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Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:51 pm
by gogo
Oh, yeah... I forgot about that...Let's get him!
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:28 pm
by EliCash
Fine! You all win. I'm back. The Creators are getting only ONE LAST CHANCE FROM ME!!!1!! You can all get off your knees and stop begging for me to return now -- it's really pathetic.
[...] as opposed to a few weeks ago when many wanted to lynch him for an amusing complaint thread he started: Creators Resort to Dirty Tricks?
Exactly! FINALLY AN APOLOGY!!! I accept, but only because I'm such a great guy and because I've been waiting for that every night for a couple weeks now. It's okay that you were all wrong and I was right, so long as you all now ADMIT IT!
Anyway, I'm back. So you don't have to worry anymore.
But from now on, the Creators better do everything I say. OR ELSE. I mean it this time. One more screw up and I'm out of here. And then you'll be sorry.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 7:54 pm
by girlAnachronism
now everyone can like elicash when he uses that great sarcasm, as opposed to a few weeks ago when many wanted to lynch him for an amusing complaint thread he started: Creators Resort to Dirty Tricks?
Oh, the fleeting conscience of the average forum poster. It's a good thing we don't hold grudges because then we'd have started hunting people down until there wasn't a forum left.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:33 pm
by robtomorrow
My main complaint is how there is an ever growing list of unanswered questions, it seems that they are always adding new elements to the plot to create intrigue without any idea of the how things fit together.
I posted this list in another thread but I will re-post it here,
What does Aleister Crowley have to do with anything?
What does Enochian, and Thelema have to do with anything.?
What is the Ceremony Bree was to participate in?
What were the iron pills and injections for? (Epogen?)
Who are the Elders, Deacons, Watchers?
Is The Order of Denderah and the Order synonymous"
What is the connection between The Order and OpAphid?
Why does the The Order study "Egyptian"?
What were the maps on Lucy's Computer for?
What were The Order looking for when they searched the motel room?
What was written in the letter or note Bree's "parents" left her in P-Monkey?
What was the symbol that looked like the infinity symbol that Daniel found at the warehouse?
Why was her "father" doing research on ribozymes?
Why was her "father" killed? Why did it seem like an execution?
Why did they let Bree get away so easily?
What is her "mom's" role in The Order?
What happened to her birth parents?
What are the characteristics that The Order is looking for when they choose the babies to be "stolen"?
What are the characteristics that The Order is looking for when they choose the girls at puberty for the Ceremony?
What happens the the other 99% of thousands of girls who don't get chosen for the Ceremony?
What happened to Gemma?
One more question has been added since then,
Is Bree still a virgin?
Ziola added a few related to OpAphid
Ziola wrote:For those of us playing the ARG,
Who is Tachyon?
What is her interest in Bree?
Who is Brother?
Who is the head of OpAphid?
What is their primary goal/belief?
What is the group that Tachyon works for?
Who the hell is Cassie and why is she so dang important?!?
There has been endless speculation on all these questions, and it seems, more that anything, that that is what they are for. But endless speculation is getting tiring for many of us. It is interesting that the people who are still doing the speculating in the forum threads are for the most part newbies.
I used to play around and write farcical plot lines that would be able to incorporate all the diverse loose ends in a coherent whole and had some success, but at this point I can't even come up with a farcical plot line that would make sense..
If they ever are able to create a coherent whole out of all this I will be more that amazed.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:52 pm
by EliCash
It is interesting that the people who are still doing the speculating in the forum threads are for the most part newbies.
I disagree about who does "more" speculating, but I'll speak to your point to the DEGREE that it's the case.
That's because they're old questions (some of which have answers). Those who have been around a while have already debated these enough, and "newbies" who haven't debated them don't read those threads so toss out speculation that's often already been shown to be essentially baseless.
Take the thread suggesting Daniel is part of another cult ("my very long theory. Read if you wish, and comment"). Yes, the person who started it is a "newbie" and is speculating. But she/he is speculating about something that's been discussed so many times and we've pretty much all already come to a conclusion on the subject.
Now, this response is to the least important of the two points you make.
So as to the main point, about there being too many unanswered questions, it will only be a problem if these issues are never resolved.
By the way, I wish there was was a section of the forum exclusively for meta discussions like this.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:09 pm
by robtomorrow
Just curious, which old questions have anwsers?
The fact that they are old questions just emphasises my point, the old questions have never been answered, and new questions keep getting added.
We've speculated and speculated and all that speculation has led nowhere.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:16 pm
by lesbrent
covedweller wrote:Op is the essence of all evil in this thing.
Gemma is like imitation vanilla extract.
Op is the real deal.

Bringing back a thought from the Page 1....
(cue whiney wendy nasal voice) but you aren't supposed to have to watch Op.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:42 pm
by EliCash
Check LGPedia. When I say that they've been discussed repeatedly, I am not saying they don't deserve further discussion. Instead, it was just an answer to a question you asked.
So please, continue the discussion. My only point was to respond to something specific you stated.
As far as which of those questions have been answered, my reply is that we can never know everything about anything. That's life. But we certainly know a lot about many of those things. Start with the first in LGPedia and go from there.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:45 pm
by trainer101
It seems Op has decided to add her/his two cents to the discussion. This is the current OpAphid YT profile (sections in bold my edit):
Rumors of MY death have been greatly exaggerated...
Some things are secret for a reason. There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
About Me
Member Since: 3 months ago
Videos Watched: 2,323
Last Login: 2 hours ago
Some can be trusted with a secret, while others obviously cannot.
Do not be so quick to believe everything that you read, especially when there are agents amongst you who wish to interfere by spreading disinformation.
The truly worthy should ask themselves if they understand what is being asked of them.
Only then will they be prepared for the challenges ahead.
When looking at eternity, and trying to justify it against our place at this moment in time, it's quite common to wonder how all of the pieces fit together.
Perhaps the better question is "Do most people even see the whole picture?" Or are they missing out on seemingly obscure fractions of great importance that could help it all start to become clear? By the time you reach the end, will you even remember every sign you ignored at the beginning?
In the grand scheme of things, we are playing with preciously little time. Alas, without order, we are left only with chaos.
I am reminded of this writing in one of our historical texts, by the Roman philosopher Nomanyuos. I attempted to verify the translation on the internet, but unfortunately he remains a victim of harsh damnatio memoriae for his ideas and philosophies that did not bode well with members of certain sects. This less controversial musing regards the Roman Forum and its importance in his time:
"Were it not for the forum, there would be no discourse amongst the people.
Were it not for this discourse, there would be no clear vision.
Were it not for clear vision, the hard work of our politicians, citizens, slaves—not even our armies could ever bring any guidance toward the right path.
But if not for the hard work behind clear vision arrived at through discourse, the forum itself could never have been built."
Historically it is important to note, however, that most Emperors and politicians enjoyed their greatest triumphs when the forums remained largely unaware of their actions, and did not inquire about their intentions. But Nomanyuos, like most philosophers, had virtually no wealth, power or influence. Would you find it coincidental that history is full of "populists" with similar views?
Regardless, great rewards await the chosen few who can see even a fraction of the wisdom and truth that is right before their very eyes.
Hometown: Denderah
Favorite Music: "Wherever you go. Whatever you do. We will be right here, waiting for you."
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:50 pm
by robtomorrow
I am not trying to needle you, but I am very familiar with the lgpedia, I have even edited it a few times. I have been following LG15 since early last summer and I have been posting in the forum since September, I haven't found any of the answers to these questions in the lgpedia or any where else.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:00 pm
by robtomorrow
I know you to be a loyal defender of the faith.

(don't they have a prayer smiley?)
It's food for thought.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:09 pm
by trainer101
robtomorrow wrote:trainer101
I know to you to be a loyal defender of the faith.

(don't they have a prayer smiley?)
It's food for thought.

I just look at the profile update as an acknowledgement of the concerns expressed and perhaps a "hang in there, all will be revealed".
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:11 pm
by EliCash
To get you started...
What does Aleister Crowley have to do with anything?
What does
Enochian, and
Thelema have to do with anything.?
What is the Ceremony Bree was to participate in?
We certainly don't know all, but we know quite a bit.
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:22 pm
by robtomorrow
I have read all that!!!!!
I know who Aleister Crowley IS
I know what Enochian IS
I know what Thelema IS
I know all the details in the videos about the Ceremony!
I also have figured out what ribozymes are.
It doesn't anwser the question of how it all fits into the LG15 plot!!!!
Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:43 pm
by EliCash
I may expand on this topic, since I think it's important, but if you walked into my room you'd see a bunch of pictures of penguins that look like they were done by a 5-yr-old. You wouldn't know if it had an important meaning in my life, or if they were just thrown up there for no reason.
I think people simply don't understand how many things we walk around not knowing. You might be driving and run over a bottle. That bottle might have been thrown out of a car by a drunk driver who died that night, along with a family she/he hit. Or it could just be trash. Some of these things have huge stories behind them. Most don't.
It's kind of like in the movie Blowup. The main character fighting so hard for the broken piece of the guitar. Everybody wants it so badly. Once away from the crowd, he tosses it. Some random person sees it and -- even though just a minute ago everybody was fighting over it -- this random person thinks it's just a piece of trash. Because in most cases, it would have been.
We're looking at the broken piece from a guitar that a stranger just threw away and wondering how it can be that we don't know the entire history behind it.
I think if everything was explained, it would be unrealistic. At the same time, some discovery is important. There's a balance.