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Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:23 pm
by Way2Curious
Lurker wrote:SmellyHawaiian wrote:so i was in the chat for the last 15 or 20 mins.. and all i got was that Jonas offered to help. whether it be money, or a place to stay.. is that right? was anything else said?
I heard that he offered Bree a place to stay and Gemma told her she couldn't trust him so soon. The last I heard was that Bree wasn't sure if she could trust him either. Not sure how that was resolved.
I also heard that Bree said Daniel was thinking that maybe they should try going home. Not sure how that ended up either.
Hopefully they're not going to do something incredibly distasteful like split Bree and Daniel up. I heard that some people were suggesting it.
LOL, so basically what we can take away from the chat is that.....anything...could happen?
I missed it by the way. I had always just planned to read the transcript. Though from the sounds of it, whoever has the task of creating a transcript has quite a job ahead of them.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:27 pm
by Anne
No matter how admirable you may think it is that they tried to "keep their promise": obviously the creators simply didn't do their job well. And that's shitty. To me it makes no difference whether they kept their word or not - I couldn't stay in that chat and couldn't get anything out of it, so they may as well not even have done it.
Oh well, hopefully they'll stick to videos in the future.
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:27 pm
by trunbuns
yea splitting up isnt a very good idea. hmm, well hopefully someone finds the time to go through the transcript and clean it up to the point where only the important things are on there. Honestly if i had time, i'd do it myself.
I will do it seeing as im missing uni tommorow any way i could probably have it done by about 4pm gmt tommorrw if some pm's me all the text
Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:38 pm
by SmellyHawaiian
trunbuns wrote:yea splitting up isnt a very good idea. hmm, well hopefully someone finds the time to go through the transcript and clean it up to the point where only the important things are on there. Honestly if i had time, i'd do it myself.
I will do it seeing as im missing uni tommorow any way i could probably have it done by about 4pm gmt tommorrw if some pm's me all the text
unfortunately i dont have all the text, and i'm sure you already know about this, but i think some of it is here: ... er_28_chat
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 8:21 am
by Broken Kid
That's a great resource. There's also a thread summing things up here:
The transcript (at least of what Bree, Gemma, and Jonas said... not sure if it will have more) will be available. It's going to take some time to kind of weed things out and put it in order. Lag hit us all pretty hard.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 10:57 am
by Languorous Lass
breeislonely wrote:Anne wrote:But seriously - this is these people's JOB - if you can't do it don't promise it.
i agree with this 100% this is what the creaters do for a living, and they seem to be making everything up as they go along, which is very disappointing to me, i was trying to trust them, but it's getting ridiculous
I don't know where either of you get the idea that LG15 is the creators' job. Miles Beckett is a moonlighting doctor. Mesh Flinders is a screenwriter who has sold one script and who has worked as an assistant director to help pay the bills; until a few months ago, he was living with his 96-year-old grandmother out in the boonies.
Greg and Amanda Goodfried work in the legal profession: Greg is a lawyer and Amanda is an assistant to a lawyer. They both still have their day jobs.
The money for the project comes from a loan Miles got from his parents so they could pay Jessica. The creators are represented by a Hollywood talent agency, but that doesn't mean that they make any money from LG15 -- or that they have any previous experience in entertainment. These people are making everything up as they go along. And up until now, they've been doing a damned good job.
All of this information appears in
the Wired magazine article, as well as in the other press coverage of LG15. There is
an entire section of the forum dedicated to this press coverage, so it's not exactly difficult to find.
Please don't criticize without bothering to learn what the facts are.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:14 am
by butterfly
Given the time constraints, and the fact that this was a first time event, the chat was a great idea!
The last time I looked, there were over 320 in the room, then my connection to the chat room froze up and I couldn't get back in!
There were a lot of people in there! Yes, a lot of silly questions, like "Who's Jonas?", etc. But the interactivity was a novel idea and I hope that once they work out the kinks, the creators will try it again!
I'd love to see the transcript, too, because I was kicked out and now am left hanging to find out the final results. Does anyone know what Bree decided to do?
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 11:36 am
by Anne
I don't know where either of you get the idea that LG15 is the creators' job. Miles Beckett is a moonlighting doctor. Mesh Flinders is a screenwriter who has sold one script and who has worked as an assistant director to help pay the bills; until a few months ago, he was living with his 96-year-old grandmother out in the boonies.
Greg and Amanda Goodfried work in the legal profession: Greg is a lawyer and Amanda is an assistant to a lawyer. They both still have their day jobs.
The money for the project comes from a loan Miles got from his parents so they could pay Jessica. The creators are represented by a Hollywood talent agency, but that doesn't mean that they make any money from LG15 -- or that they have any previous experience in entertainment. These people are making everything up as they go along. And up until now, they've been doing a damned good job.
All of this information appears in
the Wired magazine article, as well as in the other press coverage of LG15. There is
an entire section of the forum dedicated to this press coverage, so it's not exactly difficult to find.
Please don't criticize without bothering to learn what the facts are.
I am aware of the facts - and have been for awhile. I wasn't arguing - I was stating my opinion. I still think it's bull - if they don't have time to do this right, they shouldn't do it. Especially since now they are sponsored and getting money from advertisers who are putting their names on this.
I'm not trying to pick a fight - so don't argue with me - I'm not interested, I'm venting.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:23 pm
by watchingall
So I just woke up. I didnt have time to go to the chat last night, but what Im getting from this thread was it was an unmoderated mess.
UNMODERATED? Are you KIDDING ME? I said before Im a chatroom/forum adminstrator and we NEVER have a chat of even 1/4 this magnitude without moderation. Sounds like they were asking for trouble.
Seriously, how can you have a chat that you KNOW is going to be a huge huge mess and NOT moderate it?!
*sigh* I wish they would act more professional at times. Even more concerning is the fact that they were still working on the new chat room YESTERDAY.
Great planning guys.
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 12:27 pm
by watchingall
Ive been reading the kinda sorta transcript ... er_28_chat and this:
glowe126 (guest): yeah, but it's like that movie the legend of billie jean where they hide out with the rich ikid
omg thats so true! I watched that movie all the time when I was little
Course billy jean cut her hair and the rich kid was really annoying...