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Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:17 pm
by susanne_buit
Ok, that makes sense.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:47 pm
by EternalGoddess
I think the "trait: negative" means she doesn't have what is needed for the ceremony. Bree once mentioned that girls that develope the right traits are picked to do the ceremony. If Julie doesn't, Bree does, and Bree is with the Order then that could pose a problem. Meaning it's game time. I dub thee "Mission Impossible"!
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:27 pm
by Esteed
Trap. Huh. Refresh my memory here, wasn't there someone before that said this might be-
Oh. Right. The majority of the posters here. Bree, honey, you need to start remembering what you read in the forums.
Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:15 pm
by BallsyMcD
woo, jules and i share a birthday.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:48 am
by danielbeast
What's up? I only have a few more minutes left on this computer... Jonas and I are on the road. I snuck into this hotel and pretended to be a guest lol. I'm in the business center... love the free coffee and donuts! Ya so Jonas and I decided to continue our streak of proactiveness (ha I love that word now)... we're headed back to Jonas' house. We just couldn't stay in TX any longer and I'm sure the Order is long gone with Bree. Jonas' house is a better headquarters for us to figure this thing out. I'll let you know when get there.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:08 am
by ApotheosisAZ
danielbeast wrote:I snuck into this hotel and pretended to be a guest lol. I'm in the business center... love the free coffee and donuts!
I take back every negative thing I have ever said about you.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:32 am
by ladysolitary85
danielbeast wrote:What's up? I only have a few more minutes left on this computer... Jonas and I are on the road. I snuck into this hotel and pretended to be a guest lol. I'm in the business center... love the free coffee and donuts! Ya so Jonas and I decided to continue our streak of proactiveness (ha I love that word now)... we're headed back to Jonas' house. We just couldn't stay in TX any longer and I'm sure the Order is long gone with Bree. Jonas' house is a better headquarters for us to figure this thing out. I'll let you know when get there.
Daniel make sure you and Jonas check the house outside before you enter it. Also check out everything inside as well. Its a possibility that they're still watching you guys.
They have Bree, but that doesn't mean they wont stop you guys. You both know a lot about the Order, if they wanted to they could harm you both.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:38 am
by Gidget
glad to hear you are being "proactive," but what happened to Taylor and Sarah? I'm assuming they didn't come with you. Was it hard to say goodbye? You guys were getting to be pretty good friends.
Be careful on the road. Do you have a cell phone that Bree can call you on if she gets away?
Was there anything else in Julie's file? Like a shot record or medication list?
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:52 am
by dirk
Anyone have any thoughts on the stuff at the top of the page? It's her name and date of birth, but the other number (8163024684) looks like it could be a phone number. If it is, it would be in Kansas City, so it wouldn't be Julia's families number. Has anyone tried to call it? Maybe it is the number for the company that did the test?
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:24 am
by Gidget
i thought it might be a phone number too, but I'm too scared to call. Its not listed in the phonebook, but it probably wouldn't be
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:55 am
by susanne_buit
Daniel! Since you are very good at pretending to be a doctor, why not try the same thing in CA? You should try to find the file of Bree, so you know if she's positive and if so, what she's positive of!
NO first things first: try to SAVE Bree! I bet she could use some help...
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:36 am
by Lurker
danielbeast wrote:Ya so Jonas and I decided to continue our streak of proactiveness (ha I love that word now)... we're headed back to Jonas' house. We just couldn't stay in TX any longer and I'm sure the Order is long gone with Bree. Jonas' house is a better headquarters for us to figure this thing out. I'll let you know when get there.
It's probably moot at this point, but did you guys ever try talking to/interrogating or following Jules' parents?
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:59 am
by OverShadowed
danielbeast wrote:What's up? I only have a few more minutes left on this computer... Jonas and I are on the road. I snuck into this hotel and pretended to be a guest lol. I'm in the business center... love the free coffee and donuts! Ya so Jonas and I decided to continue our streak of proactiveness (ha I love that word now)... we're headed back to Jonas' house. We just couldn't stay in TX any longer and I'm sure the Order is long gone with Bree. Jonas' house is a better headquarters for us to figure this thing out. I'll let you know when get there.
Was it jelly-filled?
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:15 am
by voyboy
why are you sneaking into hotels for free continental breakfasts and free Internet service? is Jonas out of money?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:20 pm
by Spades
Have you seen the price of gas recently?
Anyway, yes, it is a good idea that you check out the house, the Order did show up there, remember?
If all else fails, and I hate to say it, you might have to go back to the bunker. (If you ever started a real fight with them, a bunker would be a good place to hide). Plus, it looked like there was information in there... but that place looks boring as hell.