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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:39 pm
by girlAnachronism
CiW must have lost quite a few braincells if she's now posting vids under itscassie.
Just for the record, I chekced and itsreallycassie is not a youtube account nor a xanga account. Dont' really know where else i'd check...
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:41 pm
by iamcool
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:04 pm
by justwatching
Ok, this may be my first post, but Ive been watching and reading the forum every night since the first CIW video. the only reason I have yet to post is that I really dont have the time to be any more addicted and involved than I already know. Having said that.... I would be thrilled to see cassie come back, but itscassie isnt CIW, and neither is frankiswaking, here's why:
From Franks log back in OCT:
Sunday, October 08, 2006
--I made the videos. Everything in them is within my abilities, given my past work. And everything in them is stuff I recognize - my Bible, my gear, the area around here.
--Cassie is the voice, and she uses me to communicate.
i don't make puzzles
that's her stupid shit, not nmine
stop trying to solve me
posted by Frank at 9:30 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
This message is from Kaye
Hello to all. This message is from Kaye, Frank's wife. I am sorry to inform you that Frank passed away last night.
Also, I can assure you there is no Cassie, Bree or other person who was actually in Frank's life at the end. Unfortunately, Frank saw and heard many people who were not there, and he couldn't tell the difference between those hallucinations and people in the real world. The police and the manager at the motel have said that there was no evidence of a person in crisis who Frank was actually helping. It is common for people with Frank's condition to invent dramatic situations.
We know that Frank made the CIW videos, as possessed by Cassie. Then he died. So it doesn't make any sense for Frank to now be alive, making videos as himself, pointing to a living person as being Cassie. Liing people cannot posses others, and dead people cannot post videos on youtube. Also doesnt make sense for itscassie (living) to be making videos as "the" cassie. (again, because living people cant possess others, keep up now)
The only way CIW's Cassie can come back is by possessing someone else who happens to have the means and knowledge to make videos. Someone posted a bit back somewhere that one of these other spin off videos implies that cassie is now possessing someone new... cant remember what that was all about, I'll see if I can fidn it.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:07 pm
by iamcool
maybe cassie is possessing frank while he is possessing someone else
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:19 pm
by justwatching
Heres the link to the discussion... its autumn riley's Nobody lies vid. Now I guess I have to go watch all those dang vids again too..
See, this is why I tried to not get inolved.
(going back to lurking now)
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:39 pm
by Chartreuse
^ But if Cassie WAS possessing someone new (eg: TheLadyLazarus), what does this Frank account have to do with it?
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:47 pm
by Coil
Back in the day this FRANK was deemed fake by CiW..
Frank's blog = Frank is dead.
Video editing and quality...
itscassie = frankiswaking
Same person. or at least same camcorder which possibly has no color. and the editing skills are still really bad, well itscassie's editing is getting better but if i was to fool everyone i'd make one crappy account and one that progresses.
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:09 am
by theleader
Coil wrote:Back in the day this FRANK was deemed fake by CiW..
Frank's blog = Frank is dead.
Video editing and quality...
itscassie = frankiswaking
Same person. or at least same camcorder which possibly has no color. and the editing skills are still really bad, well itscassie's editing is getting better but if i was to fool everyone i'd make one crappy account and one that progresses.
so would i
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:16 am
by jobee13
I don't think itscassie uses Windows Movie Maker though...and if she did make another account thats no use to um...make her editing worse when she's not actually that bad at it...if that makes sense

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:55 pm
by lonelyfan13
theres no way the person behind Frank is the same person behind itscassie. There videos are done waaay too differently.
Its just some fan of CiW who decided to join in on the fun, but CiW didn't embrace him. Now with the return of the whole Cassie character under the name itscassie, Frank has come back to squeeze himself into her storyline and make us all think he's a part of that since he can no longer pretend to be part of CiW.
To me, its painfully obvious what this guy is doing! Should be interesting though to see if itscassie lets him aboard her story. doubt it tho, seeing ive tried to contact her several times and she basically ignores everyone. lol I suppose thats the smart thing to do.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:25 am
by jobee13
itscassie's probably the most um.... popular (?) Cassie atm (if you're saying CiW has died) so it would be pretty much stupid of her to accept someone to get into her story
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:11 am
by Kasdeja
I thought the CiW frank was not called frankiswaking.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:18 am
by wintermute
Kasdeja wrote:I thought the CiW frank was not called frankiswaking.
You're correct. He wasn't.
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:21 am
by Kasdeja'd been awhile but I thought that wasn't his name. O.k....carry on.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:48 pm
by fantasma
iamcool wrote:the creators said itscassie wasnt canon in the chat thing
but thats some good sluething

Actually, the Creators said "itskassie is not canon"
Somewhere along the line that direct quote got altered, but I was there and they never referred to "itscassie" that way.