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Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:17 pm
by omegawoman
Don't forget, Bree knows more than what she is telling us. She has stated early on that she doesn't like talking about her religion.
She is acting somewhat normal under the circumstances. I noticed no makeup, she looks tired, and she looks worried. She is also comforting herself with P.Monkey, Owen and Thor.
Yes, she is 17, but has lived a sheltered life compared to most 17 year old girls. She really doesn't know how to act right now.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:19 pm
by chanda
spaciegirl wrote:I do still think she's acting weird too. I also think it's weird (and yes, annoying) that she'd take all of her stuffed animals with her.
Me too, Spacie, me too. By the way if I ever saw a 17 year old girl hangin out by the hotel pool with her little hairy friends, I'd probably smack her in the face.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:19 pm
by Flautapantera
spaciegirl wrote:I do still think she's acting weird too. I also think it's weird (and yes, annoying) that she'd take all of her stuffed animals with her.
Why? Her stuffed animals are her companions. Besides Daniel, Bree isn't seemingly allowed to socialize with anyone outside of her religion. Owen, Thor, and P. Monkey comfort her and provide a sense of security and normalcy that is necessary. They've been there for her in situations when even Daniel couldn't help her.
I don't find it weird or annoying at all.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:22 pm
by Noelle
WHAT a perfect way to start my birthday!!! Well, technically, it doesn't start for another 20 minutes, but whatever.
Whooo! I thought that Bree was acting relatively normal for her, meaning a little strange under the circumstances. BUT, it is nice to see that she has head on her shoulders, all her own, which has been debatable in the past. Daniel is her only real friend in the world. The only other friend she has lives in England, which is pretty far away.
I think it's great that Bree has P. Monkey, Owen and Thor to comfort her.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:23 pm
by AlanY
The stuffed animals thing is cute. It's part of Bree's personality, and it's not all that unusual for a 17 year old with her personality type. I vote for their continued presence in the videos

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:25 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
chanda wrote:Me too, Spacie, me too. By the way if I ever saw a 17 year old girl hangin out by the hotel pool with her little hairy friends, I'd probably smack her in the face.
Yeah...I'd love to, infact.
I knew I'd take some crap for the damn animals. Ok, in a "vlog" and theoretically/psychologically etc, I understand the stupid little things' importance, but if you were rushing in and out of your house after you just saw your parents being hauled off by a bunch of wackos...and you're throwing some clothes in a bag, trying to make sure you're not forgeting anything...and you're in a panic, you're worried, a lot of stuff is going through your mind etc., are you really gonna bring all your plushies with you?
edit- It's not really something I want to go back and forth on. I hate them. I'm sorry, but I do. Their presence is extremely annoying to me.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:30 pm
by Dannie717
Glad they found a hotel room. I liked the beginning with the cars and everything. Haha. Cute vid, kinda weird that she doesn't want to go to the police, though. Hmmm
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:37 pm
by arammat
Noelle wrote:WHAT a perfect way to start my birthday!!! Well, technically, it doesn't start for another 20 minutes, but whatever.
Whooo! I thought that Bree was acting relatively normal for her, meaning a little strange under the circumstances. BUT, it is nice to see that she has head on her shoulders, all her own, which has been debatable in the past. Daniel is her only real friend in the world. The only other friend she has lives in England, which is pretty far away.
I think it's great that Bree has P. Monkey, Owen and Thor to comfort her.
Happy Birthday, Noelle! I'd sing, but you are really better off if I don't:)
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:37 pm
by QueenofSpades
No SUVs in this video...
It seemed kind of short and didn't really say that much. Kind of disappointing after 'On the Run' where the plot was really moved along.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:48 pm
by xrockette19x
even though the police/judge may be part of the order, don't they have a legal duty to protect innocent people? if a little girl is in trouble, and thinks her parents may have been taken against their will, they have a duty to try and fix it. and if they don't, i'd like to see bree and daniel take them all down as well. i understand that religion (although gemma says it isn't one) is important, but law is law. if the police know what is going on but aren't stopping it, aren't they all accomplices?
p.s. i don't exactly know much about law concerning these things, so if someone does, and would like to elaborate, i would greatly appreciate it. just an idea, though
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:54 pm
by laurenesque
Even though Daniel is grumpy.... aww, he gave her his jacket.
Part of me wonders if something happens between Daniel and Bree, sexually, while they're staying at the motel. I know they have a bunch of younger viewers, but I dunno. Seems sort of like a set-up (though I would be glad to be proven wrong).
I can understand her not wanting to go to the police though, if she feels like there might be people who could rat out her location. At the same time... what else can they do?
Something that's been bothering me: How is it that Daniel has all this free time to just sit around and do these things? Doesn't he have a job, or college, or something?
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:55 pm
by cup o' noodles
yay! i love owen in this video! i'm so glad that they made it apparent that she took owen and thor along, cuz before, they only showed p monkey in the car with them.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:56 pm
by laurenesque
xrockette19x wrote:even though the police/judge may be part of the order, don't they have a legal duty to protect innocent people? if a little girl is in trouble, and thinks her parents may have been taken against their will, they have a duty to try and fix it. and if they don't, i'd like to see bree and daniel take them all down as well. i understand that religion (although gemma says it isn't one) is important, but law is law. if the police know what is going on but aren't stopping it, aren't they all accomplices?
p.s. i don't exactly know much about law concerning these things, so if someone does, and would like to elaborate, i would greatly appreciate it. just an idea, though
How pleasantly naive. All policemen are good because they're supposed to protect others, and all politicians are honest because they have a duty to do what is best for everyone else. Ah, what a world that would be.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:56 pm
by QueenofSpades
xrockette19x wrote:even though the police/judge may be part of the order, don't they have a legal duty to protect innocent people? if a little girl is in trouble, and thinks her parents may have been taken against their will, they have a duty to try and fix it. and if they don't, i'd like to see bree and daniel take them all down as well. i understand that religion (although gemma says it isn't one) is important, but law is law. if the police know what is going on but aren't stopping it, aren't they all accomplices?
p.s. i don't exactly know much about law concerning these things, so if someone does, and would like to elaborate, i would greatly appreciate it. just an idea, though
It's kind of like the Freemasons. There's a case in the early 1800s in the U.S. where a man was bailed out of jail and then murdered. He was originally in jail for some small debt, but really what he was trying to do was to expose the secrets of Freemasonry, since he had once been a member himself, but felt he was treated unfairly. Eventually, 4 men (Freemasons) were found guilty of the crime, and taken to court, where the judge himself was a Freemason. Even with loads of evidence, only two were found guilty, and only had to serve about 1 year in jail.
Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:57 pm
by QueenofSpades
laurenesque wrote:Even though Daniel is grumpy.... aww, he gave her his jacket.
Part of me wonders if something happens between Daniel and Bree, sexually, while they're staying at the motel. I know they have a bunch of younger viewers, but I dunno. Seems sort of like a set-up (though I would be glad to be proven wrong).
I can understand her not wanting to go to the police though, if she feels like there might be people who could rat out her location. At the same time... what else can they do?
Something that's been bothering me: How is it that Daniel has all this free time to just sit around and do these things? Doesn't he have a job, or college, or something?
Maybe he does something online on his laptop?