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Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:36 pm
by mia
Actually it was the you tube cassie that denied the ebay cassie. Read charlierbrowns posts again. He has been talking with you tube cassie.
I have yet to hear if anyone has questioned ms cassie about whether ebay or youtube are real.
ARRRRRRRRG this is all so confusing. My head won't stop spinning.[/quote]
They BOTH denied the ebay Cassie:
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:39 pm
by NolaRising
COOL thanks. I guess I saw that too. Like I said my head is spinning.
I just messaged mscassie myself asking about both ebay and youtube.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 2:43 pm
by ravensgrace
Ally wrote:jammer wrote:Please. If you can't see that MySpace Cassie is fake, it's not that you simply have a different opinion - you clearly haven't paid attention, or you have some reason to WANT to believe in MySpace Cassie.
Selling Tarot cards?
I would like for one or more of the Cassies to be "real" as I find it way more interesting than what's going on with Bree atm. However,
it is a difference of opinion regardless if you see it that way or not. For you to insinuate that anyone who doesn't agree with your way of thinking is wrong is not only ignorant but childish imo. You have made it quite clear what
you think in numerous posts and I have taken that into consideration but I'm simply not convinced. And quite frankly I'm quite sick of your ragging on people who happen to disagree with you.
A moderator has posted a sticky in this forum. I suggest you read. Debate resolved.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:01 pm
by NolaRising
OKay so I asked mscassie and this is what I get. This is hilarious now.
i am the only cassie
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Nola
Date: Sep 16, 2006 12:34 PM
2 Questions. Please answer. Thank you for your time.
IS the ebay cassie real?
IS the you tube cassie real?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:03 pm
by Ally
I got the same answer.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:14 pm
by NolaRising
Okay this is getting to all be too much. Need a break.
Going to go to the world premiere of "All the Kings Men" now. It is taking place at Tulane University in New Orleans, where I am a student, and they have invited the students and community to come stand along the red carpet to watch the stars arrive (Jude Law, Sean Penn, James Gandolfini, Kate Winslet and others). If I had known about it a few days ago I could have gotten tickets to get in to the film - but I have been on these darn boards not paying much attention to the real world. HEHE
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:17 pm
by Ally
ravensgrace wrote:A moderator has posted a sticky in this forum. I suggest you read. Debate resolved.
I did read what the mod posted.
Terryfic wrote:People please remember when discussing cassieiswatching, the YouTube account, the MySpace account and let’s throw in the ebay account just for good measure, they are not a creation of, or are run by The Creators. This entire cassieiswatching series is NOT a part of the LG15 series. It is done by different people, who only have a slight connection with The Creators. The extent of this connection is unknown. Cassieiswatchin is fan fiction, it is NOT canon. The Creators have shown an interest in allowing fan fiction to enter the official Breeniverse, but as of this moment the only source of official Breeniverse content are the lonelygirl15 and DanielBeast YouTube accounts, the lonelygurl15 MySpace account and this site.
In closing I would also like to add that YouTube cassieiswatching has repeatedly denied association with any of the other cassieiswatching accounts. If you wish to explore this ALTERNATIVE storyline I would advise you to contain you exploration to clues and messages from the YouTube cassieiswatching only.
This still doesn't convince me of anyone being fake or being real either way. Until there's something concrete I will continue thinking what I wish regardless of what others theories may be. It's not as though I'm spamming the board with "MySpace Cassie" related posts, I posted in this thread and got ragged on for having a difference of opinion. Obviously not everyone is going to agree on everything but there's no need for the insults and insinuations that have been flying around. Regardless, I'm finished debating this topic.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:53 pm
by Scott30
ravensgrace wrote:Ally wrote:jammer wrote:Please. If you can't see that MySpace Cassie is fake, it's not that you simply have a different opinion - you clearly haven't paid attention, or you have some reason to WANT to believe in MySpace Cassie.
Selling Tarot cards?
I would like for one or more of the Cassies to be "real" as I find it way more interesting than what's going on with Bree atm. However,
it is a difference of opinion regardless if you see it that way or not. For you to insinuate that anyone who doesn't agree with your way of thinking is wrong is not only ignorant but childish imo. You have made it quite clear what
you think in numerous posts and I have taken that into consideration but I'm simply not convinced. And quite frankly I'm quite sick of your ragging on people who happen to disagree with you.
A moderator has posted a sticky in this forum. I suggest you read. Debate resolved.
So according to what the Mod has stated none of the cassieiswatching accounts are 'real' real, correct?
This entire cassieiswatching series is NOT a part of the LG15 series.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:25 pm
by curriguy
"I am the only cassie" is a very retarded statement for MSCassie to make.
obviously the YTCassie has provided videos, maps, coordinates, and a sack that was submerged under water.
YTCassie is very real. and very productive. and very entertaining.
I think the statement "I am the only cassie" just proves that MSCassie is full of Sh*t.
oh and to answer someone else's question,
here's the breakdown:
YTCassie = Spin-off You-tube story created by Some members of the original LG15 team(according to the NYTimes)
Cassie's story is not integrally connected to Bree's. There may be references to each other, however.
MSCassie = someone doing this for attention
EbayCassie = someone capitlizating on the frenzy to make some cash
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:28 pm
by absolution
Alright, yadayadayadamyspacecassieismostlikelyanimposterblahblahblah BUT I just thought I'd whack this on here (read from the bottom up):
From Cassie:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Sep 16, 2006 2:22 PM
I'm not religious.
Pray for Bree?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cassie
Date: Sep 16, 2006 2:21 PM
pray for her
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Sep 16, 2006 1:03 PM
Does the card represent us? Or does it represent the item that was found by Cu? That it is not what he should have found?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cassie
Date: Sep 16, 2006 12:59 PM
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Me
Date: Sep 16, 2006 12:39 PM
And are those.. black rocks?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cassie
Date: Sep 16, 2006 12:33 PM
tiny dot cc slash rmB6m
I'm probably not going to do too much research on "Talisman of Grief". Sounds like whoever they are just blurted out something so I'd post it here (I said that if she gave me something new and authentic it would end up in on the forum).
Argument to support that she's an imposter: I couldn't understand wtf she meant by "http:// .. com /fcwqz", ".. com / fcwqz " OR "tiny cc / rmB6m" until she finally said "tiny dot cc slash rmB6m". I think I really frustrated him/her hahah. I honestly felt like a tool, I didn't know a existed! I don't think the real Cassie would take the time to do that for me when others have already seen and posted the links.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:29 pm
by blessedmercy1018
jammer wrote:Ally wrote:Everyone has their reasons as to why one or the other is fake (or not fake) and don't get me wrong, some excellent points have been brought up for all cases, there just hasn't been anything solid enough to convince me one way or the other. (yet)
Please. If you can't see that MySpace Cassie is fake, it's not that you simply have a different opinion - you clearly haven't paid attention, or you have some reason to WANT to believe in MySpace Cassie.
Selling Tarot cards?
think about it ....this game is supposed to use
ALL TYPES OF MEDIA...Youtube.....myspace....and last but not least Ebay.....

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:30 pm
by dinglemouse
"I am the only Cassie" doesn't mean she can't have more than one internet presence, surely?
My bets are that two disgruntled members of the original writing team are fielding Myspace and YouTube a-piece and playing us like a game of Pong.
The reason?
One of the simple reasons that this forum is mindbogglingly frenzied (considering what it's about, lets be honest) is because neither adds up and leaves room for doubt. The net result is that people talk, people bicker and people argue and pours more fuel on the fire.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:36 pm
by Morgan
turn them before the beast
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Morgan
Date: Sep 16, 2006 3:09 PM
I saw the new picture you posted Cassie. The fool tarot card? Who is a fool? And what is the black object in the baggie? Can I find this box somewhere? Who do you think replaced your things with the judgement card?
Let me help you Cassie.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:49 pm
by Morgan
Who the heck decided one of the mods as knowing it all? Why should we believe the mod's story? This IS a board off of a website CREATED BY THE CREATORS. Or did we all forget that???
I think everything is still up for speculation. People need to stop playing that "I'm right, you're WRONG" game. Get off your high horse and give your theories. Don't bash people for having different ideas.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:53 pm
by katiegirl15
"Hound of the battlefield keeps the box"
a new thing added to her "about me" on myspace cassie.