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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 8:47 pm
by Charlotte Eve
he's one of us.. he just wont tell us as we all abuse his stalker like behaviour
I agree, I think Lucy is pretty creepy too! I just got carried away with my last post..
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:36 pm
by katiegirl15
so I just watched the video and didnt understand half of what he said. anybody care to post a transcript thingy up?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:49 pm
by Icaterus
What was up with zooming in on the security camera? Do you think we might see some footage from it in a future video?
Re: So Lucy is a stalker too, right?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:00 pm
by rachelalexis
SenecaDoane wrote:So, if we're calling Daniel a "stalker" because he's trying to figure out what's going on with Bree, and if the fact that he sat outside her house for 2 hours is evidence of his "stalking," then isn't Lucy stalking Bree too?
Big difference, Bree obviously is expecting Lucy to take her somewhere, Daniel is just popping by. It is strange for Lucy to be sitting there for so long, but perhaps she arrived ridiculously early and didn't just want to drive in circles til it was time.
What makes me curious is that Lucy did not go inside. Perhaps Bree's parents don't want anyone coming in when they are not at home (we can assume her parents weren't home, or else Daniel wouldn't have showed up.)
Re: So Lucy is a stalker too, right?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:03 pm
by LadyBugGirl
SenecaDoane wrote:So, if we're calling Daniel a "stalker" because he's trying to figure out what's going on with Bree, and if the fact that he sat outside her house for 2 hours is evidence of his "stalking," then isn't Lucy stalking Bree too?
Bree got into the car with Lucy to go to whatever that appointment was, but there was no reason for Lucy to be there for AT LEAST 2 hours before the appointment unless she was there to make certain that Bree didn't leave (presumably to make sure she doesn't "sneak out" to see Daniel).
Regardless of how you feel about Daniel's actions right now, it seems pretty clear that Bree SHOULD NOT trust Lucy. Unless she wants someone to guard her from the outside world, but I just don't buy it. I mean it's not like she's Katie Holmes!

Haha, I thought you were going to say that you could call us stalkers too since we've all basically been sitting here all day watching videos and trying to decipher clues about her story!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:05 pm
by Mirage
katiegirl15 wrote:so I just watched the video and didnt understand half of what he said. anybody care to post a transcript thingy up?
I second this. The volume in atleast 2/3rd of the vid was horrible.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:18 pm
by Plurp
Yep, same Yield sign. Seems like a Big Nudge to go find this place, eh?
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:19 pm
by alystra
Bree looks unhappy when she is walking with Lucy -- her arms are crossed in front of her chest andher eyes are cast down - I can't tell whether she is sad, worried, scared or something else.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:28 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Holy infernal fudge factory Batman!!!!
A cassie video, A Bree Video, A Daniel Video all in the same day...OH MY!!!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:29 pm
by rachelalexis
alystra wrote:Bree looks unhappy when she is walking with Lucy -- her arms are crossed in front of her chest andher eyes are cast down - I can't tell whether she is sad, worried, scared or something else.
If it is a gyno exam like a few people have said, then it probably was her first. She would be kind of uncomfortable, having just gone through that, and a little protective of her body.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:33 pm
by lordgreystoke422
Lizzy wrote:daniel says it looks like they are at a doctor's office... maybe this has something to do with the band-aids on brees arm.
Lizzy I posted a while back about what the bandage probably was. I think Bree is planned to give a willing blood sacrifice at the ceremony. We know she was supposed to be taking iron pills. Those are given in conjunction with Erythropoietin Hormone in order to increase red blood cell production(blood doping). One of 3 common injection sites is the upper arm and that would be the only one that was visible as the other 2 are the abdomen and the thigh. I theorize that the blood doping is to insure that she doesn't pass out after giving her blood sacrifice.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:39 pm
by lordgreystoke422
ravensgrace wrote:Cuddlebunni wrote:BRAIN OVERLOAD BRAIN OVERLOAD.
oh my gosh ... 2 lg15 videos and cassies rampage of clues... im going insane.
Just take deep breathes.
Wow, Cassie has certainly been busy, and so has Bree.
I haven't caught up on everything, but based on the two LG15 videos, and Cassie's clues. Could it be that Bree is going to be impregnated at this ceremony? Maybe Frank is her OB\GYN and we have to find his office?
Also, the yield sign is near the house in the previous Daniel stalker video.
No..the yield sign has significant symbolism I think..I gotta find the post with it..I'll be back!!
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:49 pm
by Luv2Luvem
OK I totally take back any stalker references I said toward Daniel.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 10:58 pm
by lordgreystoke422
lordgreystoke422 wrote:ravensgrace wrote:Cuddlebunni wrote:BRAIN OVERLOAD BRAIN OVERLOAD.
oh my gosh ... 2 lg15 videos and cassies rampage of clues... im going insane.
Just take deep breathes.
Wow, Cassie has certainly been busy, and so has Bree.
I haven't caught up on everything, but based on the two LG15 videos, and Cassie's clues. Could it be that Bree is going to be impregnated at this ceremony? Maybe Frank is her OB\GYN and we have to find his office?
Also, the yield sign is near the house in the previous Daniel stalker video.
No..the yield sign has significant symbolism I think..I gotta find the post with it..I'll be back!!
Ok...I found it was...
spaciegirl wrote:bosquelito wrote:Yield sign -> inverted Triangle -> Rosicrucian, Qabbalistic
Who is the Moon Child? This is the Divine Spark in full self-conscious realization and complete awareness, here and now at the level of reality, Action. Meditate on this, pray for it to happen in your life. This is the purpose of the Great Work.
the divine nature of man is represented by an inverted triangle
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 11:34 pm
by TheFatLady
Good gosh. I had to be away for 24 hours, and I come back to more LG15/Cassie action than I've EVER seen all at once. I can't stand that I missed it.
So my big question is whether in the last couple of videos it's BREE who looks so tired, or if it's JESSICA. I agree that in this new DB vid, Bree is carrying herself in a way that looks self-protective--and certainly less chirpy than she used to look. But as people have said, that could be just a reaction to her immediate situation (say, if she really did just get out of a doctor's appointment).
On the last 2 Bree vids, her right eye has a serious bag under it (serious for a young woman, that is--my own bags are too big to qualify as carry-on luggage!), but it really doesn't look like a makeup job to me. It could just be the actress who is dealing with her new popularity and fast-lane life.
So I'm torn here. Is the look of weariness part of the fiction, or is it the real world just intruding into an amateur film production?