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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:05 am
by TheFatLady
Others have been ticked off at Bree before, but this is the first time I've been truly outraged. Daniel is clingy? She begged him to come to Jonas' place, which she knew meant leaving his safe-ish life and moving into her crazy, dangerous one.
At this point, I hope the Order gets her . . .
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:12 am
by gogo
I have a career idea for Bree... how about a sitting duck?
Shouldn't she be a bit worried about her safety, her mom, in light of the fact that she is "on the run' in the first place?
I hope this doesn't lead to a contest about choosing a career for Bree.
Kidding aside, I wonder if Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum wil be offended by her assessments of them...
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:28 am
by Oz
lizi_2007 wrote:This is outta no where and not really relevent to anything... but the medulla oblongata has absolutly nothing to do with any sort of intellectual usuage of the brain......... thought I'd point that out. Since Bree's supposted to be sucha smarty pants and all.
You know, that irritated me a little bit too. Maybe it was just the general pointlessness of the video exacerbating my pedantry but that was the only piece of information in that video that really stayed with me after it had finished.
BTW- I know someone has already said it was a Waterboy reference but its still annoying. 
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:52 am
by Marilee
I didn't mind the video at all, I just want some plot progression.
Can we resolve something.... anything.... Crowley... Gemma... Her mom... SOMETHING!!!!
I love the show Creators, but throw me a bone here...
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:16 am
by Sami
She seems happy, but she's still ungreatful

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:51 am
by Marbella
I believe the Creators intend this series to be viewed on multiple levels. Teenagers can get a "cutesy" plot with kids they can relate to, and enjoy the surface. Brighter teenagers and adults who want to go deeper can wander endlessly down the rabbit hole with plot speculation and disciphering clues. Sometimes, I think they make videos like this and the McPhee one with the primary goal of drawing in new fans. I think they test it, see if it works, and go back to giving dedicated fans like us what we really want. That's just a theory.
I have NO theory so far about why the Creators seem to have intentionally set up the story line so that we like Bree less and less? Is there any speculation about what their intentions are?
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:53 am
by nobackspacebutton
Before we all get pissed, ever think this vlog is again all another lie? Something to show that she is trying not to think about the events that have happened..something just to show she is blocking what's 'right'/'real' out?
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:55 am
by Beautiful Nightmare

I am getting so sick of this stuff. I'm trying to keep the faith, really...but sheesh already.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:18 am
by yoruba
My goodness that video was BORING
Nothing interesting, no plot progression, no things that could eventually be hints (but lead nowhere anyhow).

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:21 am
by Ziola
Um, am I the only one who thinks it will be hard for her to find a career path, not only because of the Order, but because she's a Home School Dropout?
Kind of hard to get a job that uses your brain when you can't even figure a way to get out of the mess you are currently in, nevermind graduate from High School and move on to college.
I heard that there's a gas station in her town thats hiring

Jobs using the medula oblongata(sp)
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:24 am
by scheidel21
Well seeing as the medula oblangata(sp) controls the base functions of the body, being an escort is a possibility. But with all seriousness she is ungrateful to all that these guys have done for her. Especially Daniel. What does she mean he's clingy? Let's see he left his entire life behind(not that it was grand) to look after her, and help her, she is all he has left, maybe I'd be little clingy too if I were him.
On a character development level based on the last two videos we have some character growth happening for both Bree and Daniel. Daniel stated in the last video that it felt good knowing there were other fish in the sea, after he met the girl in the bar. Bree similarly wants more now too.
On the other hand maybe Bree is about to just lose it I'm not sure shes ever been completly mentally stable.
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:35 am
by Marbella
I have just completed this morning's "Catch Up," which is a general summary of the overall milieu and comments from this forum, the community forum and the message board.
Please feel free to add anything you feel is relevant. If I have time, I will update the page later today.
I hope this proves to be a useful service.
Thanks! ... e=Catch_Up
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:39 am
by Missa ChoCho
I dunno why everyone is always hatin' on bree
I think this video is just showing us that she has to change her attitude for the future...maybe something is going to happen

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:42 am
by nobackspacebutton
Ziola wrote:Um, am I the only one who thinks it will be hard for her to find a career path, not only because of the Order, but because she's a Home School Dropout?
Kind of hard to get a job that uses your brain when you can't even figure a way to get out of the mess you are currently in, nevermind graduate from High School and move on to college.
I heard that there's a gas station in her town thats hiring

haha I understand exactly what you mean. She hasn't even finished high school. She has no money....
its nice to want a career, but she needs to stick to whats going on right now. She needs to grow up and face the order--not look away and try to forget it all.
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:42 am
by Kasdeja
Maybe she should spend some time in the real world without a knight in shining armor taking care of her...then maybe she'll stop being such a self centered little brat. This type of video would have fit in well if the Order wasn't after and if someone didn't just kill her "dad"...and if that "dad" didn't just tell her who knows what, including he wasn't her real dad...yeah, then it would be fine. However, that's not the case and Bree went from the likeable teenage girl that hooked all of us into the unrealistic, self centered little brat she is now.