Thanks very much. Didn't really work that hard on it, just played the notes along with the chord progression, added some drums and a bit of a bassline and there you have it.Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:so, pushed, u DID mix this yourself? sorry it's off-topic, but awesome!
Push will be selling CDs this fall, first album a self-entitled hit, "Pushed"!LOL
also off-topic (beg your pardon, Bree, for the parody)
i think it'd be fun to go through all the past mysterious messages and such and try to do songs out of them!
the official HoO Debut Album "There's no HoO in Mexico (But hopefully that'll change this fall!)"!!
ok. back on topic now.
Bree, whether you meant to play this song or not, I think you gave us fodder for a forum theme song!
If anyone has any suggestions about the timings on the melody I'll adapt my tune to try it.