[SOLVED] "Sister" to OpAphid

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Way to much Math for me to follow Kageyuki ..waaayyyyy to much , I have no clue what Helix's are, or ASCIIs' or base 64 !!!!

I BARELY passed algebra,lo those many years ago ... :lol:

I like to see the answers after you guys have solved it ... it is soooo cool to see that, although myself,I have no patience or desire for any kind of math!! :lol:

Keep up the good work! If there is ever an English paper Tach need me to critic or edit,I'm all over it ;) !!

(edited for spelling)
Last edited by LONGTIMELURKER on Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse
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Post by kageyuki »

As I'd said earlier, there isn't really any math invloved. It's just substituting letters and/or numbers for other letters and/or numbers. there is no "calculating" or anything.

Besides there are online decoders that can be used to help when the message needing to be decoded is quite long.

It's all more like copyediting than any type of mathematics, algebra or anything like that.
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At any rate ...good job !!! :)

and thanks for the clarification..... :D
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse
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Post by kageyuki »

No prob, LTLurker...

Just wanted to help you realize that even you could be able to decode puzzles... I think we'd all wish for you to be able to experience the same joy that we do when we solve one of these things! :) :?
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Post by Chartreuse »


^ That's what I used because it's all in one page. Usually you'll just be using base64 and Hex (base 6)

If it's in pairs of two (usually) with digits and letters between a and f, it's Hex. Put your code in the Hex box, hit decode, and see what comes out.

If it's completely random letters and digits, or has a telltale = sign at the end, it's base64. Put your code in, hit decode, see what comes out.

1's and 0's = binary. (base 2)

Random digits = decimal. (base 10)

A lot of times it will be "double wrapped" or "double bagged"... if more gibberish comes out in the plain text box, figure out what it is and put it in the correct box.

Guilly likes to quadruple bag, and so forth. @_@

Wanna try it out? Decode this (kageyuki [sp?]... don't post the answer!!):
4e 44 63 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 6a 51 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6d 45 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 6a 49 67 4d 6a 45 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 47 55 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 7a 63 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 49 67 4e 7a 55 67 4e 6d 55 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 45 67 4e 6d 4d 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 6d 55 67 4e 6a 63 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 45 67 4e 6d 55 67 4e 6a 51 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 41 67 4e 6d 4d 67 4e 6a 45 67 4e 7a 6b 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 6a 45 67 4e 6d 4d 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 6d 55 67 4e 6a 63 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 7a 63 67 4e 6a 6b 67 4e 7a 51 67 4e 6a 67 67 4d 6a 41 67 4e 54 51 67 4e 6a 45 67 4e 6a 4d 67 4e 6a 67 67 4e 7a 6b 67 4e 6d 59 67 4e 6d 55 67 4d 6d 55 3d
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Post by kageyuki »

:o :shock: :(

You're mean, Chartreuse... mean and sick... :P (J/K)

From what I hear, Tachy can be as bad and worse... Remember the "Quint-bagged" message?
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Post by xentis »

i noticed if you rotate the paper picture 90 degrees it looks like when you tally points on a chalk board(5).. also that its "2" sister and not "to"

doubt it has to do with anything but thought I'd share
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Re: [SOLVED] "Sister" to OpAphid

Post by theslyestfox »

kageyuki wrote: Remembering the Christmas song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" Chartreuse also deduced that the second part of Sister's message [maids a milking] was also part of the code. There were seven of them.

uhhh i know this has already been solved, and correctly, but i just wanted to point out that there are EIGHT maids a milking (seven swans a swimming). so, whoever made this and whoever figured it out BOTH happened to make EXACTLY the same mistake as to how many maids a milking there were.
and just in case you need extra proof that it's really 8 :
http://www.carols.org.uk/the_twelve_day ... istmas.htm
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Post by SarahSmee »

The picture she holds up looks like the tree with the logs in the background in The GuillotineCalamity Arc at 3:17. Take a look.
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