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Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:00 am
by Mireille
Danielle wrote:I really want a dramatic twist in Cassie's character. I don't want to see her as a fugly emo kid, or a deep dark misunderstood character.
I want her to be that blonde manipulative bitch you go to school with. Shes hot, but kinda scary as... well.
The peer pressure of the phone calls, the quickly passed judgements, all those twittery things we love wrapped up into someone we would also love to hate.
I kinda of visualise her as a tall and long looking blonde actress, with long tosseled hair in that effortlessly attractive way. Like that blonde girl from that movie about pants... uh, excuse me while i google her name.
Blake Lively? I think.
The whole innocent looking thing, but when she gives you that smirk you know shes got a messed up side.
Basically I want them to blow the SecondLife fugly Cassie idea out of the water.
That would be an interesting twist... but wasn't Cassie less popular in school than Bree? She'd have had to have been a
super beehotch to be beautiful and unpopular.
I was trying to think of what I'd imagine Cassie to look like if she were to emerge and... kinda blank. Too many Cassie's have warped my fragile, little mind.
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 5:39 am
by Merry
zoe vs heart wrote:Absynth wrote:i am totally sick of all the lame cassies, but i also think one day, a real cassie will emerge and bring os all to a land of wonder and joy,, and joyness!!!
charlie the unicorn!
i'm tired of all the cassie stuff.
itscassies does seem to know SOME thing in advance
but they almost seem like good guesses
CiW was more entertaining.
but at least we get hilarious voyboy "itskassie" spoofs.
"SHUN THE NON BELIEVER! Shuuuun!!! Shuuun! Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...n."
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:26 pm
by Cuddlebunni
Okay so Im a CIW lover. But thats the ONLY Cassie that Ive loved. Shes my one and
And although I give props to the other "cassies" out there for contributing their videos and perspectives and getting involved in the fan interaction, I dont really care for any of the storylines.
As much as I want Cassie to actually be a character, Im not sure if anything could live up to CIW (in my eyes)
If the creators can come up with an interesting twist and bring her in then fine... I would be okay with that.. I truely believe the creators intended her to be a part of the story (swimming vid) but CIW kinda ruined it for them...
Im still confused as to why they mentioned her in recent vids... The Bree video I believed was a bit of a "diss" to the CIW lovers, but then the "i was here" in tachyons video makes me think maybe just maybe they will bring her into the story somehow.
Whether Cassie is brought into the story or not, Id still like to know who was behind CIW... and also I would like to know where exactly the creators were going to take the story before CIW emerged. Maybe after its all over, the alternative story line can be revealed in the dvd extras or something.
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:23 pm
by Danielle
Mireille wrote:Danielle wrote:I really want a dramatic twist in Cassie's character. I don't want to see her as a fugly emo kid, or a deep dark misunderstood character.
I want her to be that blonde manipulative bitch you go to school with. Shes hot, but kinda scary as... well.
The peer pressure of the phone calls, the quickly passed judgements, all those twittery things we love wrapped up into someone we would also love to hate.
I kinda of visualise her as a tall and long looking blonde actress, with long tosseled hair in that effortlessly attractive way. Like that blonde girl from that movie about pants... uh, excuse me while i google her name.
Blake Lively? I think.
The whole innocent looking thing, but when she gives you that smirk you know shes got a messed up side.
Basically I want them to blow the SecondLife fugly Cassie idea out of the water.
That would be an interesting twist... but wasn't Cassie less popular in school than Bree? She'd have had to have been a
super beehotch to be beautiful and unpopular.
I was trying to think of what I'd imagine Cassie to look like if she were to emerge and... kinda blank. Too many Cassie's have warped my fragile, little mind.
Where is it offically mentioned in an LG15 vid about Cassie's unpopularity? I just lgpedia'd it and found nothing.
The great thing is, LG15 has let little out about the character so they have lots of room to create someone. Most of what we read now theorywise is CIW related, and a lot of speculation.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:28 am
by nobackspacebutton
Dude...Cassie is the most popular unseen character of LG15.
And almost as popular as the three main characters.
Who would be sick of her?
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:12 pm
by Christie91
I think that Cassie is some sort of alternate personality or something..
I watched the CiW videos and read all about Frank. It's slightly strange that Bree's uncle is called Uncle Franklin?
Hmm I dno, maybe me reading into it too deep but ye, lemme know what ya think

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:40 pm
by Yayamaya
am I the only one who likes ItsCassie more then CiW
I want them to bring out a cannon Cassie,
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 4:50 pm
by HoorayForMeImMakingOut
Awww I <3 itscassie
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:01 pm
by Beckers
I am jumping up and down sick of her.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:26 pm
by Sami
I will never be sick of Cassie
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:39 pm
by Haydensgirl2
I like itscassie better than CIW probobly because i don't understand CTW to the lightest bit. If anyone would like to clear things up for me that would be great. Thanks.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:41 pm
by nowherepixie
Im enjoying ItsCassie but I missed out on CiW.
Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:43 pm
by Sami
one can't really compare Itscassie and CiW
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 12:34 pm
by nowherepixie
Yeh. I've read CiW on Wiki, but it's not the same