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Do you think that the word new-bee is over used?

Poll ended at Wed Jul 04, 2007 3:16 am

Total votes: 25

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Broken Kid
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Post by Broken Kid »

Sami wrote:consideration, me too. You have no idea how mean people on other forum has been about my english skills
Really? I never would have noticed it wasn't your first language if you didn't tell us (other than the occasional and much-appreciated "uff da" here and there). I've seen many native English speakers who had far less comprehensible posts! :)
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Post by Sami »

Broken Kid wrote:
Sami wrote:consideration, me too. You have no idea how mean people on other forum has been about my english skills
Really? I never would have noticed it wasn't your first language if you didn't tell us (other than the occasional and much-appreciated "uff da" here and there). I've seen many native English speakers who had far less comprehensible posts! :)

off topic, sry
"Have you uff da'd today?" - Broken Kid
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Post by chershaytoute »

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... (I have said it before, haven't I? If not, I'll just say it twice now? <smile>) ...I surely don't speak Norwegian as well as you speak English. Heck, I don't speak Norwegian at ALL, so... You're incredible! <nodding>

If UFF DA! were a gooder thing, you'd be way even better than that...that's for darned sure, Sami!! (and yes, I make up words and grammar as I go along)

Oh, and BTW, wow! You look so scholarly in that pic!! Our oh so veryvery SMRT Sami! <nodding happily>

(and hey, you're worth a quick threadjack here, too... :D )
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by apocalypse46 »

thats why you dont say new-bee... you say noob or nub

Spencer must be kicked from the show!!!!!!
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