i just got my power back.

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Post by krmurr87 »

about a month ago i decided to come home from school to visit a sick friend for the weekend. There was a freak winter storm and almost every tree within a fifty mile radius was hit and destroyed and all of the power was down. Four days later I finally got home but my family didn't get power back for about a week. Needless to say the lack of lg15 in my life during those four days was unbearable!!! lol
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Post by heartlizziedot »

lonelyelendi wrote:Dude I live in WA too! I got my power back last Saturday night...you must be out in the boondocks! I live near Seattle...
Me tooo. I'm in Puyallup.
Except the only thing I find weird is that you live in Washington too.
Alex [the one who posted this] is actually one of my best friends. Haha. :]

PS: I NEVER LOST POWER. Just internet though. :/
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Post by alex »

lonelyelendi wrote:Dude I live in WA too! I got my power back last Saturday night...you must be out in the boondocks! I live near Seattle...
haha nope, just federal way. it hit us bad here. apparently not as bad as some of your north-end people, though.

i was at a resort in graham (i was surprised they exist to... :shock: ) when power started going out. talk about the boondocks.
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Post by lonelyelendi »

Hahahahaha...Graham....lol....yea federal way isn't too out there....man we had to have my parents 25th Wedding Anniversary party without any power...xDDDD
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Post by heartlizziedot »

lonelyelendi wrote:Hahahahaha...Graham....lol....yea federal way isn't too out there....man we had to have my parents 25th Wedding Anniversary party without any power...xDDDD
Hahah. My cousin's wedding was without candles.