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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:18 am
by lookinginonyou
Hey guys. I totally trust you with anything you do. You know what we want and like (and though you could've just done it, you let us know and asked our opinion) You know where you're going with this story! :D (i'm right, right? ;p)

Your execution was brilliant with Kat McPhee, so I know you know what you have to do. Any way that can help, I'm all for. I know you've heard "don't be blatant" but it's been beaten and said too many times to say it, and if you hadn't asked, we'd probably go out and get the product after seeing it on the ... show (i guess that's what this is)

You guys are great! Keep up the amazing work. I'm behind you all the way.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:28 am
by Nessi
I think if it's integrated smoothly and not just a long commercial or something, should be fine =)

Good idea someone had~ Make it part of some sort of clue so theres a reason it's there, etc.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:15 am
by jobee13
Sounds fine if it keeps the series running :D

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:02 am
by loobylou
Absolutely fine with me - more money, more stories!

Just make sure the money is used to move this thing along a little - please!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:26 am
by iamcool
go for it, get as much money as u can

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:47 am
by VeiwerZane
As long as it keeps the stories going im all for it

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:57 am
by curiousGeorge
Go for it! I am sure you can do this tastefully. Back in the day, I thought that indeed the project may have been a viral marketing campaign and I never had a problem with that. I am a Running Capitalist Monkey from WAY back... Benjamins are a good thing!

I would just be careful about placing electric P. Monkeys in subway stations though :wink: .

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:38 am
by Jo_16_2
go for it! if it's a smooth thing great, i just dont want bree and jonas running from the order and then she stops and says "you can buy this x candy at the y store open 24/7!" :P i mean, you need the money, go for it, it's for the sake of the show :)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:56 am
by milowent
some of us at anchor cove have debated the last few months about the different ways that the series could try to make money.

i think product placement was one of the most viable avenues, so you should give it a go. sure, you will get some complainers, but i doubt the majority of your audience (since this forum is just a small subset of the audence) will be upset.

i think one thing to keep in mind is to avoid an obvious saturation of product placements (e.g., "Bree said we needed to go shopping at SUPERTARGET (bree interjects: target rules!), so we drove over in my 2007 [insert new car name, mention the 0 to 60 stat] there, and here is everything we bought and why we like it.") otherwise, i think audiences are accepting of an occasional product placement.

i can't wait to see the plot discussion threads that will arise from the appearance of this candy.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:19 am
by iamcool
as long as it's not mid scene like...

Bree:"omg theres daniel, hes tied up and naked"
Jonas:"and what is all that stuff around him"
Bree goes and looks
Bree:*looks into camera* "oh they are the wrappers from hersheys milk chocolate, ummmm yummy"
Jonas:"buy some at your local store today!!"

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:01 am
by blahblablee
I think it would be cool if you guys made the candy the key to finding Daniel...then it has a purpose in the plot at least...

Like maybe Daniel and Bree have some secret thing like her and her dad that they can both identify and she goes to look at some place and finds a candy bar with a secret message in it from Daniel or something...That would be cool cause it would have a purpose...

But don't put it in without a purpose to the plot please...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:14 am
by colbertnationgirl
i say go ahead unless the video turns into a candy commercial, which would be - odd. :wink:

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:47 am
by Scrawnyfish
Jonas: Bree is inside the store. We stopped by to get some FOOD. *Jonas' tummy rumbles*
*Bree comes out with lots of junk food and snickers*
Jonas: Let's see what ya got here.....
*Jonas grabs snickers bar*
Bree: That's mine!
Jonas: *Gasp!*
Bree: What? *With her mouth full of snickers*
Jonas: *Sigh*

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:09 pm
by AutoPilate
Scrawnyfish wrote:Jonas: Bree is inside the store. We stopped by to get some FOOD. *Jonas' tummy rumbles*
*Bree comes out with lots of junk food and snickers*
Jonas: Let's see what ya got here.....
*Jonas grabs snickers bar*
Bree: That's mine!
Jonas: *Gasp!*
Bree: What? *With her mouth full of snickers*
Jonas: *Sigh*

product placement

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:56 pm
by gogo
Misters Beckett, Flinders and Goodfried:

Honestly, I think it would be rather inappropriate of viewers to tell people who need to support themselves and this production (namely you) what to do financially. Unless I plan on taking out a second mortgage to support all of you for a year, then I feel that I really have no business telling you how to finance your business, which provides me with multiple opportunities for entertainment (at no additional cost to me).

I may discuss, give suggestions, share my long, long ideas, give unwanted contructive criticism and upload cheesy videos about this story (and even overstep some boundaries in doing so), but when it comes to supporting yourselves, I don't think you need our input. If every person voted no, and you needed the revenue, you'd be stuck with angry or disillusioned viewers. Especially if you accepted anyway because you needed to eat. As I see it: Your business is your business. Your story is my pleasure.

Thanks for asking, though. I do think it is thoughtful of you to ask for the input of viewers. Again, I must compliment all of you for being open to discussion, suggestions and criticism (which can be pretty blunt at times). I don't have a thick skin at all, so (if I were you or you or you) I would be weeping, quitting and depressed each time someone wrote anything that could be interpreted to be even remotely negative in the slightest way.

(Please be Mentos... Please be Mentos...I sorta, kinda have the urge to see one of the characters give the Mentos "thumbs up" and use the "Mentos- The Fresh-Maker" line as they are involved in some outrageously campy situation where their clever thinking is rewarded with the minty goodness of Mentos. Please be Mentos... Please be Mentos...)

Wishing you the best,