omegawoman wrote:I just thought of something else. She said her Dad died just because he wanted to get close to her.
Daniel is trying to get close to her. Maybe she is pushing him away for his own safety?
great point
and she said she didn't understand why anyone would want to be with her, clearly she's decided that its to important to let daniel get close to her, or anyone come to that
COME ON BREE SHOW SOME L'CARE FOR THE BEAST! The order have proven they are no match for him!
God is not on the side of the big battalions but on the finest shots
Though Daniel totally misread things, Bree also gave him some really mixed signals. Poor guy.
I agree, something is about to happen...things are getting edgy in the house. Whats up?
My guess...someone knows they are there, and something BIG is going to happen. I still have the feeling that Jonas is being set up as a sacrifice. The loner who helps may not last long.
Just my thoughts.
Order in your life is meant to build strength and confidence. Without the order, there is chaos. The order, in life, is necessary.
well I gotta say poor Beast too. Bree actually kinda pissed me off saying he's liar and all that stuff. I mean he did make a mountain out of a mole-hill...and he did make it awkward...but she was mean about it? I mean maybe she's just trying to protect her image, but Daniel has always been there and done so much for her. So that struck me bad because of that. I dunno. Good video...and it seems like Bree is starting to return a bit to her normal self.
I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
But you can call me chisa chan.... or cheese.
Vote 'mute in '08! - because Paris Hilton and P. Diddy will both talk about it for months without acctually doing it themselves.
"Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."
agent_fondue wrote:I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
Exactly! so I'm not the only one she apparently ticked off....
agent_fondue wrote:I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
This is because Bree is still withholding information. She has yet to tell us anything and she knows so much. She may very well have her reasons for treating those around her the way she does.
I'm already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth
agent_fondue wrote:I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
maybe she still hasnt forgivven him for for leaving her when she joined jonas
God is not on the side of the big battalions but on the finest shots
agent_fondue wrote:I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
Exactly! so I'm not the only one she apparently ticked off....
She talks about how she is so alone and doesnt have anyone anymore and continually hurts the one person who has stood by her. Not smart.
But you can call me chisa chan.... or cheese.
Vote 'mute in '08! - because Paris Hilton and P. Diddy will both talk about it for months without acctually doing it themselves.
"Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."
agent_fondue wrote:I am really starting to dislike Bree.
Daniel would do anything for her and has and continues to do so much for her.
Not only is she is not in the least bit greatful, she also sends him mixed signals and follows them with a harsh humilliating video.
This is because Bree is still withholding information. She has yet to tell us anything and she knows so much. She may very well have her reasons for treating those around her the way she does.
True, it could all come out in the wash.
But, that doesnt keep me from really disliking her at this point.
But you can call me chisa chan.... or cheese.
Vote 'mute in '08! - because Paris Hilton and P. Diddy will both talk about it for months without acctually doing it themselves.
"Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."