The vid creeped me out. Bree is definitely drugged/hypnotized. And WHERE is Jules?
As to the hacking - I don't get it. I cleared both my cookies and my cache, and used different email addresses. It recognized me every time, and spat back the same score. I'm guessing the identifier is the I.P. address.
Dial-up users, it's up to you!
Or, someone using a proxy server that assigns you a different IP each time you connect
They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies, your little spies
The ending screen, where they display the Web address... any significance/hints? The vid itself was pretty devoid of them, but duh, it's the Order. They're not stupid.
Luminous wrote:Took the test. I couldn't tell if I was 25% or 30% compatible with HoO. Either way, the score was to high. Personally, I would put it at 0%.
No amount of pizza or spinart could entice me.
LOL Fight the power. XD
Also, about being truly free... Can someone say Heaven's Gate Suicide Cult?
Highest score yet! Tell us, what answers did you put?
Some extra info:
I answered as if I were a strong individual with lots of free will already, and I asked a friend of mine to answer as if she were a wishy washy cult victim waiting to happen. We both got 35. Hmmm.
ApotheosisAZ wrote:Well, at least one of us has a new favorite LG15 vid.
I love this. I just really hope we're not just going to get Bree back in a matter of days, going on the run again. This is something (sort of) new, and therefore awesome.
Sarah of the Dead wrote:I love this. I just really hope we're not just going to get Bree back in a matter of days, going on the run again. This is something (sort of) new, and therefore awesome.
Highest score yet! Tell us, what answers did you put?
Some extra info:
I answered as if I were a strong individual with lots of free will already, and I asked a friend of mine to answer as if she were a wishy washy cult victim waiting to happen. We both got 35. Hmmm.
That's odd, I answered like you and got 35 or 40 too. Maybe it depends on where you are/age/sex? Or maybe you need to put certain key words in the three boxes at the end?
Last edited by Woo on Fri May 25, 2007 4:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
They taped over your mouth, scribbled out the truth with their lies, your little spies