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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:58 pm
by kellylen
HenrySugar wrote:Yeah, he practically admitted luring them to the house to kidnap them, lol.
It's gotta be a joke. That's just way too bold.
he better be joking or ill kick his ass
its nice to know that jackson knows how to play guitar... ok that has nothing to do with anything lol
haha i love the joking between the boys and jonas' reinactment of what bree would do and daniel turning her down haha proving science wrong has a whole new meaning now.
and i think that the bit at the end may have some significance. about not seeing bree and the order babies. i think bree may not even be there at all.
but maybe im going nuts.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:59 pm
by SharpI
Anyone else think Bree is gone? I think she's fled the house already, but I admit I don't know where she's gone... or how she got away. Because if Jonas left keys, credcards, etc. lying around AGAIN, then... that wouldn't be by accident.
I guess it's possible that she figured out a way to contact RandomGirl and got a ride?
Love this video! The boys are cute and actually talk (even joke) about the stuff that should be on their minds...
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:01 pm
by SharpI
kellylen wrote:and i think that the bit at the end may have some significance. about not seeing bree and the order babies. i think bree may not even be there at all.
I'm getting the same vibe, kellylen!
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:04 pm
by betz28
k, have not read through the thread yet...but what was that song that jonas sung????
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:04 pm
by kellylen
some random song he made up
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:04 pm
by jenlight
First I have to post my initial response then I'll read the thread. So sorry if this has been said already, but:
No seriously, before I clicked "reply" I glanced someone saying that the song freaked them out. Yeah me too, but also, the actor who plays Jonas (I can't think of his name... Jason? Jackson?) and the character* is what is keeping me here at this point. Well, that isn't toally fair. Daniel is pretty cool -- when he's NOT with Bree.
ANYHOO, that was a great video.
"Oh Daniel, let's prove science wrong forever!"

*edit because I meant to say the character as well as the guy who plays Jonas originally.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:06 pm
by betz28
but does anybody know what words he sung? the words...i could not understand it except..something workin for the order....
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:08 pm
by iamcool
i lured these 2 kids here and i am going to kindnap them for the order or something lol
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:09 pm
by kellylen
and before that he said something about offering to help them.
so its like i offered to help these 2 kids so i lured them here and why cause i work for the order and are going to kidnap them or something like that
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:09 pm
by betz28
thanks josh
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:13 pm
by uhcarolumyea
Since we first met young Jonas, I haven't made up my mind about whether he could be trusted or not... but that song freaked me out. Either he is very bold... or there is something else going on.
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:13 pm
by subucni
SharpI wrote:Anyone else think Bree is gone? I think she's fled the house already, but I admit I don't know where she's gone... or how she got away.
I totally agree! It's the first thing that came to mind when Jonas said that he hadn't seen Bree all day.
I thought it was funny he called her "The Breester."
Did anyone else have problems the first time they watched the video? It stopped and started about 6 times when I first saw it. I have DSL too.. so..?
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:14 pm
by Maccaboy17
wow how ironic i've been gone for a week and come back and rapidly have tried to catch up on the past two videos as well as the new itscassie vid and nikki b then just as i get on top of it a new one comes out
funny thing is i've been playing foosball all week!
ok first off, Daniel jus said he is no longer interesested in Bree

, well if thats really true than why is he still up there in Jonasville? why hasnt he gone off to do his little junior college course or what ever it was?
second jonas's is song was kind fo weird, that he was basically joking about kidnapping (or was it a double bluff?)
third i dont know if it s already been said on other threads but who else thinks than daniel's missing fake id will turn up in the next op video
fourth as Nikki b said she is going in search of gemma suggesting that she isnt dead (fingers crossed) does it mean that these recent videos of basically nothing happening will mean that something big is going to happen soon (bree said she wanted mor girl friends does that mena her old frined gemma will be comming back?) somehting big is going to happen soon i can feel it, and I reckong Bree and Daniel are tricking us (or more specifically the Order and/or Jonas)and have somehting planned recently it has been as if they have forgoten the threat they face so it either means they reckon its passed or there is still somehting to come (Daniel gave as a clue when he said about the chosing of baby's as being somehting to do with the ceremony and that he wasnt ocnvinced so there basically is more mystery to that story)
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:19 pm
by jenlight
uhcarolumyea wrote:Since we first met young Jonas, I haven't made up my mind about whether he could be trusted or not... but that song freaked me out. Either he is very bold... or there is something else going on.
I totally agree. I think that is what I like so much about his character. He is so likable and in storytelling that aint good. He's too likable! Or is he? hehe
Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:21 pm
by butterfly
SharpI wrote:Anyone else think Bree is gone?
I was thinking the same thing.
Yes - I think Bree's gone.