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Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:03 pm
by Killthesmiley
Lurker wrote:Thamus wrote:[Entire post]
Nice. So maybe the 8 has something to do with perfection, completeness, or reaching a higher realm.
I think all te details Thamus went a little to far, but it does bring up interesting key notes in history.
the biggest thing that poped into my mind was a Chinese Emporer was once laid to rest in his tomb in a pool of mercury, because it was a common believe back then that mercury led immortality. I believe that it's the same emporer that had statues of his entire army made to guard his tomb (some of those statues actaully contained bodies ... )
ok now i'm rambling.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:41 pm
by loobylou
hey joel,
mock the week fan?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:48 pm
by iamcool
loobylou wrote:hey joel,
mock the week fan?

lol i dno who joel is but i do to, frankie boyle is soooooo funny
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:05 pm
by loobylou
I'm a muppet josh - I'm bouncing my baby on one knee and typing with my left hand so obviously couldn't get your name right!
Aargh must learn to multi task!
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:35 pm
by tannhaus
yarvin wrote:I'm not sure how important Jung or Joseph Campbell is to the series, but having listened to some of Tannhaus' "A Thelemite Speaks" series, I find that Crowley's most important concept translates directly into Jung's most important: Holy Guardian Angel == the Self.
Yarvin, I'm glad you enjoy my series. But, I wouldn't think that is Crowley's most important concept. As a matter of fact, Crowley would disagree with that statement...but many thelemites disagree with him on it. ... wt_43.html
Crowley's most important concept is the idea of Will. Thelema itself is Greek for "will". After all, there is the statement "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will." Without understanding what is meant by will, one is totally lost as to the meaning of that phrase. But, as indicated in the phrase itself, it is the most important and pervasive concept in Thelema.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:24 pm
by yarvin
tannhaus wrote:Yarvin, I'm glad you enjoy my series. But, I wouldn't think that is Crowley's most important concept. As a matter of fact, Crowley would disagree with that statement...but many thelemites disagree with him on it. ... wt_43.html
Crowley's most important concept is the idea of Will. Thelema itself is Greek for "will". After all, there is the statement "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love is the law, love under will." Without understanding what is meant by will, one is totally lost as to the meaning of that phrase. But, as indicated in the phrase itself, it is the most important and pervasive concept in Thelema.
Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me. I let myself be biased by the fact that the Self was Jung's most important. So, let me rephrase my statement:
One of Crowley's most important concept
s translates directly into Jung's most important: Holy Guardian Angel == the Self.
So now it's bothering me: Am I otherwise right in making that comparison?
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:26 pm
by yarvin
Lurker wrote:Nice. So maybe the 8 has something to do with perfection, completeness, or reaching a higher realm.
Is that not what
I said?
BTW, thanks to Thamus for that awesome analysis!
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:28 pm
by tannhaus
yarvin wrote:One of Crowley's most important concepts translates directly into Jung's most important: Holy Guardian Angel == the Self.
So now it's bothering me: Am I otherwise right in making that comparison?
Well, it's just that Crowley would disagree with you. Even though many thelemites equate the HGA with the higher self, Crowley did not. Check out that link I posted to and you'll see he came right out and stated he thought the two were different.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:53 pm
by yarvin
tannhaus wrote:yarvin wrote:One of Crowley's most important concepts translates directly into Jung's most important: Holy Guardian Angel == the Self.
So now it's bothering me: Am I otherwise right in making that comparison?
Well, it's just that Crowley would disagree with you. Even though many thelemites equate the HGA with the higher self, Crowley did not. Check out that link I posted to and you'll see he came right out and stated he thought the two were different.
OK, thanks for clearing that up, and I apologize for taking up your time.
However, it still occurs to me that the Creators are likely to have had more exposure to Jung's writings than Crowley's. And given that they are trying to create an amalgam religion in the Order, the Archetypes might provide touchstones for synthesizing all the elements coherently.
I guess we'll have to wait and see as more info about the Order is presented.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:05 pm
by tannhaus
yarvin wrote:OK, thanks for clearing that up, and I apologize for taking up your time.
You didn't. But, I agree that most of what Jung said can be found in Crowley's writings to some extent. They seem to validate each other.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:52 pm
by sagerbee
This is all getting to be very theological, to a point almost beyond understanding. I'm a bit lost why we're talking about Jung now, and, yes, I have read every page. It still baffles me. Would anyone mind sharing what is going on?
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:52 pm
by Gidget
Hey guys, #3 is LAMBDA + sigma NOT gamma + sigma

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:55 pm
by JHorrorFan
This is my first post, but I'm a long time lurker.
And...I just noticed that the numbers that correspond to the symbols actually seem to correspond to where the letter is in the alphabet
(e.g. Thetu+Mu 8 12. Theta is the 8th letter in the greek alphabet, Mu is the 12th, and so least according to this site:
I did this for all of the numbers, and got the same result.
On the bright side, the whole Gamma/Lambda debate has been settled once and for all:
It's a Lambda (11).
So...what do you guys think? Okay first post?
I just noticed that this was mentioned in the very first post! Aargh! Sorry guys!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:06 pm
by tiltingwindward
JHorrorFan, as you have noticed, this was mentioned in the first post, but if you figured that out by yourself, you're clearly thinking along the right lines. Welcome to the ranks of the non-lurking!
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:14 pm
by JHorrorFan
Thanks tiltingwindward!
I used to be a big numerology buff, so I'm off to sift through some of my old bookmarks, there must be something of use there...