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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 2:31 am
by Thrar
would if lucy is her biological mom?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:38 am
by alex
njadler wrote:Anyway, I think it's too early out of the gate yet to figure where this is headed...wonder if she has siblings she doesn't know about...
if that includes jonas or daniel i'm going to be livid.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:57 am
by nobackspacebutton
I'm leaning towards the possibility that Bree's "mom" stole her...and afterwards got together with her "dad". They never wore wedding rings...or at least we never saw her "dad" wear they were probably never married. Bree's "mom" was very highly looked upon in the community, so I'm sure she holds a high position in the order. And might I add, usually pagan faiths believe a certain woman or goddess rules over them, perhaps the Order is related to something more pagan.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:00 pm
by butterfly
ex mechanic wrote:I suspect that the Order is actually run by the women (Dendara was a temple of the Goddess Hathor), and the men are, if not exactly drones, at least a step or two down the ladder. If my theory is correct, Mr. Bree was shot because he wasn't supposed to have any contact with Bree, and his usefulness to the Order was finished anyway except as a way to shock Bree.
My first post here - thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:51 pm
by girlAnachronism
Wow, awesome topic we have going here, guys. I dont' think that Bree's parents are actually married, but were brought together raise [nurture] Bree. Which I suppose is a huge honor because it means that the Order thought they were great members. I think that the Order offers more to Bree's mother, which is why she did not defect. Bree's dad, I believe, grew to care more about Bree than he did about the Order, which is why he went after her.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:07 pm
by Taig
Wow! I have to agree! Those ar some really good theories, ideas, story lines!
These comments all (well most) breathe a lot of new energy into things. I'm excited.
every time I start to hate starts to get good again!
Thank you Trainer 101 for the "discussion points"
Ex-Mechanic Welcome and Well DOne
I love the Bree/Cassie thing and it works great with the wearing down idea.
(god listen to me will ya? ok that's enough goo)
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:07 pm
by Kanazaka
butterfly wrote:ex mechanic wrote:I suspect that the Order is actually run by the women (Dendara was a temple of the Goddess Hathor), and the men are, if not exactly drones, at least a step or two down the ladder. If my theory is correct, Mr. Bree was shot because he wasn't supposed to have any contact with Bree, and his usefulness to the Order was finished anyway except as a way to shock Bree.
My first post here - thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
If this is true, then what about the Deacons? This is a bit off-topic, but perhaps the Deacons do not hold as much power as we think they do. Perhaps, also, Lucy is much more than a helper, and is actually a high-ranking Order member who stepped in to supervise Bree's ceremony training. I'll explore these ideas further in the appropriate threads.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:37 pm
by ex mechanic
I don't think anyone has ever mentioned the sex of the Deacons and even if they are male, they could just be frontmen for the Order, while the real power is kept behind the scenes. The religious aspects of the Order could be just a smokescreen to hide its true activities and purposes.
Re: Did Bree's "Mom" set up "Dad"?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:57 pm
by ericski
trainer101 wrote:Now that we know Bree’s mom and dad are not her real parents and she will not speak to “mom”, a few questions must be raised:
1. Did “Mom” set up “Dad”?
Just throwing these out there for discussion.
Edit: To take other possibilities into account (Thanks ApotheosisAZ, lookinginonyou and Kanazaka)
hey i just thought of the gemma vid where she described the first meeting of bree's "mom" and her own mom. something about a man who thought a certain way should be put/shot? down like a dog? (i have looked for it but obviously not exhaustively

) foreshadowing, anybody?
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:20 am
by TheScentofLavender
I really like where this is going. All these theories are really helping increase the flow of many more thoughtful ideas.
I have actually always though that this whole thing might be leading to some complex eugenics project being done by the Order. I started thinking about it since we found out that Bree's dad was working on Ribozymes.
Here are sections of 2 websites that talk about ribozymes:
"Ribozymes may also be used in the future to correct genetic disorders. Unhealthy proteins may be eliminated, essentially before they exist, by breaking up the RNA molecules responsible for translating and transcribing them."
"Ribozymes are molecular scissors that cut RNA, the molecular messages given by genes in order to produce proteins. These molecular scissors provide a very useful means of studying gene function since by cutting the RNA with a ribozyme a gene can be effectively turned off. Such a turning off of the gene can then be studied in terms of what happens to the cell structure in the cell in which the gene has been turned off and in terms of what happens to the molecular soup within the cell itself. "
I was thinking maybe Bree's the next in the linage to be expiremented on (maybe she was taking the Epogen to increase blood for a surgery where blood loss is expected). Maybe gene therapy? Maybe impregnation? And perhaps since Bree's dad knew so much about ribozymes, or was a cog in the genetic research for the Order, he might have decided that this was not right and tried to get Bree out, something which her "mom" objected to. Maybe that's why she isn't speaking to her and why it seems only her dad was trying to reach her. I would think if you found out the people you thought were your parents weren't your parents, and then the man you knew as your father died, you would want to find your "mom" and ask her more questions. It seems like something her "father" told her, has put her off to speaking with the woman she thought was her mom.
After she talks about how learning the truth, can totally change your perspective on life, she says that her father's "midlife" crisis is now her early teen life crisis. Maybe her father found out the truth about his "wife" and needed to share the info with Bree. Perhaps that info was that her mother totally supported the order, and is not to be trusted.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:43 am
by Luv2Skydive
TheScentofLavender wrote:I really like where this is going. All these theories are really helping increase the flow of many more thoughtful ideas.
I have actually always though that this whole thing might be leading to some complex eugenics project being done by the Order. I started thinking about it since we found out that Bree's dad was working on Ribozymes.
Here are sections of 2 websites that talk about ribozymes:
"Ribozymes may also be used in the future to correct genetic disorders. Unhealthy proteins may be eliminated, essentially before they exist, by breaking up the RNA molecules responsible for translating and transcribing them."
"Ribozymes are molecular scissors that cut RNA, the molecular messages given by genes in order to produce proteins. These molecular scissors provide a very useful means of studying gene function since by cutting the RNA with a ribozyme a gene can be effectively turned off. Such a turning off of the gene can then be studied in terms of what happens to the cell structure in the cell in which the gene has been turned off and in terms of what happens to the molecular soup within the cell itself. "
I was thinking maybe Bree's the next in the linage to be expiremented on (maybe she was taking the Epogen to increase blood for a surgery where blood loss is expected). Maybe gene therapy? Maybe impregnation? And perhaps since Bree's dad knew so much about ribozymes, or was a cog in the genetic research for the Order, he might have decided that this was not right and tried to get Bree out, something which her "mom" objected to. Maybe that's why she isn't speaking to her and why it seems only her dad was trying to reach her. I would think if you found out the people you thought were your parents weren't your parents, and then the man you knew as your father died, you would want to find your "mom" and ask her more questions. It seems like something her "father" told her, has put her off to speaking with the woman she thought was her mom.
After she talks about how learning the truth, can totally change your perspective on life, she says that her father's "midlife" crisis is now her early teen life crisis. Maybe her father found out the truth about his "wife" and needed to share the info with Bree. Perhaps that info was that her mother totally supported the order, and is not to be trusted.
Very good post.....there are SOOOO many parallels/tangents/connections in this forum and I agree and have posted about a lot of what you have said. Maybe Bree's mom "chose" her husband because of his job specialty and he became wise to her. BTW, welcome lurker turned poster.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:57 am
by Absynth
Trainer101 wrote...
"3. Where her “parents” selected by the Order to raise and nurture her?
4. If so, why?
5. Where are her real parents - are they alive? Are they part of the Order too?
6. Was Bree abducted at birth or adopted?
sounds like traits of the Illuminati to me. they do that stuff all the time. (i know its been brought up before that breee could be Illuminati, but this makes me think it more)
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:00 am
by Luv2Skydive
Absynth wrote:Quote:
Trainer101 wrote...
"3. Where her “parents” selected by the Order to raise and nurture her?
4. If so, why?
5. Where are her real parents - are they alive? Are they part of the Order too?
6. Was Bree abducted at birth or adopted?
sounds like traits of the Illuminati to me. they do that stuff all the time. (i know its been brought up before that breee could be Illuminati, but this makes me think it more)
I agree....out of all the research I've done....and it's A LOT, I come back to Illuminati EVERYTIME. Trainer101 started the theory, so props to him.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 8:56 am
by Beckers
Yeah....I've noticed to everything is pretty much able to be connected to the illuminati.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:00 am
by nakita
Luv2Skydive: I tried to read your entire post on the Princess Programming, but I didn't really understand. What IS it
Also, does Bree ever say that her parents are married? I went back and watched "How my parents met" and at the end she says something like "They couldn't see each other very often, because my mom lived in Edinburghah (sp?), so they wrote letters... and that was it"
Does she mention her parent's relationship anywhere else? Besides that video where her parents argue about her going to a party or something, I'm pretty sure Bree mentions something about being confident her mother can persuade her father.