LOL! Snicker! Just whatever you do, don't give him any ideas! LOL!
I was watching the Jonas in Bed video again...(don't go there, children. I was wondering if any info was missed. ) And I noticed that Jonas has a throw away line about him thinking it was cool that his first kiss with Bree was recorded. He adds, "For posterity." and he grins. It leads me to think that rather than this being a testosterone filled crowing and beating of the chest, it's a declaration of his feelings being deep enough to last the long term.
Since we have nothing better to do here until Monday, does anyone want to speculate?
Jonas loves Bree. Dispite all the debate and controversy over this relationship, I still think it's significant... and if all goes well (one isn't "manipulating" the other) it could very well develop into something longterm.
Oh my God little Bree-Jonas babies...
Member of the SSJF eucebo's nº1 helper, and associate in the CGA title
00:19:07] MayhemII: Bree what genre of music is "your song"?
[00:19:33] lonelygirl15: genre? the genre of eternal happiness. hmmmmmmm
I only glanced over this thread, but I don't think anyone has said this.
I think Jonas is important to the ceremony, and that the Order somehow brainwashed him into inviting Bree into his home so they could keep tabs on both him and her.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
longlostposter wrote:I only glanced over this thread, but I don't think anyone has said this.
I think Jonas is important to the ceremony, and that the Order somehow brainwashed him into inviting Bree into his home so they could keep tabs on both him and her.
Reasonable speculation, but--as with most things having to do with LG15--totally unable to be verified at this time. *sigh*
longlostposter wrote:I only glanced over this thread, but I don't think anyone has said this.
I think Jonas is important to the ceremony, and that the Order somehow brainwashed him into inviting Bree into his home so they could keep tabs on both him and her.
I don't know if I would go as far as brainwashed, but having him be an Order insider is definitely something I've wondered about. It would explain his whole barreling ahead of the group and then saying something along the lines of "must have been a squirrel, nevermind" in 'Mr. Park Ranger' after Sarah thought she'd seen something in the woods. I think he knows more than we think he does.
longlostposter wrote:I only glanced over this thread, but I don't think anyone has said this.
I think Jonas is important to the ceremony, and that the Order somehow brainwashed him into inviting Bree into his home so they could keep tabs on both him and her.
I don't know if I would go as far as brainwashed, but having him be an Order insider is definitely something I've wondered about. It would explain his whole barreling ahead of the group and then saying something along the lines of "must have been a squirrel, nevermind" in 'Mr. Park Ranger' after Sarah thought she'd seen something in the woods. I think he knows more than we think he does.
Very good point.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
Okay, here's my thing. Why does every character always have to be furthering the main plot somehow? Jonas financially supports TAAG and plays roles in a lot of the mini-arcs of characters. He also adds a different personality and perspective to the things that are happening.
Just because he doesn't seem to be the most active participant in the main plot doesn't mean he is useless.
A plot does NOT always have to be moving forward, sometimes it's necessary to develop characters and include character interaction that is separate from major plot points.
Faye: I would also totally kick Conor Oberst's ass just for having that ridiculous hairdo.
Marten: Is that the guy from Bright Eyes? I always confuse him with Winona Ryder.