What if Bree is ALREADY pregnant? She wouldn't be starting to show yet. You see, my theory is that they DID go through the ceremony, but Bree lied and said they didn't so that Daniel would stop worrying and following her around. So, if the ceremony has been done, Bree could be carrying the "Demon Child!"
Oh, and JustAnotherLonelyGirl, if Daniel was chosen also, why do his parents totally ignore him, like they don't care at all? Why hasn't he been taught any of the religious concepts that Bree has?
Maybe he was intended to be used as a "test" for Bree, is what I'm saying. Like he would be an outsider and tempt Bree into "unpure" behavior. I don't know.
Again, just random suggestions.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
marbella wrote:
Oh, and JustAnotherLonelyGirl, if Daniel was chosen also, why do his parents totally ignore him, like they don't care at all? Why hasn't he been taught any of the religious concepts that Bree has?
justanotherlonelygirl wrote:
Maybe he was intended to be used as a "test" for Bree, is what I'm saying. Like he would be an outsider and tempt Bree into "unpure" behavior. I don't know.
maybe boys and girls are treated differently in the order. girls raised to be obedient and naive. boys raised to be independent.
Well, I think OpAphid is an entire branch of the Order. Therefore, it's a "they" or an "it" not a "she." But what you're thinking of is the spokesperson for OpAphid, who is indeed, a female.
I agree that women seem to have the higher up in the Order. The only male with seemingly any power thus far has been that creepy bald guy.. the 'deacon'.
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3
Some of the period talk made me think of the movie/book Carrie. When Carrie gets her first period in the gym locker room, she has no clue what's going on, and when she goes home, her mom attacks her and accuses her of having sinned because menstruation was a curse visited upon women because of Eve's sins in the book of Genesis...then she started quoting some religious texts and locked her kid in the closet. Maybe the Order has some similar view about purity, and a girl whose puberty somehow does not include menstruation is viewed as untainted. Maybe the shots were a form of birth control hormone that would prevent Bree from ever menstruating, guaranteeing her continued purity -- we know such a thing exists, so its not impossible.
Sexuality must also have something to do with it-- Gemma's crush on a boy who wasn't a member of the Order was already mentioned in this thread. I think it was brought up as an example of how kids in controlled homes are sheltered from outside society, but I think its real significance might lie in the fact that Gemma actually HAD a sexual attraction to someone and made this known to others. Maybe this is what disqualified her. Bree, on the other hand, has never mentioned having such an attraction to any person. I think I also recall from one of her early videos some kids accusing her of being inappropriately involved with a teacher because of her keen interest in science and participation in class. Of course this would suck for any kid, but maybe it was especially bad for her because if her parents or the Order would have believed the rumors, her status would have been lowered and she would have also been eliminated from the ceremony.
This also makes me wonder if her parents have a celibate marriage/relationship and her mother's been through the ceremony stuff too. Bree's not really theirs, we've never seen enough of them to get a feel for what their dynamic is/was together, so its a possibility.
Some of the information about levels of membership in the Order and Bree's parents reminds me of Scientology. I know it isn't really Scientology in the video, but what I've read about their practices indicates that followers must work their way up in the community to receive information about Scientology, and that much of what is common knowledge about their belief system now has come from high-level members who rebelled, left the community, and published their recollections online. Also in Scientology, if a person who is a member of the group has nonsubscribing relatives, friends, or significant others, they must either convert the nonbelievers or cut off contact with them. Maybe this is what the rule was in the Order, and the story about Bree's parents meeting and her mom's lecture on free will was the first step in converting an outsider to the Order's beliefs so that she could have a relationship with him.
What if Bree is ALREADY pregnant? She wouldn't be starting to show yet. You see, my theory is that they DID go through the ceremony, but Bree lied and said they didn't so that Daniel would stop worrying and following her around. So, if the ceremony has been done, Bree could be carrying the "Demon Child!"
Oh, and JustAnotherLonelyGirl, if Daniel was chosen also, why do his parents totally ignore him, like they don't care at all? Why hasn't he been taught any of the religious concepts that Bree has?
If it is Illuminati, then Daniel could have all the same knowledge as Bree but not know it....if he has seperate alters then each one knows things the others don't and each have different roles.
Maybe all the girls placed in controlled homes are taught or mind-controlled to believe that they should suppress their sexuality, or that they just shouldn't get involved sexually with anyone. Once puberty hits, most girls at least get curious about this sort of thing, and only the girls' whose brainwashing was successful and who exhibit no sex drive are allowed to participate in the ceremony. The failures may or may not be allowed to continue existing within the Order, but they are doomed to occupy positions of less importance in the community.
Also (sorry for so many posts, but I keep thinking of new stuff right after I hit submit :/) since there's so much consensus about the role of free will in the Order, I think that, after a certain age during or after puberty typically occurs, the girls are granted free will as a sort of test to see if their training and control actually created the persona that the Order desires. If we go with the idea that Bree and Gemma are examples of the type of girl selected for consideration, then they're clearly going to be articulate, charismatic, attractive individuals. They'd have no trouble attracting boys when thrust into social situations, even if their social skills are lacking. So maybe someone like Daniel was supposed to happen, even if Daniel himself wasn't somehow chosen by the Order to start a relationship with Bree.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:That part of the Carrie was so strange. It was pretty obvious that Stephen King had never experienced his first period.
I know :/
But he's a dude, whattya expect?
Right now, I'm really only focusing on the mom's reaction, not the circumstances under which Carrie got her period (though they were hardly...normal). Heh.
Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable talking to them one on one, face to face, but she is telling them bits and pieces through her videos, the same way she is giving us information.
On another note, I received birth control injections, in my arm, upper arm to be exact, and I did not have a period the whole time I was recieving them. I had to stop because they threw me into a state of total depression, a side effect which is very common. This could also explain some of Bree's behaviors.
I think Bree will come around in her own time, start getting serious and start kicking some butt. Maybe she will search for her real parents in order to get more answers.
Another thing I keep remembering is that Daniel's parent's are hands off. They really don't care where he is or what he is doing. This doesn't sound like loving "real" parents. I am coming more and more to the belief that Daniel also has a special purpose.
I'm already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth
omegawoman wrote:Bree is talking to Daniel and Jonas.
She knows they watch her videos.
Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable talking to them one on one, face to face, but she is telling them bits and pieces through her videos, the same way she is giving us information.
On another note, I received birth control injections, in my arm, upper arm to be exact, and I did not have a period the whole time I was recieving them. I had to stop because they threw me into a state of total depression, a side effect which is very common. This could also explain some of Bree's behaviors.
I think Bree will come around in her own time, start getting serious and start kicking some butt. Maybe she will search for her real parents in order to get more answers.
Another thing I keep remembering is that Daniel's parent's are hands off. They really don't care where he is or what he is doing. This doesn't sound like loving "real" parents. I am coming more and more to the belief that Daniel also has a special purpose.
I'm on birth control pills, so I do get a period, but the side effects I was warned about included loss of libido. So perhaps this was an intentional thing for Bree if she was getting them in the form of injection.
I'm thinking that if they intended for Bree to have a total loss of libido in addition to losing her period, she must have been on a consistently high dose of hormones, too, because my low-dose pills haven't damaged me in the way they would have wanted her to be. Maybe coming off these hormones and perhaps even experiencing PMS and menstruation suddenly would account for her moods.
Wow , maybe the Creators do value our input and this is indeed an interactive series. Many of us have theorized that Bree's mom is a higher-up in the Order, and now Bree tells us that she is. The same holds true for the chosen parents theory and the "Chosen One Bree" theory. I haven't gone back and read the previous posts yet, but I will do so and post my thoughts on those.