ApotheosisAZ wrote:Daniel told us that Bree said a Watcher shot the Crazy Guy in the desert. It doesn't add up. Watchers don't shoot people. They gather info.
Hmmmm. This point went right by me, but you're right. That's
very odd.
I just went to check the transcript on the LGPedia, and what Daniel actually said was that they were "
[p]retty sure it was a watcher" who shot CrazyGuy. But Bree was a lot closer to the shooting, and probably has a much better sense of what actually happened.
So the question I ask is whether the unreliable reporter is Daniel, or Bree.
longlostposter wrote:Aunt Alex sounded like she wanted to cry?
Last time I saw her, she was as cold as ice ("Your little friend", hateful tone).
Is this wishful thinking on Daniel's part?
This aspect of the vid makes me extremely skeptical of Daniel -- either his judgment is way off, or he's been triggered and doesn't realize it (although he's not acting like "DannyB").
nick_caskey9 wrote:3. at 1st i liked alex, then i didnt, now i want her and DB to get back together... b/c he can make her good :]]]]]]] and get some good answers... oooo maybe that could happen
Hmmm. I actually am beginning to think that the opposite may be taking place: that Alex is influencing Daniel over to The Dark Side without him knowing it.
DB does have a tendency to romanticize the women he loves. After all, he quit his job and left his entire life behind to run away with Bree. And the night she kissed him, he immediately decided that the kiss meant that they were going to be together, and planned that huge romantic meal with candles and etc.
So now he's transferred his affections to Alex. I can easily see him romanticizing her involvement with the Order along these lines: she was young, she was easily influenced, she was tired of being broke, the Order was very seductive, she's not really evil . . . .
Like Nick, DB may believe that he can Save Alex From the Order. But the way things really work, in good fiction as well as in real life, is that Alex is just as likely, if not more likely, to influence DB away from his own beliefs.
janesalteredstates wrote:Is it bad form to ask the Creators to only upload a video when it moves the plot along?
Jane, I really don't know why you don't think this video moves the plot along. We know a lot more now about several issues:
1) We know that the shooter wasn't Brother or either of the boys.
2) We know that the victim was the CrazyGuy cameraman, and not Bree or either of the boys or anybody else.
3) We know that DB still trusts Alex, beyond all common sense.
4) We know that Jonas has something weird going on in his sub- or un-conscious, which is why he talks in his sleep.
Oh, and JaneJane (this is going to be confusing -- I'll probably start referring to Janesalteredstates as "JAS"), I think your theories are excellent. I had completely forgotten about what Alex had said about the people who would stop at nothing to reclaim Bree. It certainly looks like that's what is happening now.
I also like your other thoughts about why Alex might have sounded like she wanted to cry. I had entirely dismissed the possibility that DB might have been right, and that she might really have sounded that way. You've brought up some completely viable reasons why DB's perceptions might be entirely accurate.