I really liked the way this video was filmed and edited. I'm sure it was intentional, and I thought the new narration technique and black cuts were appropriate for the mood of the video and situation itself.
Suffice it to say we won't see Bree dancing around with a feather boa eating cookies any time soon, but I do like that the Creators are trying to show another, darker side to Bree and Daniel. It's a nice way to develop the two main characters and is generally more realistic. Life can't always be fun and carefree.
As for Bree's insistance that they stay with Jonas, I was practically gritting my teeth every time his name was mentioned. I don't know why I hate him so much, but he just works my last nerve.
Also Bree needs to learn to not bite the hand that has fed her thus far. She need to be giving Daniel a little more credit and be thanking him left, right, and center for what he has done for her.
Let's face it, Bree weren't living much of a "life" before this whole ordeal. Daniel had to sacrifice a lot more than Bree ever would, and he didn't even have to! He chose to go with Bree and stick by her this long because he loves and cares about her. Show some gratitude once and awhile Bree!
*Prays that the next video does not depict them arriving at Jonas' house*