video

Post by agent_fondue » wrote:
Flautapantera wrote: the la brea tar pits where you can see remains of animals that have been caught in the tar. furthermore the street name "la brea" actually means 'the oil.'
I think Oil is part of the clue.. I mean did they flash to oil drill/pumpy thingies (I lack the technial term) and I think they showed the actual tarpits.
The technical term is pumpjack.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

krmurr87 wrote:that would be interesting if Tachyon was Lucy... she was running close behind them so she might have actually been in on it the whole time, but I do find this unlikely because Tachyon has already been outed and is not working for Opahphid anymore...I think. Plus she threw the Flash Bomb in from outside the elevator and Lucy was already in the elevator.
Exactly the reason why they couldn't be the same person...and all you other peoples, don't even try to bring up that brother might have thrown it in there--because Tach said she made the shot, not brother. :lol:
I have a theory that Jonas got caught though because of his last few lines. Lucy was right behind him and Bree was screaming at him to hurry and he said something along the lines of "go go, SERIOUSLY go!" like "go on without me!!!" I don't just a thought and...welcome all the newbees!!!
I hope Jonas didn't get caught! If they did...I feel like they should have hinted at that in the video! It would be kinda mean to be all happy that they have Daniel back and then 'oh well, jonas is gone...a casualty of war..'
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

i'm sure jonas was able to fight off lucy and the deacons with his awesome ninja powers!! :wink:
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

lol ninja about a game of foosball..TO THE DEATH!!

What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by Kasdeja »

Of course Jonas got away...someone had to post the video from his YT account.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Kasdeja wrote:Of course Jonas got away...someone had to post the video from his YT account.
;) haha good thinking
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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