Prepare Yourself {a message from THE ORDER}
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- BrightSilence
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I did: ... 424#409424Danielle wrote:Create the topic, and I will be there.
See you there.
To the mods: Feel free to clean up this topic, the entire discussion is quoted in the other topic.
- EricaCrowley
- Lonely Fan
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I think you should show more respect for other people’s religious beliefs. The Order, as people around here like to call it, has been in existence since the beginning of time. If Judaism started with Adam then that would be the first religion and then we would be the second oldest religion. No one can destroy a great religion even one that lives in the shadows. What has become of those people who tried to destroy Judaism or Christianity? Those people faded in history. However the last time I checked the Jews and Christians are doing just fine. No one has ever tried to truly destroy the OoD or the HoO. People have left the religion and that is their right. My own father left the OoD before my mother died. Do you think the Catholic Church losses any sleep over fallen Catholics that denounce and attack their Church? I can assure you that the Pope has more important things on his mind.BrightSilence wrote:How do you like it to feel like you are nothing on your own? Do you rely on your cause to feel like you are worthy to live?Danielle wrote:HeartofSorrow wrote:I was bowing done to you Danielle.
Please, I'd prefer you bow down to my purpose, for I am simply a chorus girl for the greatness that is The Order.
Why do you accept being a pawn? Does ignorance bring you happiness?
When the order fails to reach it's goals and ceases to exist, will you fade away into a void?
What does that make you?
On a more ontopic note. I do think this was a good message. And definately one Sarah should pay attention to (although I do not believe she has sex as much as she want's us to believe). And everyone else for that matter.
What you have said is just so intolerant as to be unbelievable. Would you think to say that about Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam? I’m not trying to claim that all the members of the OoD or HoO are perfect because they are not. No human being is perfect or ever has been except for possibly Jesus and Mary (or so I have read). Just as there are bad people in society there are bad people in the HoO. Sin is natural and G_D forgives people for their transgressions. You should question your understanding of Good and Evil. Many people would say that it is sinful for Sarah and Daniel to express their love or even their lust in a sexual fashion. How foolish. I hope they are having sex everyday of the week. Is this a sin? I say no, it is a thing of beauty. Think about sin. When Eve accepted the gift of intelligence from Lucifer, G_D felt that she had sinned and he punished her and Adam by expelling them from the garden. Was that really such a curse? I believe he still allowed them to enter the realm of Heaven (not that Hell should be feared by anyone who loves Lucifer). Few so called sins are actually punished and even those that are kept out of Heaven rarely suffer in the pits of Hell, only those that have angered both G_D and Lucifer are destine for eternal suffering (and even then there is the possibility of forgiveness in Hell). What sin is so great that it can not be forgiven in time? Lucifer/Satan rebelled against G_D but he can still freely enters Heaven and is part of the G_D’s Court. Read the Book of Job. Does Satan not serve as the Prosecutor for G_D despite their conflict?
- Lonely Fan
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I am very critical when it comes to ANY kind of religion. Here, in this case, I guess I also have a reason to be.
Whenever people had doubts about you or found out things about you which were - well - critical, you have killed them, silenced them or ruined them. Jonas`parents are a good example, Bree`s father is another.
The thing is - YOU of the HoO don`t respect the freedom of others. YOU don`t respect the freedom to be critical towards you - if someone is, he or she is in danger to be killed as fast as possible, especially if he or she finds out something true and meaningful, just like Jonas`parents did who had to escape from you and to leave their only son behind in order to protect him.
Anyway, as an independent person, I don`t need any order - reason and the wish to stay alive could even tell a young lady like Sarah that it is not stupid to make a man use a condome with sex (I guess Sarah does not want to catch AIDS or any other disease;-).)
New Voice of Reason
I am very critical when it comes to ANY kind of religion. Here, in this case, I guess I also have a reason to be.
Whenever people had doubts about you or found out things about you which were - well - critical, you have killed them, silenced them or ruined them. Jonas`parents are a good example, Bree`s father is another.
The thing is - YOU of the HoO don`t respect the freedom of others. YOU don`t respect the freedom to be critical towards you - if someone is, he or she is in danger to be killed as fast as possible, especially if he or she finds out something true and meaningful, just like Jonas`parents did who had to escape from you and to leave their only son behind in order to protect him.
Anyway, as an independent person, I don`t need any order - reason and the wish to stay alive could even tell a young lady like Sarah that it is not stupid to make a man use a condome with sex (I guess Sarah does not want to catch AIDS or any other disease;-).)
New Voice of Reason
- EricaCrowley
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 165
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I hate condoms. I would rather have sex any day of the week with a woman than a man wearing a condom. Those things are so gross.New voice of reason wrote:Hi,
I am very critical when it comes to ANY kind of religion. Here, in this case, I guess I also have a reason to be.
Whenever people had doubts about you or found out things about you which were - well - critical, you have killed them, silenced them or ruined them. Jonas`parents are a good example, Bree`s father is another.
The thing is - YOU of the HoO don`t respect the freedom of others. YOU don`t respect the freedom to be critical towards you - if someone is, he or she is in danger to be killed as fast as possible, especially if he or she finds out something true and meaningful, just like Jonas`parents did who had to escape from you and to leave their only son behind in order to protect him.
Anyway, as an independent person, I don`t need any order - reason and the wish to stay alive could even tell a young lady like Sarah that it is not stupid to make a man use a condome with sex (I guess Sarah does not want to catch AIDS or any other disease;-).)
New Voice of Reason
- gemmacrowley
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Erica is using her Blackberry under the influence. She has drinking and taking Klonopin since we woke up this morning. This girl does not travel well. I don’t know how many more hours we have on this plane but it can’t end soon enough.EricaCrowley wrote:I hate condoms. I would rather have sex any day of the week with a woman than a man wearing a condom. Those things are so gross.New voice of reason wrote:Hi,
I am very critical when it comes to ANY kind of religion. Here, in this case, I guess I also have a reason to be.
Whenever people had doubts about you or found out things about you which were - well - critical, you have killed them, silenced them or ruined them. Jonas`parents are a good example, Bree`s father is another.
The thing is - YOU of the HoO don`t respect the freedom of others. YOU don`t respect the freedom to be critical towards you - if someone is, he or she is in danger to be killed as fast as possible, especially if he or she finds out something true and meaningful, just like Jonas`parents did who had to escape from you and to leave their only son behind in order to protect him.
Anyway, as an independent person, I don`t need any order - reason and the wish to stay alive could even tell a young lady like Sarah that it is not stupid to make a man use a condome with sex (I guess Sarah does not want to catch AIDS or any other disease;-).)
New Voice of Reason
I put her Blackberry in my purse and unless she starts screaming at one of the Watchers to make me give it back she won’t be getting it back until she isn’t so f_cked up.
This is turning into the trip from hell. We took cars to the airport in Warwick this morning and hit rush hour traffic. Erica completely flipped out. We drove there because she hates helicopters and the whole way she was yelling about why we did take a helicopter. Also she spilled wine on the dress she was wearing and the thing must have cost like $2000. Now she is wearing jeans and a t-shirt.
- EricaCrowley
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:16 pm
Gemma is a drama queen. I was fine on the flight. Not a problem in the least. I may have spilled a little wine but Gemma was the one acting like an ass. I made one condom joke and she stole my phone.
I am so excite. It is only about 13 hours until the Summer Solstice begins. We are staying in a lovely hotel although I found the food to be a little rich. I’m slightly uncomfortable with all this increased security that we have Bree to thank for but the Watchers are trying to keep their distance as much as possible which I do appreciate. This should be a great deal of fun.
Gemma thinks I should apologize for my condom remark but a girl has a right to her opinion. So Sarah, does DannyB wear one or do you take your chances?
I am so excite. It is only about 13 hours until the Summer Solstice begins. We are staying in a lovely hotel although I found the food to be a little rich. I’m slightly uncomfortable with all this increased security that we have Bree to thank for but the Watchers are trying to keep their distance as much as possible which I do appreciate. This should be a great deal of fun.
Gemma thinks I should apologize for my condom remark but a girl has a right to her opinion. So Sarah, does DannyB wear one or do you take your chances?
-a message from The Order for an HIV Free Future
-a message from The Order for an HIV Free Future
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
- EricaCrowley
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:16 pm
- Lonely Fan
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Well Erica,
of course, you have a right on your opinion (I am not a person of the Order or the HoO, you know;-), I respect the freedom of others) - but I guess that you are playing with your life if you have an active sex life.
So Sarah,
better listen to the voice of reason within you;-). Enjoy sex - but make your lover use a condom;-). AIDS and other sexual diseases are not an enjoyable experience...
But I`m sure you are sensible enough not to risk your health and you don`t need to be patronized in that field.
New Voice of Reason
of course, you have a right on your opinion (I am not a person of the Order or the HoO, you know;-), I respect the freedom of others) - but I guess that you are playing with your life if you have an active sex life.
So Sarah,
better listen to the voice of reason within you;-). Enjoy sex - but make your lover use a condom;-). AIDS and other sexual diseases are not an enjoyable experience...

But I`m sure you are sensible enough not to risk your health and you don`t need to be patronized in that field.
New Voice of Reason
- EricaCrowley
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:16 pm
Sex is a spiritual experience that can be enjoyed safely with or without the use of a condom. First I believe that people should avoid having sex with strangers that helps cut down on the risk of STDs. However if you do then you should use a condom. I don’t have sex with strangers. I don’t even get near strangers. The simple solution to this question is testing for HIV and other STDs prior to having sex with anyone. I always insist on this before I have sex with a man. Also there are certain sexual practices where a condom can not be used. Sexual religious rituals are a perfect example of this as exchange of fluids is considered part of the spiritual nature of the act. Also in the practice of Sex Magick a condom can not be used. So while I certainly believe that those of you picking folks up in bars should be using a condom; having sex with people you know, trust, and have had tested is certainly the better route to be taken.New voice of reason wrote:Well Erica,
of course, you have a right on your opinion (I am not a person of the Order or the HoO, you know;-), I respect the freedom of others) - but I guess that you are playing with your life if you have an active sex life.
So Sarah,
better listen to the voice of reason within you;-). Enjoy sex - but make your lover use a condom;-). AIDS and other sexual diseases are not an enjoyable experience...
But I`m sure you are sensible enough not to risk your health and you don`t need to be patronized in that field.
New Voice of Reason
- Aerrow
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As long as the female is on birth control it's okay (most of the time) but yea, I mean like Erica said you shouldn't be like having sex with a stranger or something.. If you are having sex with someone you are close to or wtv then you should know for the most part their sexual history and you should know whether or not they have an STD, I mean pregnancy is a completely different thing.. I say you should be on birth control and use a condom.. The world is getting so over populated.. lol, we didn't really have that problem back when the Order of Assassins were around...
"Your greatest weapon is in your enemy's mind."
- EricaCrowley
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 165
- Joined: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:16 pm
Are you talking about الدعوة الجديدة ?Aerrow wrote:As long as the female is on birth control it's okay (most of the time) but yea, I mean like Erica said you shouldn't be like having sex with a stranger or something.. If you are having sex with someone you are close to or wtv then you should know for the most part their sexual history and you should know whether or not they have an STD, I mean pregnancy is a completely different thing.. I say you should be on birth control and use a condom.. The world is getting so over populated.. lol, we didn't really have that problem back when the Order of Assassins were around...