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Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:21 pm
by michiev
Inigo wrote:If Bree is staying with Tachyon for good, then what the hell is Daniel staying with Jonas for? He's just wasting his time.
He should either be taking care of Bree or going back to his house to get his life back on track. He has no purpose staying with Jonas
He never said that bree was staying with tachyon forever.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:23 pm
by joygasm
easter wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:easter wrote:raise your hand if you think auntie alex sounds like opaphid.
*raises hand*
ooh man that'd be sick.. she's got the right eye color too.

if someone could get a screencap of both their eyes, that'd be the proving or disproving of it, i think. i would do it, but i am so not 1337. i wouldn't have the first idea where to start.
but the more i compare aunt alex's line, "don't get near knives," and oppy's, "we did not miss anything in our search," from her 'the action of an enemy' vid, the more i think they're freakishly similar.
I am working on that right now. I have a question though. Lurker, I believe it was Lurker, said that it was confirmed that the girl in the OpAphid videos was her... is she the one in the videos about Cassie?? If so, it is DEFINITELY not the same girl...
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:25 pm
by joygasm
michiev wrote:Inigo wrote:If Bree is staying with Tachyon for good, then what the hell is Daniel staying with Jonas for? He's just wasting his time.
He should either be taking care of Bree or going back to his house to get his life back on track. He has no purpose staying with Jonas
He never said that bree was staying with tachyon forever.
No, he didn't... but even if she did... why would Daniel have to leave Jonas? It seems like Jonas and Daniel have become pretty good friends. Why would he have to go home to NOTHING?? It seems like even if they were set free of all this, it would still be benificial for Daniel to stay with Jonas... he will have the support he needed to start his life over again. If he goes back home... he has nothing... his parents are gone remember?? I'm still wondering what is going on there...
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:26 pm
by michiev
joygasm wrote:michiev wrote:Inigo wrote:If Bree is staying with Tachyon for good, then what the hell is Daniel staying with Jonas for? He's just wasting his time.
He should either be taking care of Bree or going back to his house to get his life back on track. He has no purpose staying with Jonas
He never said that bree was staying with tachyon forever.
No, he didn't... but even if she did... why would Daniel have to leave Jonas? It seems like Jonas and Daniel have become pretty good friends? Why would he have to go home to NOTHING?? It seems like even if they were set free of all this, it would still be benificial for Daniel to stay with Jonas... he will have the support he needed to start his life over again. If he goes back home... he has nothing... his parents are gone remember?? I'm still wondering what is going on there...
Yeah i agree, i dont think daniel would WANT to go home after all this.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:30 pm
by Inigo
joygasm wrote:his parents are gone remember?? I'm still wondering what is going on there...
I thought they were right there at home... where did they go?
Well he can live with Jonas, but he can't stay doing nothing forever, living of the Money Jonas got from his parents (same goes for Jonas)
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:35 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
joygasm wrote:easter wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
ooh man that'd be sick.. she's got the right eye color too.

if someone could get a screencap of both their eyes, that'd be the proving or disproving of it, i think. i would do it, but i am so not 1337. i wouldn't have the first idea where to start.
but the more i compare aunt alex's line, "don't get near knives," and oppy's, "we did not miss anything in our search," from her 'the action of an enemy' vid, the more i think they're freakishly similar.
I am working on that right now. I have a question though. Lurker, I believe it was Lurker, said that it was confirmed that the girl in the OpAphid videos was her... is she the one in the videos about Cassie?? If so, it is DEFINITELY not the same girl...
No. She is the girl that opens her eyes and says "Oh Dear" in more recent videos.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:41 pm
by Lurker
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:joygasm wrote:easter wrote:
if someone could get a screencap of both their eyes, that'd be the proving or disproving of it, i think. i would do it, but i am so not 1337. i wouldn't have the first idea where to start.
but the more i compare aunt alex's line, "don't get near knives," and oppy's, "we did not miss anything in our search," from her 'the action of an enemy' vid, the more i think they're freakishly similar.
I am working on that right now. I have a question though. Lurker, I believe it was Lurker, said that it was confirmed that the girl in the OpAphid videos was her... is she the one in the videos about Cassie?? If so, it is DEFINITELY not the same girl...
No. She is the girl that opens her eyes and says "Oh Dear" in more recent videos.
The woman from the earlier videos is the same as the one in the close-up shots where we hear "Oh dear" (they just reused the eye-opening shot from "Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)"):
EDIT: Yeah, joygasm, Op said she's that woman.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:48 pm
by joygasm
Thanks Lurker! I am on it now! Give me about 5 minutes!
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:52 pm
by longlostposter
I haven't read yet, but I'm going to as soon as I post this.
I think we are nearing the end of the reign of Bree in this series; now I see why the Creators didn't want us to like her. The Vernal Equinox will probably be her last major involvement in the series.
Someone has surely said this already, I'm just adding my agreement.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:53 pm
by michiev
longlostposter wrote:I haven't read yet, but I'm going to as soon as I post this.
I think we are nearing the end of the reign of Bree in this series; now I see why the Creators didn't want us to like her. The Vernal Equinox will probably be her last major involvement in the series.
Someone has surely said this already, I'm just adding my agreement.
Why would they want us to HATE the main character? I mean this show is called lonelygirl15.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:57 pm
by longlostposter
michiev wrote:Aw man that was a little mean of Daniel and jonas to be picking on bree like that, i mean sure she kind of deserves it but she at least tried to help, All the people that act like bree is a bitch or stupid or crazy are kind of off, she just really wants a break from all this running stuff, dont you think she wants a normal life too?, do you think she WANTED to keep jonas from going to a hospital? I dont think she did, shes just going through a rough time, Im sure we're going to see a change in her attitude soon enough.
And i don't really know about Auntie Alex, She looks fake to me, too much makeup IMO. and probably the only reason Daniel wants her is because he wants to replace bree.
It'll be interesting i guess to see how this character fits in to the story, but this wasnt a good first impression for Alex
Don't boo me for saying this, but she kinda looks like Stephanie Marquis from SH7F.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:59 pm
by joygasm
OK... here we go:



definitely not the same people... Even looking at the eyes... Aphids are curved more at the bottom, while Alex's has the big curve on the top.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:00 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Lurker wrote:JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:joygasm wrote:
I am working on that right now. I have a question though. Lurker, I believe it was Lurker, said that it was confirmed that the girl in the OpAphid videos was her... is she the one in the videos about Cassie?? If so, it is DEFINITELY not the same girl...
No. She is the girl that opens her eyes and says "Oh Dear" in more recent videos.
The woman from the earlier videos is the same as the one in the close-up shots where we hear "Oh dear" (they just reused the eye-opening shot from "Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)"):
EDIT: Yeah, joygasm, Op said she's that woman.
Yeah I know. I'm saying she isn't the girl in the Cassie vids.
If I didn't know better, I'd think you had something against me, Lurker.

Quit arguing with me!
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:01 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:02 pm
by michiev
And i cant really tell, different angles make it harder for me to tell x_X