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Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:40 pm
by Maccaboy17
well if we are being strictly accurate about what a phrase means, hooked up not only means to have sex but to pay a prostitute to have sex with you, as a Prostitue is a Hooker, her activities are called hooking and to have used one is ot have hooked or hooked up, incidently the name come from General Joseph Hooker who was very fond of having prostotutes follow his army around)
I'm sorry ok now it thechinically offers no explanation, unles when daniel said bree said she needed him she was talking aobut money!
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:42 pm
by Absynth
betz28 wrote:Absynth wrote:this isnt relevant, but just reading the comments about this vid on youtube cracks me up.
edited: Nyquil makes me bad speller
that is funny!
i hope i dont get sued

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:42 pm
by iamcool
how do u know they never hooked up there own phoneline in the bedroom?
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:43 pm
by kayokosaeki
just watched it again. when daniel says "it's not what you think. it's really just been something i think we've wanted for a while," i think he said that more along the lines of "i wasn't taking advantage of her" and not "it's not what you think. it was only kissing, no sex."
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:47 pm
by Luv2Skydive
kayokosaeki wrote:just watched it again. when daniel says "it's not what you think. it's really just been something i think we've wanted for a while," i think he said that more along the lines of "i wasn't taking advantage of her" and not "it's not what you think. it was only kissing, no sex."
The more I think about it though, Danny Boy wouldn't even KISS and tell let along anything else, so it just doesn't fit. I call BS...and I bet the Order isn't buying it either.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:48 pm
by angie78gg
I cant help but wonder where I have been all day. I just now noticed the vid. I love it. It's about time...whether they did the deed or not, I am so happy for Daniel I cant stand it.... Oh yeah once I lost the big "v" everyone knew it......Cause I havent smiled like that since.

..Well here's to hoping atleast. WTG LOL
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:50 pm
by kayokosaeki
girlAnachronism wrote:Ah, cute. Bree + Daniel. *sigh* my inner romantic is terribly pleased. I hope Bree isn't using Daniel. (Bree, Daniel is cute and wonderful and cares about you. If you don't get to him first, Jonas might turn him!)
I would love this to be a trap, but, sadly, I doubt their cleverness.
bree sure as hell better not be using daniel. i might have to slap a b*tch if that's the case.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:55 pm
by Maccaboy17
kayokosaeki wrote:girlAnachronism wrote:Ah, cute. Bree + Daniel. *sigh* my inner romantic is terribly pleased. I hope Bree isn't using Daniel. (Bree, Daniel is cute and wonderful and cares about you. If you don't get to him first, Jonas might turn him!)
I would love this to be a trap, but, sadly, I doubt their cleverness.
bree sure as hell better not be using daniel. i might have to slap a b*tch if that's the case.

its strange you'd think that more people would be concerned aobut Daniel 'using' little miss innocent bree while the opersite reaction is that bree might have used our beloved daniel beast!
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:56 pm
by mushab00m
Katfish wrote:omegawoman wrote:Maccaboy17 wrote:
my guess Daniel and bree talked about something they didnt tell us about, and that the two came up with this video as a trap for the order by implying the breaking of her purity bond and trying to see what there reaction was, also to piss off her mother
I really hope you are right. I want Bree and Daniel together, but not like this. This is wrong, it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever after everything we already know about these two.
Yeah, I definitely agree with you. It felt almost like a slap in the face when I saw the title and description. Nothing against Bree+Daniel, but I can't believe Daniel would put a video like this if they really had sex. I think he's just intentionally hinting that they did. Besides, it's hard to believe Bree would have done it
agreed. When I saw the title, and who the vid was by, I got a little bit upset. Bree has always seemed timid and inexperienced, but apparently SHE's the one that instigated all this? And why would Daniel be so insensitive about such a subject?
It DOES sound like an elaborate plan to throw off the order.
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:58 pm
by Absynth
Maccaboy17 wrote:kayokosaeki wrote:girlAnachronism wrote:Ah, cute. Bree + Daniel. *sigh* my inner romantic is terribly pleased. I hope Bree isn't using Daniel. (Bree, Daniel is cute and wonderful and cares about you. If you don't get to him first, Jonas might turn him!)
I would love this to be a trap, but, sadly, I doubt their cleverness.
bree sure as hell better not be using daniel. i might have to slap a b*tch if that's the case.

its strange you'd think that more people would be concerned aobut Daniel 'using' little miss innocent bree while the opersite reaction is that bree might have used our beloved daniel beast!
you should read the comments on youtube. Daniel's practically gettin death threats
edited: reeeally bad speller
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 6:59 pm
by Maccaboy17
Absynth wrote:Maccaboy17 wrote:kayokosaeki wrote:
bree sure as hell better not be using daniel. i might have to slap a b*tch if that's the case.

its strange you'd think that more people would be concerned aobut Daniel 'using' little miss innocent bree while the opersite reaction is that bree might have used our beloved daniel beast!
you shopuld read the comments on youtube. Danelis practically gettin death threats

but in all fairness much of the you tube crowd were givng death threats before this video
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:00 pm
by Absynth
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:01 pm
by iamcool
Absynth wrote:Maccaboy17 wrote:kayokosaeki wrote:
bree sure as hell better not be using daniel. i might have to slap a b*tch if that's the case.

its strange you'd think that more people would be concerned aobut Daniel 'using' little miss innocent bree while the opersite reaction is that bree might have used our beloved daniel beast!
you should read the comments on youtube. Daniel's practically gettin death threats
edited: reeeally bad speller
haha i bet they are all off sad middle aged men who think she is real and think they have a chance with her
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:05 pm
by Friar
I just have to say that my respect for Daniel has gone way down. How in the world could he do this to Bree?! That's ridiculous, rude, cruel, and a thousand other words. She's going to see this video, and the sh!t will fly. I hope she beats Daniel to a bloody pulp!
Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:05 pm
by ViolinAddict
Holy freaking god. Daniel you rascal *austin powers music*