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Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:27 am
by GoodGollyItsHolly
How can they trust gemma? We know she was in the order at one point. How do we know she isnt here to mislead bree?!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:27 am
by CranberryApple
I said Yes because given the two options, going to stay with Jonas is better than going home and facing OpAphid and the Order. They can't continue to stay on the streets (weren't they out of money already in the last vid?) and dumpster dive forever, they can't go home since we know OpAphid is or has been in Bree's house, and we know the Order has been there already, too, so they may as well go to Jonas's. I'd still rather they go to someplace like the YMCA or a homeless shelter, but I guess that's not an option!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:29 am
by melissa1
I say yes. They should stay with Jonas.
- their house is being monitored by the Order
- Gemma herself is dropping hints not to trust her. She's been that way ever since her stalker episode.
- They're eating out of the trash
- staying with Jonas will give us more interesting visuals... (I'm sure the lady fans will agree)
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:30 am
by helix52
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:How can they trust gemma? We know she was in the order at one point. How do we know she isnt here to mislead bree?!
Clearly the final decision is up to you, Holly. I am only giving my reasons on why I don't think they should go to Jonas' house and why I believe they should return home. They've been out on the streets long enough, haven't they? I don't think Jonas is the answer.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:30 am
by robtomorrow
Well let me see..... Jonas is rich, hmmmm,..... Bree and Daniel are eating out of dumpsters.......there are cameras in their bedrooms..... watchers are everywhere.
Ok I think they should go to a Jonas's.
At least the story may move along!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:32 am
by khjq
robtomorrow wrote:At least the story may move along!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:36 am
by aprilawz
GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:He has the resources to help them. That in itself is a good reason for them to go, dont you think?
I agree, although if they are still really uncomfortable with the idea of staying with him, at least right away, Jonas might consider putting them up in a motel for a few days first. Or at the very least get some cash to them somehow so that they can regroup a little bit while they "feel out" the whole Jonas situation.
If a test is what they want, this might not be a bad way to go about it. If they can see that J is willing to help without expecting any sort of "payback", it might really pave the way to developing a deeper trust.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:42 am
by imogene2004
Yes. I think they should stay with Jonas. I believe he may just be a good guy, so his house would be a very good hideout. But what if he's not a good guy? What's gonna happen if Jonas is just luring them there because he's part of The Order? I don't know, but the way I see it, if The Order was trying to kill them, they'd be dead already. Also, I think Gemma is the untrustworthy one, and she is totally against Jonas and is trying to send them home to a trap, so they should definately do the opposite of what she says.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:49 am
by kalika
So, I'm not sure if they should trust Jonas, but they should at least accept some help. They need to get off the streets. These Watches are supposed to be well hard could it be to find them in an abandoned warehouse???
If they go to Jonas' house, Daniel should be super aware and prepared to jump ship if they need to. They should make sure they have an escape plan. Daniel should hold P.Monkey ransom until Bree actually recognizes and discusses this to make sure she knows when and how to run if they need to.
I also like the idea of Jonas being tested by showing his willingness to help in some other way. Sending them money so they can spend a few nights off the streets and well fed before they come to visit him would be a really good test of his character.
At the end of the day, I also voted yes so we could move the story along.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:57 am
by Ennovi
Jonas is the best option.
1) The house is being watched by the Order.
2) Living on the streets is too dangerous.
3) Money is of no use since any hotel they stay at will be tracked by the Order.
4) We have no reason not to trust Jonas.
5) Jonas has the resources to help them out (car & money)
6) Gemma wants them home, which is obviously dangerous, so she must be evil

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:58 am
by omegawoman
Bree knows more than what she is telling us and that is where she very much wants to go.
Remember, Bree doesn't like to talk about her religion, and she still isn't talking, but she doesn't seem that concerned about her parents wherabouts. I am telling you, this girl knows so much more than what she is telling us.
It may be a trap, but at least they can get cleaned up, get some good food and maybe have time to think before they plot their escape.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:59 am
by drummerssticks
No, i wouldent stay with him. To me too many things seem to be suspicious, he's too keen to help them out, and he seems abit obsessed about bree and daniel going to stay with him.
Also the fact that he has this big house and his parents are gone just seems a bit too convenient for me.
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:06 am
by this is my obsession
Jonas is really the only option at this point. They can't go home!!
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:15 am
by kneeleigh
I voted yes for the same reasons as everyone else.
It seems, as of right now, the safest place for them to be.
They can't be on the streets for the rest of their lives, and it
looks as if their houses are being watched. So, to be safe, they proably shouldn't go home. If Jonas is their only option, then they need to take it. If things start getting strange, then they can leave.
Or, if this could happen...maybe Holly could go to Jonas' and inspect the house? Bust open those doors to those rooms he wouldn't let us in.

If she thinks it looks alright, then maybe they could go?
Crap, I don't know. But, I voted yes. :]
trust jonas???? hell no
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:16 am
by LonelyCrackhead
Don't believe him.