I Am Very Concerned! (and a Poll, Yeah!)

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Is it possible that some phorumite phans have resorted to a suicide pact?

Definitely, they're toast! Yeah!
Not quite sure, but I don't miss them...
Drama queens for sure, but still alive unfortunately.
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Post by BrightSilence »

It's like this everywhere. People losing interest just stop showing up. It happens here, on other forums and it happend to me during my years as a computer science student (they quickly went from fulltime to parttime to partytime...).

Since I havent been around that long I'm not really missing anyone yet. Just one person... S.A.R.A.H. I remember her posting alot, but I haven't seen her lately. Ow well, I'm happy that others will still be around, wether they are new like me or around since the beginning.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

HyeMew wrote:We are in like generation six, seven, eight?! of LG15 fan rotation now. I don't know where the new blood keeps coming from but they do trickle in as the old ones have basically gone.


I agree with HyeMew....


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Post by curiousGeorge »

tigerlilylynn wrote: This thread very much confuses me but that post *points above* rocks pretty hard.
This indeed is a most vexing issue. I'll check into the rock theory, that appears to have some possibilities. Stonings were common in ancient Egypt and possibly some phorumites have taken the LG Egyptian references a little too far. I think anything is game at this point of our inquiry. That indeed would explain a lot...

As always, I appreciate the collective consciousness of the phorum working so diligently to hunt for vital clues.
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Post by BrightSilence »

Well, take it from me that the newer people do appreciate you guys still being around. You're a great source of information on the going ons of when I wasn't at the forums yet. Plus you seem dedicated.

Dedicated = good!

However it surprises me to sometimes see a new(to me) name posting with a post count of over a couple of thousands. I guess some of the first generation still check in every ones in a while, just not that often anymore.
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Post by BrightSilence »

curiousGeorge wrote:As always, I appreciate the collective consciousness of the phorum working so diligently to hunt for vital clues.
It's just what we do! ;)
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Post by Ziola »

For what its worth, they are all in my basement.

That's where people go when they stop posting.

And its really, really crowded right now.
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Post by curiousGeorge »

Killthesmiley wrote: omg...

I agree with HyeMew....

The Dauntless Dean is THE Oldest LG Fan, first registrant at our beloved (and lost in the ether) Phorum 1.0.

Keen sleuthing skills that one...

Back OT: This dilemma of the missing posters is getting me even more distressed. How can one with oh, let's say approximately 37.28 posts per day just drop off the face of the phorum???

My diarrhea theory seems to have gone dry, but the stoning theory is looking very promising. Perhaps the ZZ Top Orderite was actually a Thelemic Geologist with enough mad skillz to manipulate these phorumites into actually stoning THEMSELVES to death in a mutual magma based murder!!

I'm also actively pursuing the basement theory, it also holds much promise. Based on the posts in question by one of these posters, I was leaning more towards double-wides, but basements may indeed be relevant.
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Post by hockeygurl »

BrightSilence wrote: Since I havent been around that long I'm not really missing anyone yet. Just one person... S.A.R.A.H. I remember her posting alot, but I haven't seen her lately. Ow well, I'm happy that others will still be around, wether they are new like me or around since the beginning.
I think I read somewhere that she was traveling or on vacay for a couple weeks. you could ask in comments. (They'd probably freak that someone from forums was worried about someone who's on comments a lot...) it could just be that it's summertime. Don't give up on them! :D
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Post by curiousGeorge »

An urgent dispatch before I retire boyz an girlz!

I have received a confidential photo from a renowned associate who thinks that they may indeed be alive, but merely have had their physical manifestation revert to match that of their psychological state :shock:.


I warn you that this may be yet another Hymn of Juan pink herring, but it does seem fairly credible to me...
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Post by Danielle »

Killthesmiley wrote:
HyeMew wrote:We are in like generation six, seven, eight?! of LG15 fan rotation now. I don't know where the new blood keeps coming from but they do trickle in as the old ones have basically gone.


I agree with HyeMew....


I think I'm a survivor of the second generation. Maybe 3rd.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
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Post by robtomorrow »

I just would like to add my personal theory regarding the missing forum posters. I think maybe the erotic nature of the recent videos have sparked some repressed libido in our pair and they have taken off on a TAAG inspired road trip to Mexico. They are probably sipping Margaritas, basking in south of the boarder sun on a perfect beach by day and having sex in the shower, in the laundry room, on the kitchen table, on the living room floor, EVERYWHERE, by night.
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Post by milowent »

Danielle wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:
HyeMew wrote:We are in like generation six, seven, eight?! of LG15 fan rotation now. I don't know where the new blood keeps coming from but they do trickle in as the old ones have basically gone.


I agree with HyeMew....

I think I'm a survivor of the second generation. Maybe 3rd.
sounds about right. who's on first? what's on second?

Imagine CassieisWatching never happened. would the fan base of lg15 be radically different today? I think so. And CiW inspired OpAphid, which eventually and through a circuituous path, spawned the HymnofOne.

And if all that didn't happen, would the two CG seeks still not be here, or would they never have arrived?

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Post by Inigo »

Danielle wrote: I think I'm a survivor of the second generation. Maybe 3rd.

What's this generation stuff? what generation would I belong to?
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Post by Killthesmiley »

this whole thread makes me laugh.
I'm just sitting here picturing us all passing around a *cigarette* and colt 45's having this discussion...

it's like aliens abducted them all

YOU: Who does that KTS think she is? Total bitch!

ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by robtomorrow »

Inigo wrote:
Danielle wrote: I think I'm a survivor of the second generation. Maybe 3rd.

What's this generation stuff? what generation would I belong to?
I think this is the first time anyone has defined the comings and goings in terms of generations, but here is my attempt to define the generations, albeit short lived.

1st Before Jessica Rose Outing
2nd After JR- 10/12/06
3rd 10/12/06-OpAphid
4th OpAphid-Demise of OpAphid
5th After Op - New Girl
6th New Girl -HoO- Neutrogena
7th Neutrogena-
Last edited by robtomorrow on Sun Jun 24, 2007 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.