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Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:10 am
by cuteruthxox
Ok, well this might sound totally wierd.
But i think that cassie might just be one of us; a youtuber who thought that theywould pretend to be a charachter because she heard abut cassie and she though hmmm i could be her.....
Because if you notice (if you watch on youtube) every video has a reply and then if you go on the right reply (from one of the charachters) then they will have another reply from another charachter, ect... cassie has no replies on her videos. she just replies to videos.
so, hmmmm..... :-k

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:32 am
by chershaytoute
cuteruthxox, that's part of what's cool about Cassie... Cassie is kind of everywhere, everything, everyone.

There's the canon Cassie - the one that's mentioned a few times in the LG15 videos, that may well have been a minor, passing reference, but that we, as fans, just can't let go of... <HUGE grin>

And because we don't want to, won't, can't let go, there are all of these wonderful Other Cassies. There's cassieiswatching... itscassie... itskassie... Cassieresurrection...

There's talk about the Crisis of Infinite Cassies because so MANY Cassies came to the surface! <smile>

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 6:29 pm
by Sami
I'll never let go. If Cassie doesn't get mentioned in the season finale (which she won't) I'll never watch a video again...

yeah, I will..

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:47 pm
by apocalypse46
well after spending long hours looking back at the videos. the only thing i know so far from Cassie is that Bree asked DB if he knew her when they went swimming. and there was OpAphid videos that would repeat what she said in the swimming video. and then there was the vid where Bree was talking about prank calls. it kind of looks like some of you already put it together. so im alittle late. lol. but Cassie better have a part in the series other then what i just mentioned. why would OpAphid make videos of her if she wasnt important in some way