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Post by BrightSilence »

I'm going to have to defend Taylor on this one. It was meaningless, if you have spend some time communicating with her on the forums you might have noticed her saying that she misses Sarah and cares for her. She has even expressed worries if Sarah would be ok. I'm just guessing it's their way of communicating.

Sarah herself recently said it didn't bother her and said and I quote: "I've called her worse things."

I've got kind of the same thing going on with my brother. Some outsiders might think we are fighting while we are just having fun. I'm convinced it really is no biggy. And the girls love eachother very much!
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Post by hockeygurl »

brightsilence --- change the first part of your name to brilliant. :mrgreen:

Loved both your vids. --> 5 stars.

You're right. What's going on with her is between her and Sarah and I'm sure they've got their own way of dealing with things.

But I do get a sense of a lot of unreleased stress in her from all that she's having to deal with alone. Her dad left her too. She stayed with her mom and her mom seems to be pretty much abandoning her for some DCCC kid... and Sarah left her too.

I think I'd be pretty pissed off at everyone If I were you Taylor. But you're still trying to be the "good" girl in all of this... probably because you're so SMRT??? I dunno. (well, I do know that UR SMRT) :wink:

Hang in there and lean on Jonas. He's been through a lot too and he might be a good friend about now.
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Yep, that's Taylor of course! :D
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Post by BrightSilence »

I might be wrong, but I recognize myself in you Taylor. I know you are having a tough time, and although you mention the things that bother you, you never access it on an emotional level. It's more like stating the facts then really telling how you feel about that. Calling your sister a slut is probably more of a facade. Along with the dominatrix-teacher thing you had going.

I'm very much the same way, maybe a bit emotionally closed off. I'm glad Jonas is there for you, and I know you apreciate his presence. Although I probably won't even do it myself, I do advice you to talk to Jonas. He's a great guy, and I'm sure he could be a great support for you. Take a chance, open up. I know on the rare occasion I open up to someone it always makes me feel better.

And to hockeygurl thanks for the reply, but I think Bright sounds arrogant enough ;). It's nice to hear you say it though! Also thanks for the ratings on my vids, I'm glad you like them!
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Post by hockeygurl »

BrightSilence wrote: And to hockeygurl thanks for the reply, but I think Bright sounds arrogant enough ;). It's nice to hear you say it though! Also thanks for the ratings on my vids, I'm glad you like them!

Okay BS!

lol! I love your humility!!!! So shut up and know that I think you're "B" (brilliant) when i say "BS" :smt023

And Taylor--> Hang in there girlie!!! We're there for you.
Proud Member of the SMRT girl fanclub

Yep, that's Taylor of course! :D
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