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Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:04 pm
by HyeMew
This one was amazing! Suprises everywhere, National Geographic!, reference to Proving Science Wrong, reindeer blood, the works! Merry Christmas/whateveryoucelebrate Bree, Daniel, and even Jonas! He sure was hyper in this one.
Thanks for the Christmas gift of a great episode, Creators!
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:34 pm
Yippee! DB is with B!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:36 pm
by kalika
I thought Bree's family celebrated Solstice and Equinoxes and things? Didn't she go to a party with her parents, and something about a bibliomancy?
Anyway, this was super cute, I couldnt' help but get giggly when Bree hugged Daniel and shouted his name. It was pretty abrupt though, I thought Jonas would say something like, "I've got one more present for you..." or something like that. Daniel was all sparkly too -- you could tell how happy he was to see her.
Why would Daniel have to steal money from his parents? If Jonas knew he was coming, why didn't he wire Daniel the money? hmmmm....
anyway, Happy Holydays everybody!
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:37 pm
by avian_firefly
YAY! Daniel is back ^________^
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:39 pm
by Chartreuse
Oh my gosh. It's christmas. I don't even CELEBRATE christmas. I'm sitting here on christmas, sobbing over the CUTEST LG15 VIDEO OVER. Yes, that's right. Crying. I'm so happy I'm crying.
And I've just officially fallen in love with Jonas. First I hated him. Didn't trust him. Now I love him.
ZOMG SLEEPING JONAS. *pinches cheeks*
Anyhow, the national geographic gift certainly intrigued me. She says, "I don't know, I've never tackled geography before" (paraphrased-ish). YES SHE HAS. Hello? Proving longitude wrong?
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:43 pm
by avian_firefly
xrockette19x wrote:i was really hoping there would be a vid today for me and my fellow jews who do nothing but go to the movies and eat chinese food on christmas!!
lol,my bf says that same thing XD
kalika wrote:Why would Daniel have to steal money from his parents? If Jonas knew he was coming, why didn't he wire Daniel the money? hmmmm....
Paper trail?
Chartreuse wrote:Anyhow, the national geographic gift certainly intrigued me. She says, "I don't know, I've never tackled geography before" (paraphrased-ish). YES SHE HAS. Hello? Proving longitude wrong?
I thought the exact same thing! Does anyone have a screen cap of the issue? My parents have National Geographic,so I could see if we have a copy of it.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:44 pm
by aggressivsk8grl
Yay! They're so cute

I'll try to figure out the significance of the Egyptian National Geographic tomorrow...
Merry Christmas everybody!
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:48 pm
by kageyuki

This video was a very nice surprise!
I thoroughly enjoyed it! Especially since it seemed like a collaboration of sorts!
I hope you all realize that this is the
first time we've seen a video with Bree, Daniel
and Jonas! I have to admit, it left a warm feeling inside of me. Well, all that and the heartwarming "reunion" or Bree and Daniel. (They hadn't been separated for too long... but I know... it feels like forever when it's someone you care about.)
Some have wondered (like
kalika) why Daniel would have had to steal money from his parents if Jonas had set things up for his arrival...

Maybe Daniel didn't want to take Jonas' money that readily.
I know I've been in somewhat of a similar situation; where someone had offered to send me money so I could get to them. I had refused that offer, much like Daniel didn't take Jonas' offer.
Daniel probably just wanted to get the money
his way to try to show Jonas that he wasn't totally in need of his help.
Of course, though... I'm going way too deep into this...
Sometimes pride takes precedence over humility. From what I've seen of Daniel, he's got a lot of it to be proud of.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:50 pm
by kageyuki
avian_firefly wrote:I thought the exact same thing! Does anyone have a screen cap of the issue? My parents have National Geographic,so I could see if we have a copy of it.
Weren't there a few issues of National Geographic in that box?
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:53 pm
by avian_firefly
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:55 pm
by avian_firefly
kageyuki wrote:avian_firefly wrote:I thought the exact same thing! Does anyone have a screen cap of the issue? My parents have National Geographic,so I could see if we have a copy of it.
Weren't there a few issues of National Geographic in that box?
Yeah, we only really see the top one though,and a part of another.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 2:05 pm
by kageyuki
avian_firefly wrote:Yeah, we only really see the top one though,and a part of another.
... but not enough pixels to discern the cover of the other issue... darn!
Well, at least you found the one that she was holding! Awesome!
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 2:14 pm
by aggressivsk8grl
Here's the first issue:
As for the second one, you're right kageyuki. There aren't enough pixels

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 2:25 pm
by kageyuki
aggressivsk8grl wrote:Here's the first issue:

As for the second one, you're right kageyuki. There aren't enough pixels

Thanks a bunch
I guess the second may have just been a random issue or something to put in the box?
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 2:29 pm
by aggressivsk8grl
You're welcome kageyuki
Probably right about the second one. If it had been important, I'm pretty sure they would've let us see it.