Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:07 pm
hmm...i wonder how much of this your actually kidding about...
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
Killthesmiley wrote:hmm...i wonder how much of this your actually kidding about...
It's been confirmed by the actor who plays DL that Niki has the superstrength also, not just Jessica.Leaven wrote:
The woman is Nikki. Her dead sister takes control of her in an incredible hulk kind of way. She is in Jail cos her "sister" murdered people and stole the 2 million bucks. She is the most useless character in my opinion.
PHEW! Hope some of that made sense!
Thank goodness. It kind of hinted at that last night, so I was hoping that was where they were headed. I like Ali Larter, but the NIkki character has been very boring to me so far. Her storyline is just so far removed from everyone elses.Mirage wrote:
It's been confirmed by the actor who plays DL that Niki has the superstrength also, not just Jessica.
Has anyone been reading the online comic? I'm very excited about the new hero, she has a super duper nif-TAY power.
yea when she broke that freaking billy bat...holy crap!Leaven wrote:Thank goodness. It kind of hinted at that last night, so I was hoping that was where they were headed. I like Ali Larter, but the NIkki character has been very boring to me so far. Her storyline is just so far removed from everyone elses.Mirage wrote:
It's been confirmed by the actor who plays DL that Niki has the superstrength also, not just Jessica.
Has anyone been reading the online comic? I'm very excited about the new hero, she has a super duper nif-TAY power.
I'm just super excited about Christopher Eccleston joining the cast! I hope he sticks around for a while.
Yeah, tell me about it. Although the Niki/Jessica/lawyer scene was cool, for the most part it's been a fairly boring storyline (excepting the "revelations" of DL and Micah's powers). Then again, I find Matt's storyline to be fustrating as well, mostly because I lurve Greg Grunberg and find it a shame that he's not given some better stuff.Leaven wrote:Thank goodness. It kind of hinted at that last night, so I was hoping that was where they were headed. I like Ali Larter, but the NIkki character has been very boring to me so far. Her storyline is just so far removed from everyone elses.Mirage wrote:
It's been confirmed by the actor who plays DL that Niki has the superstrength also, not just Jessica.
Has anyone been reading the online comic? I'm very excited about the new hero, she has a super duper nif-TAY power.
I'm just super excited about Christopher Eccleston joining the cast! I hope he sticks around for a while.
season 2 of lost is done, and Season 3 up to episode 11 is almost finished (should finish within the next hour) I'm waiting for the rest of the first season to finish. It's stuck on 99.2%Beckers wrote:killthe there anyway I can get those ipod files from you...the lost episodes and heroes?
I wouldn't consider the new Hero thing too much of a "spoiler" per say...I consider spoilers to be outside sources, like "Ask Ausiello", Kristin from E!, or newspaper/magazine articles. But the new hero is revealed on the online comic on the NBC website (which I would suggest you check out--they're pretty cool and give some nifty backstory on people). And she looks awesome!!Leaven wrote:I agree about Matt's storyline, but I can see in the future how he will fit in with the rest of the group. I can even see that with DL and Micah, but I have a hard time seeing them pulling it off with Nikki. The writing has been mostly great so far, so hopefully they will surprise me!
I've actually been pretty good about not reading spoilers, though I did read about Eccleston joining ahead of time! Aside from that, I don't know much that's going to happen. I did read something about a new hero, but don't really know much about it.
LOL yeah I had trouble too. I've kinda gotten used to it--I just press the button in the middle and then scroll up and down. Kinda weird really. Thank God they're not as long as regular comics!Leaven wrote:I have a hard time with the reader they have on the site. The images are either so big I have to scroll up and down and to the side to see everything or they are so small I can't read it!