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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:12 pm
by Ruberic
I'm beginning to realize that Oppy is one lazy witch! She is making US find the drop site for her?
At least my girl Tachy picked the spot, traveled there herself, and told us where it would be! Goes to show that Tachy is just classier than Oppy. (though, I think we all knew that already...didn't we?

Back on topic...
Sweetie...why does your map not connect site 1 with 2, then three? The blue line is not consistant with the numbering...or is that just me?
Second, based upon the fact that Jonas stated that the entire town basically hung out at the bowling alley, (and that placing the abandoned alley on the list was a mistake of Oppy [speaking of which...she needs better intell!]) Then Ukiah is very likely.
Question though: since none of these places have heard of "Pins and Pints", what questions are the foot patrols asking?
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:13 pm
by Ganesha
Oppy's YT profile has indeed changed. Kind of a written pimpslap advising to stop whining and start finding.
Clues and hints are for puzzles in the land of "make believe," but this isn't a game, children.
The task at hand is a recovery mission, and the time is NOW. You've been briefed with the data available. This narrows it to a short list of possible locations.
It's just a matter of determining which bowling alley is the one that the Wonder Twins have been referring to as "Pins and Pints." To do this, we have to recover what Mr. Beast left behind.
We applaud those of you who've put forth effort thus far... your actions prove both your worth and allegiance. At this point, there are only a few locations left to search.
Oh...and for those who cannot tackle a simple "grown-up" task without having their hand held...
I have a ball, perhaps you'd like to bounce it?
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:14 pm
by alysaface
gawd i love oppy.
so.. um..
west coasters, get your asses to the locales? yeah?
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:14 pm
by Kasdeja
Good question about what the teams are asking, Ruberic. Would it be out of line to suggest they pull a NikkiB and print some pics or randomgirl, Jonas and the Beast?
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:14 pm
by kayokosaeki
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:19 pm
by bethy
west coasters, get your asses to the locales? yeah?
Well, if nobody's got anything by the end of the day, the hubby and I could use a nice weekend drive up the coast.
I just would need to convince
him of that, first.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:20 pm
by alysaface
I would totally take a roadtrip, but it'd take me over 24 hours to get there =)
I can't believe more people didn't go a-searching yesterday.
but man oh man am i ever glad oppy is back!
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:28 pm
by Ruberic
Here is my problem with the trapesing around...
Without a plan on what to ask...or suggestions of where to look once you get to the bowling alley...we could visit the correct local 7 million times and still come up empty. We need a plan.
1. What to ask the management
2. What are we looking for SPECIFICALLY (Fake id? Thats it?)
3. WHERE does one look when there is no clue, and the managment is not helpful (If the creators and Oppy did not set something up with the mangament to play along...that means the item is hidden or painfully obvious that nobody but a player would touch it.)
Those are things we need to plan BEFORE anyone takes trips and vacations!
p.s. Showing pictures makes people nervous. They immediately think something is up, and become very sketchy unless they know why you are looking for them...EXPECIALLY a bar who could be held responsible for 1. selling to a minor, 2. selling to a noticeably intoxicated person that then later causes an accident.
Just my thoughts
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:29 pm
by Absynth
Ganesha wrote:Oppy's YT profile has indeed changed. Kind of a written pimpslap advising to stop whining and start finding.
Clues and hints are for puzzles in the land of "make believe," but this isn't a game, children.
The task at hand is a recovery mission, and the time is NOW. You've been briefed with the data available. This narrows it to a short list of possible locations.
It's just a matter of determining which bowling alley is the one that the Wonder Twins have been referring to as "Pins and Pints."
everyone thought the place would literally be called pins and pints or have a bar called that or some such... but oppys new prof update tells me its only a nickname D and J-Dog have for the place, its gotta be in a rural area, since i dont see them driving super far to just go bowling. so that should definately narrow down things.
stop trying to find "pins and pints" and just focus on the bowling alley. it IS meant to be a small goose-chase, but thats why we love Op. if she just showed us a pic of a bowling alley it would be too easy
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:32 pm
by bethy
Kasdeja wrote:Good question about what the teams are asking, Ruberic. Would it be out of line to suggest they pull a NikkiB and print some pics or randomgirl, Jonas and the Beast?
Okay...this is probably OOG.... but that's not going to work...since the "set" is in Los Angeles, guys. Nobody at these bowling alleys up north will have seen the actors unless one of the bowling alley employees is in the game. That's the only way I can see that working.
And even then, what employee is going turn over a lost ID to someone when it clearly doesn't belong to them?
Besides, Oppy hasn't directly said, "Go find Daniel's Fake ID" -- she said to go find something he left behind. We know Daniel said he lost his ID...but could he have left something else as well?
This reminds me of an episode of CSI...we need a forensics kit, STAT.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:32 pm
by Absynth
Ruberic wrote:Here is my problem with the trapesing around...
Without a plan on what to ask...or suggestions of where to look once you get to the bowling alley...we could visit the correct local 7 million times and still come up empty. We need a plan.
1. What to ask the management
2. What are we looking for SPECIFICALLY (Fake id? Thats it?)
3. WHERE does one look when there is no clue, and the managment is not helpful (If the creators and Oppy did not set something up with the mangament to play along...that means the item is hidden or painfully obvious that nobody but a player would touch it.)
Those are things we need to plan BEFORE anyone takes trips and vacations!
p.s. Showing pictures makes people nervous. They immediately think something is up, and become very sketchy unless they know why you are looking for them...EXPECIALLY a bar who could be held responsible for 1. selling to a minor, 2. selling to a noticeably intoxicated person that then later causes an accident.
Just my thoughts
IMO to pull off something of this magnitude, the PMs prolly paid the bowling alley owner, or at least let him/her know whats going on to make sure it was ok to do so. as a buisness owner, it would be a smart move to say "go ahead and tell kids to come here" = more buisness for bowling alley. so im sure if you approach the owner of the CORRECT bowling alley, all will be fine
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:35 pm
by Kasdeja
I really don't think this is just about the ID...I never mentioned that. And, maybe the pictures wasn't a good idea...but it was just a suggestion. We don't know for sure, like absynth said, that the PMs haven't contacted the owner of the bowling alley...they could have prepared somebody. Maybe not.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:37 pm
by Ruberic
I still think we are going about this like a bull in a fine-china store.
I suggest a plan to cover just in case...otherwise we are just chasing our tail. NEVER has there been another person other than those running the games in on a drop. I guess it is possible that they would start now...but I would not bet everything on it.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:37 pm
by itsreallyreal
Well here are some thoughts... Perhaps (with all the conjecture about the cell phone signal sound in the vid and the use of it to triangulate this position in the first place...) we should ask for a cell phone and/or idea when they arive...
Also... I think if it has nothing to do with actually ASKING the Bowling Alley anything... Perhaps the "Pins and Pints" reference will play a role in pointing out the "location" of the drop goodies in the parking lot or interior of the bowling alley like a locker or something...
OPerhaps some visual marker that will make sense when seen? I think it is interesting that even though pins and pints has no direct coralation to locating the bowling alley.. There is a chance it could be linked in THIS way...
On a side note... My friends and I call any golf course that has only 2 or less par 4's and the rest Par 3's a "Pitch and Put" so maybe that's all this was... Just a usual slang term for getting drunk in a bowling alley?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:38 pm
by sweetie55
Ruberic wrote:
Sweetie...why does your map not connect site 1 with 2, then three? The blue line is not consistant with the numbering...or is that just me?
It may just be you because I wasn't trying to put them in order from 1-7. I was going off Holly's idea of the numbers from the cards in the truth or dare video(2, 4, 7, 6, and 3). If you want I can make one from 1-7.