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Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:38 am
by Requiem
<ascend2> Bree needs the exorcism. Cassie wants to stay IN Bree.
<ascend2> Cassie thinks exorcism is the murder, the murder of her.
<ascend2> Cassie wants us to STOP the ceremony.
<ascend2> Daniels going to try to do that.
<ascend2> ..or I could be totally off.
From me:
<Vakr> Daniel has no connection to Cassie, which means that he remains unaffected by her-- meaning that he might very well be her enemy, as he is worried about the ceremony. He may try to stop it.
Frank wants us to help Bree, to be on her side-- he has also said that she doesn't know what's really happening. Should Bree be told, or should she in ignorance carry through with the ceremony?
But what if Cassie WANTS this ceremony to happen, if the ceremony is nothing to do with an exorcism? Which also means that Daniel SHOULD stop it-- or that we should.
If that's the case, and the ceremony is bad and going to help Cassie somehow. .. then could Daniel be the exorcist?

Frank says he's found patterns, things that explain everything-- that we should know by now. He's shown us that something Bree said was an anagram of Bree telling Daniel to slay Cassie, which also points to him being the exorcist theory.
But in regard to that anagram from Bree, could other things she's said (referring to Cassie!) be anagrams as well?
If we just KNEW whether or not The Creators were involved, we would know whether or not to search for clues in the LG15 videos.
Then again, if this PM of CiW is smart enough, they could have made other lines of LG15 into hints already without the creators involvement.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:41 am
by Requiem
I tried to post the Private Thoughts blog and tell the IRCers about it, but my internet hates me and won't let me get messages through easily. too much lag.
Lets hope they can work with the forum folks on this a bit.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:13 am
by sparrow
We saw it.
So I'm a little skeptical that it was Frank in with us. First, FRANKISHERE is a very un-Frank-like name. It's more reminiscent of "Frank is waiting" or "Frank is waking," which come from Cassie. Also, his typing was flawless, unlike that which was in the blog a little before he joined the chat.
Either the PM screwed up on keeping in character, or something very fishy is going on with Frank (Cassie?).
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:13 am
by jrea54
probably of very little importance:
but in the hole lyrics, i noticed several references to being low, or below something (im sorry i dont remember the exact words)
but i thought it was interesting that its exactly the opposite of cassie's I'll be right here above you" or whatever she said.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:18 am
by DontHaveAClue
sparrow wrote:
So I'm a little skeptical that it was Frank in with us.
However, Frankishere is highly confirmed by the updates on Frank's blog....
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 2:43 am
by vertigo
Oh damn, I really wanted to be on Cassie's side.
And I really didn't want the "they are one" theory to be right.
Bree doesn't act AT ALL like she is possesed. And the big important ceremony for her religion is going to be an exorcism?
Dude. That's lame...............
(my spelling is waaaay off but I'm still half-asleep.... it's not even 5am here...)
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:18 am
by anngry
Hemlock wrote:
<FRANKISHERE> Do you people know who the exorcist is going to be? is he any good?
<scdgoofy> No... do you know who he is Frank?
<toadlguy> Is Bree possesed?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie lives in bree. she visits me but she lives in bree. this whole thing was to get you guys on cassie's side so you would stop the ceremnony
<Nos> And the ceremony is to save Bree from Cassie? To exorcise her?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie will die on 10-12-06. and you should let her
whoa whoa whoa.
in the swimming video, daniel gets weird and clams up and claims to have no idea what shes talking about when she asks about cassie.
maybe daniel knows cassie is inside bree?
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:25 am
by angie78gg
anngry wrote:Hemlock wrote:
<FRANKISHERE> Do you people know who the exorcist is going to be? is he any good?
<scdgoofy> No... do you know who he is Frank?
<toadlguy> Is Bree possesed?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie lives in bree. she visits me but she lives in bree. this whole thing was to get you guys on cassie's side so you would stop the ceremnony
<Nos> And the ceremony is to save Bree from Cassie? To exorcise her?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie will die on 10-12-06. and you should let her
whoa whoa whoa.
in the swimming video, daniel gets weird and clams up and claims to have no idea what shes talking about when she asks about cassie.
maybe daniel knows cassie is inside bree?
Could very well be, never thought about it like that.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:31 am
by DontHaveAClue
vertigo wrote:Oh damn, I really wanted to be on Cassie's side.
And I really didn't want the "they are one" theory to be right.
Bree doesn't act AT ALL like she is possesed. And the big important ceremony for her religion is going to be an exorcism?
Dude. That's lame...............
(my spelling is waaaay off but I'm still half-asleep.... it's not even 5am here...)
I'm reluctantly saying this, but I do have to agree. If CiW is not supported by the LG crew, which seems to be a fact, I can't see where this is going. What? Bree is possessed and we have to work against Cassie? How so? What do we do? We have no way to alter events the CiW people have no control over. It's sad because I thought Cassie's videos were absolutely brilliantly made. It's a beautiful piece of work. But the storyline of the whole thing seems to be pretty lame, if ever there is a storyline! Ever since the Frank episode started, the whole CiW is whirling down the drain imho.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:32 am
by anngry
angie78gg wrote:anngry wrote:Hemlock wrote:
<FRANKISHERE> Do you people know who the exorcist is going to be? is he any good?
<scdgoofy> No... do you know who he is Frank?
<toadlguy> Is Bree possesed?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie lives in bree. she visits me but she lives in bree. this whole thing was to get you guys on cassie's side so you would stop the ceremnony
<Nos> And the ceremony is to save Bree from Cassie? To exorcise her?
<FRANKISHERE> cassie will die on 10-12-06. and you should let her
whoa whoa whoa.
in the swimming video, daniel gets weird and clams up and claims to have no idea what shes talking about when she asks about cassie.
maybe daniel knows cassie is inside bree?
Could very well be, never thought about it like that.
she said "cassie was this girl who used to come over,
but she got scared off by my religon."
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:51 am
by angie78gg
Maybe at one time she was aware of Cassie, but something happened and she blocked that part. Could also be that Bree was the only one to see her, or atleast I read something like that. Ya never know, but the creators need to give more info, or I may pull my hair out trying to figure this all out

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:45 am
by vertigo
DontHaveAClue wrote:I'm reluctantly saying this, but I do have to agree. If CiW is not supported by the LG crew, which seems to be a fact, I can't see where this is going. What? Bree is possessed and we have to work against Cassie? How so? What do we do? We have no way to alter events the CiW people have no control over. It's sad because I thought Cassie's videos were absolutely brilliantly made. It's a beautiful piece of work. But the storyline of the whole thing seems to be pretty lame, if ever there is a storyline! Ever since the Frank episode started, the whole CiW is whirling down the drain imho.
If the CiW PMs have inside info on LG15 and what Frank is saying is true... what a let down. All this excitement around the ceremony, all the research on Crowley, Thelema, Order of Denderah, all our speculation and it turns out to be an exorcism. It's like we were lead to the wrong direction all the time, even by Cassie - her anagrams, the poems sugesting that Bree might die or get pregnant in the ceremony.... if what Frank claims now is true, than all of that was bullshit? They are contraticting themselves!!
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:32 am
by tigerlilylynn
It's like we were lead to the wrong direction all the time, even by Cassie - her anagrams, the poems sugesting that Bree might die or get pregnant in the ceremony.... if what Frank claims now is true, than all of that was bullshit? They are contraticting themselves!!
I don't know if that makes it BS.
If Cassie is the baddie she would lie. If she want's the ceremony stopped she'd tell us it was nothing short of armageddon, which she has. It's in logical character to invoke all the Judeo-Christian in us Westerners and convince us that the bad scary occultists are evil.
What doesn't match this though is rev 2. Why drop on us that it's an exorcism? She tipped her true hand that way which doesn't sound right when the PMs have a second character to tell us that. Feh.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:53 am
by Jengels2002
Maybe the clown painting symbolizes The face we see and the face hiding behind the mask.
I dont know...this is turning out to be kinda dumb.
Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:56 am
by oldwoman35

When are you people going to listen to the old woman I told you all this a week ago
Joined: 27 Sep 2006
Posts: 40
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:13 pm
So would that make Frank the priest and Bree would be Cassie, speaking to Frank as a clairvoyant?