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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:14 am
by Macabea13
Yeah, Since Op still wants Bree for the ceremony, it feels like they will have to prepare her again. Some people seem to be thinking that the shots and pills were to protect Bree, which may not be an issue for the Order any longer. I guess that could be true, but it would have to be explained in a reasonable way. I think she needed the shots to prepare then, so she should need them now, but who knows?
Oh and I hope she hasn't forgotten her Enochian. Obviously a kiss doesn't affect the purity bond though.
Weird video...?
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:18 am
by exanimatebylove
Sorry if this has already been posted. I haven't seen anything though. The newest video of Bree seemed very...weird. I don't know. The lighting, the quality of the video, the background..., the way Bree looked her hair, her outfit. It all seemed...odd to me. Anyone else sense this?
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:19 am
by SharpI
Lurker wrote:I wonder if I'm really the only one who sees the idea of an ending as a good thing? I love the series as much as anybody, but it seems like I'm the only one so far who has suggested them building toward an ending from here on would be fantastic.
Do I just have a different perspective on storytelling? I'd be interested in hearing some views from those who aren't as thrilled at the notion as I am.
It's inevitable that LG15 end, and a planned leave-on-a-high-note end is better than a fizzle-out jump-the-shark end, but I hope the ceremony is not the end. (And I doubt it will be.) The series isn't about the ceremony, it's about Bree.
So I would be disappointed if the series took on the sort of intense focus you described. Seems to me it would be shedding what made it unique in exchange for something that's on TV any day.
That said, I'm sure this ceremony machination will impart a certain momentum to the story for a while, and that will be welcome. If I were in Bree's position, I would think about Daniel and the ceremony and Lucy A LOT. But if Jonas accidentally throws me into the swimming pool (swoon) I would stop thinking about all that for a while. Life goes on, you know? LG15 is different because it's largely made up of all the little moments that traditional moviemaking cuts out, IMO.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:22 am
by HoorayForMeImMakingOut
Actually I agree. The first thing I noticed was that the lighting was way different. It almost seemed like she was holding a lamp in her lap.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:27 am
by Macabea13
Not to mention the total ambiguity of the location. There seems to be some reason that she is making the video without letting us see where she is. Could be paranoia now that she knows about Op Aphid, but it's a notable change. It kind of reminded me of the Where are My Parents video.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:28 am
by onsweetavenue
I kinda want to know more about the cult and the ceremony before it ends.
which is why part of me wants her to do the ceremony so i can see what they are going to do. hah.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:08 am
by 04SSHD
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:17 am
by mellie3204
OliviaMesco wrote:Here's my theory:
Bree explained in the video she saw ALL op's videos. That means she now knows about tachyon!
I think tachyon contacted bree, and explained a lot of things. Now bree and her are planning to get daniel back, and with tachyon's help, they can definitely save daniel.
Similar thoughts here also!! Though the way she acts in the video, I don't think he's contacted her yet, she seems too genuinely... lost. But the way she says despairingly "how do you fight an enemy with these kind of resources?"
With Tachyon, that's how! It definately feel like they're setting the stage for the appearance of the rebels to come and help.
(Also (just slightly OT) I love how they've officially crossed over the OpAphid/Tachyon storyline into the main game... really, it's about time. )
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:56 am
by Kasdeja
I hope she's been in contact with Tachyon.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:37 am
by spaciegirlreturn
robtomorrow wrote:By the way, it was thoughfull of Bree to do her eye makeup before recording this video, of course she needs to look her best when offering herself up for sacrifice.
Blondie did say, "Die young stay pretty". One never wants to kick the bucket without mascara.
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:12 am
by silvermoon
robtomorrow wrote:By the way, it was thoughfull of Bree to do her eye makeup before recording this video, of course she needs to look her best when offering herself up for sacrifice.
LOL! No matter what happens, she's still a 17 year old girl putting a video on the web for all to see.
Of course she's going to put on her makeup first!
And like many women/girls, makeup is like your warpaint. You feel stronger, more self confident when you have it on. I would never show up for a meeting, a confrontation or an evil satanic ceremony without putting my face on!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:20 am
by Steph1636
SharpI wrote:Lurker wrote:I wonder if I'm really the only one who sees the idea of an ending as a good thing? I love the series as much as anybody, but it seems like I'm the only one so far who has suggested them building toward an ending from here on would be fantastic.
Do I just have a different perspective on storytelling? I'd be interested in hearing some views from those who aren't as thrilled at the notion as I am.
It's inevitable that LG15 end, and a planned leave-on-a-high-note end is better than a fizzle-out jump-the-shark end, but I hope the ceremony is not the end. (And I doubt it will be.) The series isn't about the ceremony, it's about Bree.
I don't think that they would just end it at the ceremony. Most likely, Bree will do her cermemony, and what ever problems come from that, it will be solved in 2-3 weeks. Leading up to a conclusion blog where Bree comes out that she isn't 16 and an actress. SHOCKER

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:46 am
by silvermoon
I'd be a little mad if just as the Creators make some cash off the series (with the product placement) they called an end to the whole thing.
My question is: with Daniel captured/brainwashed/exposed as a baddy and Bree about to do the ceremony/setting up the Order for a major buttkicking from her and Tach, how the heck are they going to add CANDY into the story line, lol!
"Bree, do you take Satan as your husband, to breed satan babies with for all eternity?"
"Yes, I do, just to save Daniel, I do!"
"Here, have a tootsie roll."
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:59 am
by Marilee
silvermoon wrote:"Here, have a tootsie roll."
hahaha I was having an awful morning and that really made me smile. thanks

and your avatar is amaaaazing

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:10 am
by silvermoon
Marilee wrote:silvermoon wrote:"Here, have a tootsie roll."
hahaha I was having an awful morning and that really made me smile. thanks

and your avatar is amaaaazing

Thanks! Glad to have been able to put a smile on a bad morning (hope it gets better for you).
As for the avatar: it's allll about the Bree/Daniel satanic wedding, lol! Just have to figure out which one is actually bad....
I'm still hoping it's Bree.