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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:43 pm
by khjq
Anyway, I just hope all the gaps get filled in.

Some unsolved questions:

Why did members of her religion go through all that trouble to stage a fake ceremony just for Daniel?

She talked to her parents, and her parents talked to the deacons, so then what was those injections that she had been getting?

What did the deacons tell Bree's parents? Did they explain WHY they staged a fake ceremony and what is suppose to happen at the real one?

What is Bree's parent's role in the religion?

Who was that friend that Daniel was staying with?

Those are just a few questions, there is lots more, but these are the only ones I can think of right now.

I think either the creators have no idea where they are going with this story and they make it up as they go, or Bree's parents are lying to her, or Bree is lying to us...Guess we will just have to wait and see.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:20 pm
by Languorous Lass
khjq wrote:I disagree! SL will be an awesome path for the LG series! Bree and Daniel can make videos of them dancing wildly on Cows while being chased by giant penises!!!!!11111!!1
What is "SL"? I looked it up on LGPedia, but couldn't find anything. :(

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:24 pm
by khjq
Languorous Lass wrote:
khjq wrote:I disagree! SL will be an awesome path for the LG series! Bree and Daniel can make videos of them dancing wildly on Cows while being chased by giant penises!!!!!11111!!1
What is "SL"? I looked it up on LGPedia, but couldn't find anything. :(
Second Life.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:27 pm
by Languorous Lass
Had to look that one up on Wikipedia, but . . . thanks.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:30 pm
by trainer101
SL = Second Life, an online video game. Really more like an online community where each person creates there own video game-like character.

We spent a few days there chasing Cassie and looking for clues but ended up riding dancing cows and spending too much time in sex clubs.

You had to be there...

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:34 pm
by Languorous Lass
trainer101 wrote:We spent a few days there chasing Cassie and looking for clues but ended up riding dancing cows and spending too much time in sex clubs.

You had to be there...
Sure sounds like I should have been! :shock:

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 11:12 pm
by JerseyJohnny
Hey creators, my 2 cents on the Bree posting area -


Bree is supposed to be a 17 year old girl who loves to make v-logs and doesn't do much else, stays home all the time, and is internet saavy enough to make the vlogs and posts in the forum. BUT, she makes one post in a rare while and then disappears.

In case you haven't noticed, most of the posters on here, particularly the younger and less mature female ones, don't make ONE post in a blue moon and then hide out. Most posters actually make a post, and then read some more, and reply to a couple more. Some of them sit there and reply to posts which are replies to their posts of the same sitting. There are many in here who either always or many times will make at least 10, 20, or more posts in one sitting. You can see their posts all over the place when they've been in the forum for a half-hour. Most posters seem to do this at least once in a while.

So it's hard to believe that "Bree" is making posts in that "bree chat" section. It's easy to believe that movie star Jessica Rose is making the token post once in a blue moon to give the appearance that Bree is real. That's how it looks.

I know it's more work than Jessica Rose would want to do, but hey, if you want to come across as realistic, the fact is a real "Bree" would not be that different from the majority of posters in this forum, particularly when you consider this forum IS about her own v-logs and life.

If you need examples of what I'm talking about just ask, but hopefully you're not too dense to pick up on what I'm talking about.

Good luck, you'll need it, your stuff has been weak lately. You went from a creative, interesting, "what's gonna happen next" type of a series to a predictable, boring, take orders from the audience kind of series.

And if Bree's religion and ceremony were sooooo important that she took shots, etc. and they're so serious about it they have pictures of Daniel and staged a fake ceremony, then how is that whole part of Bree's life so easily dismissed with a simple "oh, I talked to my parents about it and they apologized and they're powerful in the community so there won't be any problems and I'm back with Danielbeast and everything is perfect again and never will be a problem again." Pathetic. Reminds me of those evening news teasers - you know the kind, "Snakes attack a child in Manhattan, story coming up!!!" and you wait the whole newscast to find out that the "snakes attack a child" story is about a new community theater play about snakes attacking a child, something so innocuous and lame you would not have stuck around for it anyway.

That's where this series seems to be going. Downhill. Fast. Get your shit together, already.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:41 pm
by SukiWatching
Why would Jessica Rose be posting as Bree? She's an actress, not a writer (presumably). Wouldn't the creators do the posting? I mean they write the words that J.R. says in the videos, wouldn't they write the words she says online as well?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:58 pm
by GoodGollyItsHolly
SukiWatching wrote:Why would Jessica Rose be posting as Bree? She's an actress, not a writer (presumably). Wouldn't the creators do the posting? I mean they write the words that J.R. says in the videos, wouldn't they write the words she says online as well?
who knows who does the posts... its nice of them to address us though

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:32 pm
by Languorous Lass
I agree with the first half of JerseyJohnny's post: "Bree's" behaviour in the forum isn't realistic.

I take issue with the second half of the same post, beginning with the phrase "Good luck . . . ." I think the exchange with Gemma is making clear that The Creators have absolutely no intention of ending the storyline about the ceremony with a simple " . . . and Bree's parents told the Order that she wouldn't do the ceremony, and they all lived happily ever after." In fact, if Johnny really believes that's where the storyline is going, I'd have to respond, with all due respect: "Get a clue." (And the last four videos provide multiple clues.)

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 9:45 pm
by tbird3190
Languorous Lass wrote:
trainer101 wrote:We spent a few days there chasing Cassie and looking for clues but ended up riding dancing cows and spending too much time in sex clubs.

You had to be there...
Sure sounds like I should have been! :shock:
Why Not? Come on over. We still have a huge cassie contingent. Come to our HeadQuarters in Sunset City.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:10 pm
by Languorous Lass
tbird3190 wrote:Come on over. We still have a huge cassie contingent. Come to our HeadQuarters in Sunset City.
Huh. I should, one of these days. (Not tonight -- I should be in bed. Early class tomorrow.) Thanks for the invite!

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 11:58 pm
by khjq
More of my rambling, hope the creators listen.

The Creators wanted to mess around with the whole religion thing, the truth is though the creators never give us what we expect to happen or what makes sense to happen. Honestly the Creators can't even stay on one path, and lately the videos have been totally pointless and boring, the creators need to watch some katers17 videos, those are actually entertaining. The only reason I started watching LG is because of the spooky religious theme that was going on.

JUST CHOOSE A PATH CREATORS, stop flopping around like a freaking fish out of water.

Happy Halloween.


Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:06 am
by cassieisabeyotch
I think the Creators should come to NY and cast some new characters :D

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:08 am
by Broken Kid
khjq wrote:More of my rambling, hope the creators listen.
Just because you don't see the path, that it's not the path YOU want, doesn't mean they're not following a path! Just give it time. Or, if you're not enjoying it, maybe it's a sign to move on to other things. I'm not saying you should. Just enjoy it for the simple fact that you can't figure out where it's going... I suspect that's the idea! ;)