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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:03 am
by nobackspacebutton
Perhaps that was the message included in the police clips...maybe Jonas has one of those radios where he can listen in? =P

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:13 am
by nobackspacebutton
Or perhaps, his death is relevant to where he was shot.

If someone is shot dead on in the head...well, you know what I mean. =P

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:45 am
by annie
kristenjane wrote:I think it would be even more amusing for it to have said RIP Mr. Bree.

People on here would go CRAZYY
I started this thread early this morning, before work, and it was named "RIP Mr. Bree ~ are we to believe he's really dead" (AniDonia, you were on at that time, you can confirm that.)

I just logged back on and noticed that it had been renamed. I guess the mods didn't like the "RIP Mr. Bree". Hope they don't delete this post.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:48 am
by Broken Kid
annie wrote:
kristenjane wrote:I think it would be even more amusing for it to have said RIP Mr. Bree.

People on here would go CRAZYY
I started this thread early this morning, before work, and it was named "RIP Mr. Bree ~ are we to believe he's really dead" (AniDonia, you were on at that time, you can confirm that.)

I just logged back on and noticed that it had been renamed. I guess the mods didn't like the "RIP Mr. Bree". Hope they don't delete this post.
Sorry...should have posted a message. I just combined them to keep the number of topics down, since they were essentially the same discussion. All of the posts from both topics are here!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:52 am
by butterfly
I think it's implied that they recieved confirmation of his death by listening to a police scanner, based on the opening scene of the latest video.

Brees Dad

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:10 am
by BeautifulDisaster
as far as bree sleeping at the end, well sometimes you just get so upset and stressed your body just needs the sleep, You can only cry so much before your body just wants to shut down for a while. So yeah that would explain her sleeping.... As far as how we know her dad is dead, well We hear a gunshot as well as bree give a little yell...We couldn't see quite what happend, But I would imagine it could have been very graphic...And it could have been on the news and radio as well,Though I don't beleive the order would just leave a dead body laying around, I really think they would clean up their mess,and have the right people deal with it.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:48 am
by Taig
Annie....The moderator(s?) seem to be getting VERY heavy handed latley. It is a topic for another thread but I wanted to note that this is just one more example.

*unless of course they dlete this post, ban me or lock the topic first)

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:49 am
by nobackspacebutton
Taig wrote:Annie....The moderator(s?) seem to be getting VERY heavy handed latley. It is a topic for another thread but I wanted to note that this is just one more example.

*unless of course they dlete this post, ban me or lock the topic first)

They edit as needed. I've never really seen it as a problem. They usually have good unbiased judgement.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:04 am
by Killthesmiley
btw people those definately were NOT police scanner clips. They were just talk radio...

and the moderators are great at keeping the forum free of chaos and clutter

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:12 am
by nobackspacebutton
Killthesmiley wrote:btw people those definately were NOT police scanner clips. They were just talk radio...

and the moderators are great at keeping the forum free of chaos and clutter

I concur!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:41 am
by annie
Broken Kid wrote:
annie wrote:
kristenjane wrote:I think it would be even more amusing for it to have said RIP Mr. Bree.

People on here would go CRAZYY
I started this thread early this morning, before work, and it was named "RIP Mr. Bree ~ are we to believe he's really dead" (AniDonia, you were on at that time, you can confirm that.)

I just logged back on and noticed that it had been renamed. I guess the mods didn't like the "RIP Mr. Bree". Hope they don't delete this post.
Sorry...should have posted a message. I just combined them to keep the number of topics down, since they were essentially the same discussion. All of the posts from both topics are here!
Thank you for clarifying!!

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:43 am
by nobackspacebutton
Maybe Bree's dad is an alien..


Sorry..I just found that smiley...and it was so cool..I just wanted to share =P

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:45 am
by annie
Taig wrote:Annie....The moderator(s?) seem to be getting VERY heavy handed latley. It is a topic for another thread but I wanted to note that this is just one more example.

*unless of course they dlete this post, ban me or lock the topic first)
10-4 Taig. I can see why the two topics were combined, but my thread did have a different meaning than this heading.

:arrow: My Subject line/heading questioned whether we are to believe her dad is really dead, and that got eliminated altogether with the combining of the threads.

I do appreciate the mod clarifying. I'm reluctant, however, to start another thread -- I'm not sure what will be considered as "clutter".

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:34 pm
by Killthesmiley
~prays this isn't the beginning of another flame war~

to satisfy people...

i'm gong to post my views on "are we to believ ehe is dead"

i honestly think we need to beleive he is dead.
He betrayed the order. In everyway. He helped bree run away by leaving a note and money. He (assumming here) didn't tell them where she was/going. He got in contact with her through code, secretly,behind their backs, and went and met her.
For all we know, they could have been looking for him as well. He might have escaped.
Either way, its obvious that since Bree brought up the concerns she had about the ceremony, her parents were supportive. And bree's dad realized , that as a doctor and her parent, it was his responsibilty to know what medication he was giving her. Probably when he confronted the deacons about it in that "Secrative meeting" they had, it probably came to the deacons attention that they were about to betray them. Hence why they were taken. But hopefully Bree's father (and mother maybe) got away, but now the order caught him
He betrayed them in every way...and by the looks of the hints and clues that bree gave us about him...he might have been betraying them for a lot longer then we think.
The clues she gave us concerning "spy" movies and Nancy Drew books, seems to hint to a connection to Tachyon...but of course nothing is confirmed yet.

So are we to believe that he is dead. 100% yes.
He choose a side, and as OpAphid said
...those who declair themselves enemies, shall be considered fair game, we do not act, unless first pervoked, but heed this warning, do not beleive that, possibly, you can escape the rewards of your actions, And As Such, You shall face our wrath

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:42 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
my condolences.