Aerrow wrote:
lol, I don't think they would give her anything close to x, I mean they don't want to harm her.. When your on X, you are all happy and trippy but at the same time your body gets really hot and your really horny..
Where can I....hmm, no forget it.
Just find a rave, lol.. They just freaking hand'em out there..
yeah impulse, just say no to x, you don't want to turn into an e-tard
Last edited by oxdeltaxo on Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aerrow wrote:lol, I don't think they would give her anything close to x, I mean they don't want to harm her.. When your on X, you are all happy and trippy but at the same time your body gets really hot and your really horny..
Yeah but who's to say it wasn't something similar which influences serotonin the same way that x does? It would still result in manic depressive effect when coming down.
Well yea that makes sense I mean, when your on drugs they all effect different things and increases stuff to make you however they make you in this instance it could increase her serotonin levels and now that she is off of it her body could be reacting as if she had low serotonin levels which in reality she doesn't but since her body has gotten used to having the high levels it thinks it has low levels which would result in.. aggressive and angry behaviors, clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders.. <-- Those are all results of low serotonin levels and her behavior fits quite a few of them..
Aerrow wrote:lol, I don't think they would give her anything close to x, I mean they don't want to harm her.. When your on X, you are all happy and trippy but at the same time your body gets really hot and your really horny..
Yeah but who's to say it wasn't something similar which influences serotonin the same way that x does? It would still result in manic depressive effect when coming down.
Well yea that makes sense I mean, when your on drugs they all effect different things and increases stuff to make you however they make you in this instance it could increase her serotonin levels and now that she is off of it her body could be reacting as if she had low serotonin levels which in reality she doesn't but since her body has gotten used to having the high levels it thinks it has low levels which would result in.. aggressive and angry behaviors, clinical depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, tinnitus, fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders.. <-- Those are all results of low serotonin levels and her behavior fits quite a few of them..
If nothing else it would make her dependent on the order to stick close lest she start freakin out, it's an effective way to keep the HoO inline when their body is craving the next hit.
oxdeltaxo wrote:
If nothing else it would make her dependent on the order to stick close lest she start freakin out, it's an effective way to keep the HoO inline when their body is craving the next hit.
Yea, but the drug addiction wouldn't be affecting her memories.. Hmm, I was talking to my uncle one time, he used to hang out with a lot of druggies, and learning is all about your state of mind, some of his friends would learn things while high and wouldn't know much about it when they weren't high, so they were actually smarter when they'd get high.. In this case it's like associating her new found personality with the drugs, and the drugs wearing off is breaking into her old self, which since the low serotonin can make you bipolar it all fits together quite well..
I understand what your uncle is talking about *is a bit of a druggie himself* Sounds like a much less pleasant experience for bree though.... I remember trying shrooms for the first time, coming down from those was interesting, especially when someone turns on the devils rejects mid trip. It can be extremely intense....
lol, yea I'v never done any drugs but I have hung out with a lot of druggies on many different things.. And I have also done a lot of bad things.. I always did those things with my non druggy friends, better to get caught with kids that are clean.. lol, it's fun doing bad things and getting away with it, but I probably get that from playing the thief in to many video games.. It's just me, but yea.. I definately think whats going on with her is a major drug issue more than anything, and once she completely comes off of them who knows..
When they got daniel back the other time he couldn't remember anything, so who is to say she will even remember anything once she is completely back to normal.. It would suck if it was like that though because then they wouldn't have progressed at all.. Well besides getting her back, but if she doesn't remember anything from her being with the order then she be no help matey.. lol still much love for her though
Fpr Bree to broken free from the mind control they have to give her the box , cause when she held Pmonkey she said "i remember you". I bet the rest of the stuff in the box will help.
This is my interpretation: (Please note that this may or may not have been discussed before) The Hymn of One used their various types of drugs, epogen..or whatever the other ones are, to help aid in brainwashing/mind control. Bree is experiencing a harsh withdrawal from the medication, and as these drugs leave her system, the effects of the mindwash are wearing off therefore causing her to have a bipolar type personality. Sometimes she is aware of her surroundings, who she is, who Daniel is, etc, and at other times, she is struggling with HoO because what she went through during those two weeks still has a direct affect on her. Bree does not have complete control of her thoughts as of now. The medication that helped aid the mindwashing is also making it extremely difficult for her to break out of this mind state. My suggestion: Drink plenty of water. It will help drain/clear her system, and then Daniel,Jonas and Sarah will have a better attempt to 'deprogram' her.