So... about that ORDER...?

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by cutiegirl6 »

I like the story. It's fun and doesn't have to be so serious and boring all the time. I like videos like the one out now where she's all fun and dancing.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

All I can say is WTF?...

Get on with it already.. It is CLEAR these video's are to PASSIFY us... :x :roll:
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Post by Killthesmiley »

cutiegirl6 wrote:I like the story. It's fun and doesn't have to be so serious and boring all the time. I like videos like the one out now where she's all fun and dancing.
yea but videos where she's dancing isn't the story...
the serious videos are the story...

that the problem. They are straying from the story a bit.

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Post by cutiegirl6 »

I don't want to do anymore work than I have to do now just to watch Bree. Maybe your just suppose to watch the videos? not try to figure out what every word means secretly. The Creators aren't sitting around getting as intense about the story as some of the things I read here about. It's like a test for some people to put up as much information as they can.

Nothing that I read for the last few days before i registered was right so why even keep looking for things that are not even there? Just be a fan and see what happens.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

cutiegirl6 wrote:I don't want to do anymore work than I have to do now just to watch Bree. Maybe your just suppose to watch the videos? not try to figure out what every word means secretly. The Creators aren't sitting around getting as intense about the story as some of the things I read here about. It's like a test for some people to put up as much information as they can.

Nothing that I read for the last few days before i registered was right so why even keep looking for things that are not even there? Just be a fan and see what happens.

Actually they are...
if they didn't...we wouldn't have gemma, or the order, or Opaphid or Tachyon or brother...

and this is where the problem lies. Theres a little less the half of the people who are DEMANDING that they go back to the old bree.
The rest of us want to see some resolution with the order (which is logical)

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Post by Killthesmiley »

and if you don't want to do any work...then don't. We've been doing it for a while. Just sit back and watch.
Just watch all the videos and read the forums and lgpedia and be informed.

This isn't just a show, it's an ARG (and alternative reality game). The clues are meant to be there. And we are ment to find them. But if you wish to not do the work. Then don't...

and if they don't lead up to anything within the next two or three videos, we have faith that they will lead to something eventually.

Jsut understand ... this isn't a goofy show. This is a drama about a young girl who is facing a cult that is bigger then anything she's ever known.

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Post by Luv2Skydive »

I agree....the cutesy stuff was just a cover for the underlying actually made it more dark.
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Post by AniDonia »

Killthesmiley wrote: on a side note (plus this is an edit) and i'm not trying to be rude, but curious....that PH thing...getting really old and annoying. It's hard to take you seriously with that weird spelling. I'm not trying to be rude or fight or offend. I'm jsut trying to say, and give you my two cents. *muwah* see kisses!
Yes... the "ph" is really annoying. Makes me picture you as an ugly midget with a lisp, for some reason.

Post by covedweller »'s a show. LG15 isn't an ARG.

OpAphid and Tachyon are an ARG.

LG15 is an internet series. Any game elements or research projects are ones we choose to take on. We can't ask the Creators to pay them off if we weren't given them as puzzles.

Seriously, the more and more I think about it, it's no different than a show like Smallville--and we're in, what, the sixth season there with no cape?
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Post by Killthesmiley »

covedweller's a show. LG15 isn't an ARG.

OpAphid and Tachyon are an ARG.
yes but haven't we noticed that the intertwine, and there are clues between the each of them since Op becoming canon

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Post by curiousGeorge »

What does NOT make any sense is an offering like the last one, having the Breester acting like it was Career Day at Home Schoolers Aggregate (no offense to Ms. Kelly). This was just absurd given her current situation. Do I miss those "old" vids which featured these kind of antics? Absolutely. Do I wish there was more of a "pleasant" storyline where we could see more of this? Yes. Is it APPROPRIATE now? Now effn way... The cat is out of the bag and I don't think the current plotline supports this kind of behavior, even from delightfully wacky Bree.

It makes no sense for her to act like this in the face of danger. Now admittedly it is silly to think that a real person would even be vlogging at a time like this, but I can suspend disbelief in this regard. But this was just plain dumb and not appropriate. It makes NO SENSE. Her notFather was killed by these people!

OK Rumsfield time again:

Am I sick of clues that go nowhere? Yes. Do some of the clues pan out? Yes. Are there many more of them that don't? Yes. Is the storyline catering to clue obsessed phans? Yes. Would a lot of people be happier if they stopped dropping clues (for some short period of time) and advanced the storyline? Yes. Would all the phans be happier if they answered at least a solid majority (such as 60% or so which would still leave PLENTY of things to work with) of the "old" clues issued so far?

A world of yes.
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Post by Breester »

Maybe, and this is just a theory, there really is a religious institution named "The Order", and they have a copywrite on the name, and the reason the story can't include the Order anymore is because of the copywrited name and the threat of a big lawsuit.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

curiousGeorge wrote:What does NOT make any sense is an offering like the last one, having the Breester acting like it was Career Day at Home Schoolers Aggregate (no offense to Ms. Kelly). This was just absurd given her current situation. Do I miss those "old" vids which featured these kind of antics? Absolutely. Do I wish there was more of a "pleasant" storyline where we could see more of this? Yes. Is it APPROPRIATE now? Now effn way... The cat is out of the bag and I don't think the current plotline supports this kind of behavior, even from delightfully wacky Bree.

It makes no sense for her to act like this in the face of danger. Now admittedly it is silly to think that a real person would even be vlogging at a time like this, but I can suspend disbelief in this regard. But this was just plain dumb and not appropriate. It makes NO SENSE. Her notFather was killed by these people!

OK Rumsfield time again:

Am I sick of clues that go nowhere? Yes. Do some of the clues pan out? Yes. Are there many more of them that don't? Yes. Is the storyline catering to clue obsessed phans? Yes. Would a lot of people be happier if they stopped dropping clues (for some short period of time) and advanced the storyline? Yes. Would all the phans be happier if they answered at least a solid majority (such as 60% or so which would still leave PLENTY of things to work with) of the "old" clues issued so far?

A world of yes.
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Post by Macabea13 »

I agree that her actions in this last video were bizarre, and have long been "whining" about loose ends.....but I kind of think that there might be some reasoning behind it.

I think the creators might be tryng to reel in the "new" viewers that they expected to get after the Katherine McPhee episode. Bree's quirky videos were what reeled a lot of us in in the first place, so if they are trying to catch new viewers, it makes sense that they would do what they already knew had worked. I think the "tell me what I should do" thing was another get acquainted with this format maneuver.

Also, if you're just starting to watch there is a lot to catch up on. Maybe they are taking a bit of a break to give people the time to catch up and get acquainted with some of the theories etc....

I definitely wish I had more answers, and hope they get to it already. I can wait patiently for a bit, but it is a stretch for me.
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Post by curiousGeorge »

Macabea13 wrote: I think the creators might be tryng to reel in the "new" viewers that they expected to get after the Katherine McPhee episode. Bree's quirky videos were what reeled a lot of us in in the first place, so if they are trying to catch new viewers, it makes sense that they would do what they already knew had worked. I think the "tell me what I should do" thing was another get acquainted with this format maneuver.
Excellent observation, and I think you probably nailed it. Very good.

BUT, they should not let the Meta of the show make a mockery of a character, even a wonderfully silly character like Bree.
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