(WoW) StormGenie "the Enchanted Garden"

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Thor's Hammer
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Post by deagol »

Ok that song's been nagging me all day. It's Pink Floyd's Jugband Blues, written by Syd Barrett (who died exactly one year ago from last Saturday, 777).

This is such a sad song, even more so when knowing the details behind it and you imagine him telling this to the rest of the band as they drifted apart. Poor Syd.
Jugband blues Lyrics (Pink Floyd)

It's awfully considerate of you to think of me here
And I'm most obliged to you for making it clear
That I'm not here.
And I never knew the moon could be so big
And I never knew the moon could be so blue
And I'm grateful that you threw away my old shoes
And brought me here instead dressed in red
And I'm wondering who could be writing this song.

I don't care if the sun don't shine
And I don't care if nothing is mine
And I don't care if I'm nervous with you
I'll do my loving in the winter.

And the sea isn't green
And I love the queen
And what exactly is a dream?
And what exactly is a joke?
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Thor's Hammer
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Post by deagol »

silverblue wrote:Do we understand the new interaction between WoW and londonfiles enough yet to explain it simply? I'm terribly confused (like others).
I think Gone and Will/Sean and Abel and Kris and any other of these order "mercenaries" all know each other, or at least know of each other. For whatever reason, Gone feels like he can ask Kris a favor, to pick up and bring him something probably hidden in that bucket on that grave. Since Kris is in London and probably coming to the US, it's pretty convenient for Gone to have an old acquaintance act as his courier.

Or maybe he just looked up who was in London in HoO's employee directory through that AIX system, but he must have sat on it for about a week, and never learned of Kris getting the pink-slip.
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