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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:22 pm
by Ziola
That is according to you and a few others. We have no solid proof of what the ceremony entails and basing decisions on unsubstantiated assumptions will only further the delusions of some, perhaps frightening her even more for no reason.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:22 pm
by itsreallyreal
iamcool wrote:shes not going to make it to 18 if she goes thru with the ceremony
How do you know!!!???
Do you know what the ceremoney is!!!???

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:24 pm
by iamcool
it involves cracking open her chest and feasting on her organs
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:26 pm
by Ziola
Oh dear god...and people wonder why the Order is so secretive. Look at what the imagination of one excitable youngster has cooked up....
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:29 pm
by iamcool
i was joking but they wouldnt do all of this for this 1 girl if they had thousands of girls to choose from if it was something easy like walking about and spitting into the wind
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:31 pm
by Ziola
And if it was something as nefarious as killing her, they have had plenty of opportunity to do so and have not.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:34 pm
by iamcool
because they are going to inject her with crowley juice and get her preggo if they dont kill her
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:41 pm
by Ziola
Josh, you really have an overactive imagination. Perhaps you should see my doctor. He has the most wonderful prescriptions for anxiety. They have done wonders for my mother.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:42 pm
by iamcool
lol i'm kidding but i seriously think there is nothing good about the ceremony
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:47 pm
by Ziola
I'm not. You really need help
I'm glad that you can stick to your convictions, but don't close the door to other possibilties.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:20 pm
by dogger1972
Yes. The ceremony could be something totally innocent and fully wholesome.
Because most organizations/religions have to resort to murder and kidnapping in order to convince their members to go through with said ceremony. Happens all the time.
I'm sure the Order has nothing but your best interests at heart Bree. That is why they are systematically eliminating everybody who is close to you.
Yep. We have no idea what the ceremony may hold. The actions of the Order, however, should make it plain to you that it will not involve any kind of violence.
I mean, as secret as the Order is, their public actions speak to nothing but their integrity and honor.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 6:46 pm
by ladron121
dogger1972 wrote:Yes. The ceremony could be something totally innocent and fully wholesome.
Yes, yes it could
Because most organizations/religions have to resort to murder and kidnapping in order to convince their members to go through with said ceremony. Happens all the time.
Murder? Of who? Her "father"? From what I saw in that video, he rushed at those guys in the car. And what kidnapping? How do you know that Danny-B didn't go willingly? A beautiful woman like Oppy could get a guy to do that.
I'm sure the Order has nothing but your best interests at heart Bree. That is why they are systematically eliminating everybody who is close to you.
Eliminating who? Danny-B is still alive, and well with his pizza and ice cream. Her "father" wasn't even her real father, so how could he be that close to her?
Yep. We have no idea what the ceremony may hold. The actions of the Order, however, should make it plain to you that it will not involve any kind of violence.
The assumptions of the ignorant are not proof of anything. Her "father" was going to let her go through with the ceremony in the first place. If you put so much stock in him, why would he put her in danger? And the only actions I see are of a group that cares about its members, its secrets, and holds people to their obligations.
I mean, as secret as the Order is, their public actions speak to nothing but their integrity and honor.
Exactly. Would you like to join?
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:24 pm
by dogger1972
ladron121 wrote:dogger1972 wrote:Yes. The ceremony could be something totally innocent and fully wholesome.
Yes, yes it could
Yes, and unicorns might appear in Times Square tomorrow and perform the Russian language version of Hamlet. Both are about as likely.
Murder? Of who? Her "father"? From what I saw in that video, he rushed at those guys in the car. And what kidnapping? How do you know that Danny-B didn't go willingly? A beautiful woman like Oppy could get a guy to do that.
Yep. Murder, Skippy. Flat out good old fashioned American Murder. Last I checked, "rushing" somebody does not give them legal recourse to shoot you. Especially when they have initiated said confrontation.
As far as Danny B is concerned, your claim might make sense if he had actually left the bowling alley with a woman. But unless Oppy stands about 6'4 and enjoys sporting cowboy hats and driving gigantic white vans, Daniel did not leave Pins and Pints with her. Props, however, on your remarkable ability to transform him into a Grandmaster B style gangsta.
So yeah, murder and kidnapping. If you don't have the stones to own up to it, perhaps a re-examination of your public affairs division is in order.
Eliminating who? Danny-B is still alive, and well with his pizza and ice cream. Her "father" wasn't even her real father, so how could he be that close to her?
One tends to get close to the people who have raised one since first memory. Tough concept, I know.
The assumptions of the ignorant are not proof of anything. Her "father" was going to let her go through with the ceremony in the first place. If you put so much stock in him, why would he put her in danger? And the only actions I see are of a group that cares about its members, its secrets, and holds people to their obligations.
The only proof any of us have to go on is your rather clumsy public actions, and the testimony of those who once belonged to your illustrious organization. For a super-secret clandestine cult, you sure do have an awful lot of teenage girls running around with video cameras publicly airing your dirty laundry. Bree, cassie, Tachy.... you know, perhaps The Order should stock up on cell phone minutes and DVD's of The OC, because obviously this segment of your membership is growing increasingly disenchanted.
Exactly. Would you like to join?
Why would I want to join a group of low level thugs who are exceedingly inept at even the simplest of tasks? I mean, you do realize that this super-secret Order with unlimited resources and institutions that reach into every single level of society has apparantly based its entire undefined future on some sort of quasi-religious ceremony performed by a teenage girl? What kind of plan for world domination is that? At least Bill Gates devised an operating system that controls most of the world's flow of information. I mean, PLEASE tell me your entire plan for global omniscence doesn't hinge on a few chants from a doe eyed brunette. Rob Fort Knox. Steal a nuke. Do something. Cripes.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:44 pm
by Ruberic
Truth does not need to disguise itself. Truth does not need a salesman. Truth speaks for itself.
Nothing the order has done is based upon truth. In effect, the order's sole goal seems to be centered on obscuring the truth; hiding the truth; destroying the truth.
As children, the first lesson we learn is that truth is paramount to all else. Children live and die upon the is the most important aspect of relationships to them. Adults often forget this fact...without truth there is no relationship.
Bree, your purity and child-like soul allows you to see this. You KNOW that what is being said by the order is false. You know what you have been raised in is a lie. You know you cannot now...nor the order.
Fight. Tear down this veil the order has constructed to hide the truth. Reveal their lies to the world so that truth can shine forth once again.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:41 pm
by cup o' noodles
iamcool wrote:if you do the ceremony it will not matter if you can go back home, coz u will more than likely die or be impregenated!
They probably won't kill her. If they wanted her dead, she'd be dead by now.
And impregnating her against her will in this day and age is just retarded. She can sneak off later and get an abortion.
So, there has to be something more than death or impregnation.
Mutilation? Nah, not big enough either.