Yeah, I saw her last video (and the one that she just posted). So weird, she is like totally with the Hymn of One now. She looks happy with them, but I don't think that's really how she feels - or she is brainwashed.
Misty, I think you are right about the clue in the first video. It looks like there is one here too. What do you think it is?
Hi Taylor! Enjoying your Memorial Day weekend?
What do you think of the "Help Her Friday TCC"
What do you think TCC stands for?
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey!
I'm also searching for a place or monument made of/called Blue Stone, but nothing in California, Texas, Or Boston/Massachussetts yet. There was a Bluestone Park in like West Virginia though.
There's a stone on Alex's front porch in the video On The Road Again, and then in Confrontation there's a big blue door shaped stone at the very beginning, and in Lying Bastards, there's blue tile on Alex's back patio.
There appears to be a Bluestone Bistro in Brighton, which is right in the greater Boston area:
Bluestone Bistro 1799 Commonwealth Avenue Brighton
Phone: 617-254-8309
43 blue stones were used in the creation of Stonehenge.
I'd love it if you made a video, tonight, I don't get to see enough of you.
Last edited by Misty on Tue May 29, 2007 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
Julia, Talyor, Sarah, Bree, will any of you Play with Me?
I don't know, that smile she has, is seems either ironic or secret 'languagy' . it think she is telling us to save Julia on Friday beneath the Bluestone Bistro. Bree is propably doing the ceremony, or has given Julia enough info to help the scooby gang prevent the ceremony.