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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:22 am
by Broken Kid
I think this video was just a teaser to move along Gemma's contributions... the Proving Longitude Wrong one was more substantial, and this one was just quick to make Gemma's videos (presumably the ones to follow) fit in better.
Nice to see Thor gettin' some lovin'! And Owen was mooning us!

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:44 am
by canadas_baby
I agree with Broken Kid. This video seemed more like filler than anything else really. She mentioned a couple of the things everyone's wondering (ie. the shots, her parents place in the order, etc.) but in the end, it does just seem like a great big "Hey you guys! Pay attention to Gemma's videos!".
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:05 am
by Beautiful Nightmare
Well, if she doesn't address Gemma in her videos at some point what would the point of Gemma making anymore vlogs be? I mean, the reason she made the first one was to address Bree. The reason she made the second one was to address Bree. The reason she made the third one.....
You know.
So, if Bree weren't communicating back to her, we'd all be sitting here griping about how unrealistic it is that this Gemma chick keeps making videos, even though Bree's not talking back.
I enjoyed this one more than the Proving Longitude Wrong one, because at least this one addressed some of the drama that we've been accustomed to seeing in these vlogs. Directly addressed, as opposed to leaving us to wonder what the signifigance of a clock set to 7:10 could be.
So, there's my probably totally unpopular opinion.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:18 am
by Jessibear
I may be COMPLETELY off here but..... Did anyone else notice all the position changes? Normally she is filmed in pretty much one position or if she moves around it has a purpose (dancing in the vids, showing some proving science wrong thing). In this one she is in a different spot almost EVERY cut. Plus, she keeps looking down at her bed almost as if she were ashamed and trying to hide something (sorry, I've seen my kids do it when they are covering something up). Just wondering if we are back to the "order" making her lie in the videos?
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:23 am
by omegawoman
Why is everyone seem to be complaining about Gemma? We begged the creators for Gemma to be a canon, now she is.
Yes, the story has slowed down abit this week, but we also asked for that. We asked for more "Proving Science Wrong", we got it. We asked to see Bree and Daniel together again, we got that.
The creators are listening to us, therefore aren't we now part of the creator team as well? They are following our suggestions.
The creators have ALWAYS said that they didn't want this to get too dark, yet we are begging for it. It is kind of morbid how we are wanting sacrificies, kidnapping, and murder. I really don't think any of this is going to happen.
The story is moving along. Now we wait to see what the Deacons say about the ceremony. We will wait to see Gemma's reply to this video, and we will wait by the seat of our pants for more Daniel.
I also have a question for everyone out there concerning the time thing. When was the first video, was it June or July? We have always questioned how long this was going to last. As I have stated before, Yousef's blog on MySpace has stated he is in a one year contract. Maybe the time of 7:10 is actually July 10th, the date the contract expires? I don't know, just a wild random theory considering the discussion of how long this will last.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:25 am
by thejyav
i have to disagree with everyone saying that this is a boring post. Sure its not the most exiting ever but really what re you expecting in a post gemma? How much mind blowing info do you think they can reveal in only the second video to gemma. They are building the relationship between the two for whatever the outcome is going to be.
Anyway there is something big in this video. Bree blindly going along thinking everything is going ot be ok. Again unless the creators want no conflict in this story..things aren't going to work out here.
Bree told us that her parents haven't confronted the order yet. I'm guessing that will be coming soon and we will be back in the trenches of the dark plot.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:36 am
by omegawoman
thejyav wrote:i have to disagree with everyone saying that this is a boring post. Sure its not the most exiting ever but really what re you expecting in a post gemma? How much mind blowing info do you think they can reveal in only the second video to gemma. They are building the relationship between the two for whatever the outcome is going to be.
Anyway there is something big in this video. Bree blindly going along thinking everything is going ot be ok. Again unless the creators want no conflict in this story..things aren't going to work out here.
Bree told us that her parents haven't confronted the order yet. I'm guessing that will be coming soon and we will be back in the trenches of the dark plot.
I agree 100%.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:42 am
by Kristine
Now Gemma will get to do the ceremony.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:53 am
by thejyav
Kristine wrote:Now Gemma will get to do the ceremony.

intresting....thats something I don't think has been mentioned before. Though I dont think this is what they are going to do, what if they do have Gemma take her place in the ceramony? What if Gemma doesn't want anything to do with them now that she has her new life? What if she isn't working for the order but ends up working for them to save herself?
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:59 am
by omegawoman
thejyav wrote:Kristine wrote:Now Gemma will get to do the ceremony.

intresting....thats something I don't think has been mentioned before. Though I dont think this is what they are going to do, what if they do have Gemma take her place in the ceramony? What if Gemma doesn't want anything to do with them now that she has her new life? What if she isn't working for the order but ends up working for them to save herself?
This could be a new take on the story. Let's say Gemma left because she was upset that she wasn't chosen, which could explain "bitchy" attitutide some posters are saying they are seeing. A little disgruntled? So the Deacons say Bree doesn't have to do the ceremony, and go looking for Gemma since she was possibly the "runner-up'?
Gemma is happy now, Bree is happy, and Daniel is safe.
Then Bree and Daniel become worried about Gemma...........
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:15 am
by Kasdeja
I still would like to see where the jealousy and bitchy attitude was. I would have thought the way Bree addressed Gemma in this video it would have cleared that misconception up.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:19 am
by omegawoman
Kasdeja wrote:I still would like to see where the jealousy and bitchy attitude was. I would have thought the way Bree addressed Gemma in this video it would have cleared that misconception up.
Well, I was just trying to be sarcastic in my post based on what others have posted in the previous Gemma forums.
My sarcastic sense of humor does tend to get me in trouble sometimes, didn't mean any disrepect.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:20 am
by Kasdeja
I didn't feel disrespected...sarcasm is hard to see in text.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:35 am
by omegawoman
Kasdeja wrote:I didn't feel disrespected...sarcasm is hard to see in text.
Yeah, I guess you need to see the way my eyes squint and the quirky grin I have on my face.
Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:50 am
by Flautapantera
horcruxes wrote:we get a good shot of Owen's butt in this video!
me likey!
Thor is being suffocated

Hee, yay! Notice how the camera is angled
perfectly so that we get to see Owen! What a stud.